IndieWeb-ifying by Chris Aldrich (Chris Aldrich | BoffoSocko)

I’ve spent some time over a few days this month to help IndieWeb-ify my local Pasadena online newspaper They can now send and receive webmentions and can backfeed their comments, likes, and other responses from their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

They can stand to improve their support for microformats v2 and do some more work on their h-cards and other related metadata, but the editor seems thrilled with the initial results–particularly having their conversations in other areas of the internet come back to the original article.

I know that individual journalists have brought their personal websites into the IndieWeb fold, but this may be one of the first online newspapers/magazines I’m aware of to begin using some of these principles and tools. With any luck and some testing, they could be one of the first journalistic enterprises to begin receiving “Read” posts of their articles via webmention! Update: read posts are working! See the first example here.

This is great news Chris! Our local print newspaper is moving online and perhaps I can convince the owner to build for the IndieWeb. I may not be able to help them but it’s worth a try.

You’ve inspired me to contact another online paper, Planet Princeton, to do the same. The owner Krystal Knapp hosts her website on WordPress.

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<h2><span>Author:</span> Khürt Williams</h2>

Gen X-er near Princeton University in Montgomery Township, New Jersey, with a passion for aquariums, terrariums, technology, and photography. I love hiking in the woods, and my eclectic musical tastes span soca, Afrobeat, calypso, 1990s rap, grunge rock, and alternative genres. <a href="" rel="author">
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