Annotated How to Highlight the Internet by Andrew Courter (Medium)
Screenshots are disposable, but highlights are forever.
Highlighting this sentence on the Highly blog (on Medium) ironically using I’m syndicating a copy over to my own website because I know that most social services are not long for this world. The only highlights that live forever are the ones you keep on your own website or another location that you own and control.

RIP Highly.
Viva IndieWeb!

👓 Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers | The Official Microsoft Blog

Read Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers (The Official Microsoft Blog)
Today, we announced an agreement to acquire GitHub, the world’s leading software development platform. I want to share what this acquisition will mean for our industry and for developers. The era of the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge is upon us. Computing is becoming embedded in the world,...
Not quite the pablum of the GitHub version of this announcement, but still in the same general ballpark. This one at least had some additional detail on things moving forward.
Spurred by some events over the past week or so, I’ve finally made some modifications to the Post Kinds Plugin to allow me to make explicit acquisitions posts on my website. I can now make public posts of purchases, gifts, found things, or objects donated to me. You can find them here:

I still need to do some clean up work, but generally they look reasonable enough.

You can force me to make a new one by giving me something off my wishlist.

Mozilla Acquires Pocket | The Mozilla Blog

Read Mozilla Acquires Pocket by Denelle Dixon-Thayer (The Mozilla Blog)
We are excited to announce that the Mozilla Corporation has completed the acquisition of Read It Later, Inc. the developers of Pocket.