🔖 ADN Finder

Bookmarked ADN Finder (adnfinder.herokuapp.com)
Looking for someone? Use the search above to find friends on Twitter, Micro.blog, Mastodon, and App.net. Want others to find you? Use the form below to add yourself.
If only there were a way to also add one’s canonical website…

🎧 Episode 16: @vanessa | Micro Monday

Listened to Episode 16: @vanessa by Micro MondayMicro Monday from monday.micro.blog

Vanessa Hamshere is a musician, a crafter, a photographer, and one of the “fountain pens, paper, and planners gang.” We talk about how online communities evolve and thrive, and how a good mix of technical expertise and interests helps everyone.

It’s nice to have a group of people from across the world with different interests. I love random conversations.

Vanessa gives Colin Walker and I an overly kind little shout out during the episode. I suspect she either knows more than she lets on or she’s got a ton of tenacity, because she has a very lovely site. Lately I noticed that she’s even begun delving into microsub clients and Indiepaper, which I have barely begun to scratch the surface of, so perhaps I’ll have to pick her brain a bit in return.

App.net archive

Bookmarked App.net archive by Manton Reece (manton.org)
Linkrot and the lack of permanence on the web is a recurring theme for this blog. In the final days as App.net was winding down, I wanted to put my money where my mouth was. I spun up a couple new servers and wrote a set of scripts to essentially download every post on App.net. It feels like a fragile archive, put together hastily, but I believe it’s mostly complete. I’ve also downloaded thumbnail versions of some of the public photos hosted on App.net.
Interesting to see that Manton Reece created an impromptu archive of all of App.net before it shut down.​​