@jimmymansaray I’m sure it’s not an Independent Publisher issue. You might also ask Colin where he got it and if it had actually worked for him. I think I saw that snippet floating around last week. I think Colin has ultimately changed to the following instead: https://github.com/colin-walker/wordpress-blank-title.
It adds the kind of date/time stamp you’re looking for (or is modifiable with some research) and has the added benefit that micro.blog should ignore the time stamp and just import the_content() of your status update instead.
Honestly, I’d recommend going without a title if you can manage it. If you need something in your admin UI, you might try this suggestion as well: http://boffosocko.com/2017/05/04/title-less-status-updates-for-micro-blog/
I notice that https://baty.blog/ (also https://micro.blog/jack) is also using Independent Publisher to do somewhat the same thing.