@dajbelshaw Noterlive is primarily a posting interface to Twitter (mostly for livetweeting though it could continue to add some of that functionality in the future) that gives you back your data. You would still want to pay some attention to your account for side conversations and replies as well as other conference activity. In many cases I use it primarily as a note taking tool to keep content for archival purposes after the fact.
For additional two-way interaction you could use WordPress plugins like Webmention and Brid.gy Publish to get the comments, likes, etc. back to your website. I’ve outlined a piece of that type of workflow here: http://boffosocko.com/2017/04/15/mentions-from-twitter-to-my-website/ (This might also be useful to you if you’ve left Twitter, but still want to know when you’re being mentioned without needing to log into Twitter to check it.)
Otherwise, you might also consider going full IndieWeb, in which case you could post everything directly from your website and syndicate to Twitter and then getting all the responses directly back to your site. Some of this depends on how much work you want to do to get the moving pieces working properly. You’ll notice this is roughly what I’m doing on my own site with you now. Example: http://stream.boffosocko.com/2018/dajbelshaw-in-future-if-you-prefer-to-keep-your-content

Syndicated copies: