Bookmarked Grow the IndieWeb with Webmentions by Amber WilsonAmber Wilson (
When I re-made my site with Eleventy, the pages didn't change much, but I had loads of fun adding new features. The most fun was webmentions and I'm here to convince you to add them! First, let me step back and explain why webmentions exist—the IndieWeb.IndieWeb Check out this official description...
Bookmarked Web Data Render by gpiresnt (

This website is a valid JSON!

Check the source code. Instead of the habitual HTML and CSS, you will see just a plain JSON with the website's information.

WDR is a format to separate the website's information and design.

The website is readily available to be consumed outside the browser via JSON, but also still presentable to users accessing through the web browser.

An interesing(?) idea, but there’s not much I can do with this page because of it’s structure. I’d need a huge amount of infrastructure to be able to parse and read this page with so many tools I use on a regular basis. Even my website parser chokes on it. Ugh…

While it seems nice in concept, it just isn’t compatible with much else on the web… What problem is this really fixing? I only see it making new problems.

Bookmarked Velox Theme by David WolfpawDavid Wolfpaw (GitHub)
Development repository for the Velox Theme for WordPress - davidwolfpaw/velox-theme

Cool! Looks like another IndieWeb friendly WordPress theme on the horizon. I’ll need to take a look at it soon.

David Wolfpaw in #80945 (THEME: Velox – 1.0.5) – WordPress Themes ()

Bookmarked Linguistic Profiling by John BaughJohn Baugh (Black Linguistics: Language Society and Politics in Africa and the Americas (Routledge))
The concept of "linguistic profiling" is introduced here as the auditory equivalent of visual “racial profiling.” We ultimately argue that linguistic profiling is more finely tuned to diversity among Americans than are dissatisfactory racial classifications that have been used in the courts and for controversial...
Thinking a bit this morning about the cognitive biases involved in dialect differences and how they impact racist ideas and help effect racist policies. John Baugh’s work on linguistic profiling seems like a good place to start. 
Bookmarked On the Media | Breaking News Consumer's Handbook | WNYC Studios (WNYC Studios)
Breaking news reporting often gets essential facts wrong. In fact, the rampant misreporting can be so common as to be predictable. And so, On the Media has developed formulas (with the help of experts) for how to spot spotty coverage. Rather than counting on news outlets to get it right, we're looking at the other end. We have some tips for how to sort good information from bad -- whether the breaking news is about a tragic mass shooting or a stock market crash, an epidemic or a rash of election polls. Below is our collection of Breaking News Consumer's Handbooks, and it's growing all the time. Each one comes with a printable PDF that you can tape to your wall the next time you encounter a big news event.
I’ve listened to many in this series over time, but there are a few I’ve missed and would like to revisit.