Matt, it sounds just like the early days of blogging where someone would come up with a feature and folks would iterate on the idea and share code to improve the way the web works. I hope you do join the revolution. If you do go that route, there’s lots of great material (and support) at and I’ve documented a lot of my own pieces which are WordPress-centric at IndieWeb Collection. It’s kind of funny that you searched for “drafts” to find a post I made last night in the middle of the night!

A lot of my posts originate right in the traditional WordPress admin UI, but there are several kinds that use various bookmarklets or functionality like that of or similar services. And then, for the most fun, I’ve got a micropub endpoint on my website that also allows me to use a variety of micropub clients to post to my site. (I know a lot of people using Instagram in conjunction with OwnYourGram to micropub photos to their website as a particular example.) I suspect that in the coming years, micropub will become much more widely adopted and function much the way that early Twitter clients allowed people multiple ways of posting to Twitter. The difference is that micropub clients can be used to post to almost any platform because it’s an open standard.