Thanks Richard, this reminds me that I’ve been meaning to delve back into some of the blogroll functionality hiding within my WordPress install. It’s not as updated as it should be, but you can find mine at including a few subcategories of Indieweb (or related) folks, as well as an “open education” list which consists of people who are aware of or actively practicing Indieweb principles in the education space.
You’re also sure to find a handful of interesting tidbits at It may take some more manual labor, but you might find it useful to scrape for indieweb sites in one of these three locations (in decreasing order):,, or
If you’re looking for a relatively full-featured RSS reader for WordPress, I highly recommend the PressForward [ plugin. It doesn’t have some of the niceties I mentioned in Feed Reader Revolution [, but it’s a pretty good start for the integration piece, and it’s open. I’d written some thoughts about it here:
I don’t think he’d linked to it, but Colin Walker has a “beta” webmention plugin he built for his functionality which is on Github: