I’m curious if you could document the exact problems you ran into so that we can fix them in the future. Were there things you couldn’t find on the wiki? Was it bandwidth problems? Others?

I could not find a singlelocation with information on how attend the sessions.

This is the page I had in my notes: https://ti.to/indiewebcamp/indiewebcamp-online-2019. When I click the link in that page I get taken to Google Maps. It took me a while to realize I needed to copy/paste that link into a browser: https://indieweb.org/2019.Online. However, that link has no useful content.

I found this link in the IndieWeb wiki: https://indieweb.org/2019/Online. However, I didn’t see any links there that connected to live sessions. Clicked to https://indieweb.org/2019/Online/Schedule but didn’t realize those little arrows indicated video sessions.

Tossed my hands up and planned a day spending time with family. Perhaps, next time.