Replied to a tweet by GSV Steen Comer [Shunn SMF] (Twitter)

Thank you. I’m working on a piece right now about alternate/ rhizomatic modalities of communication in opposition to “social networks” and this is really timely.— GSV Steen Comer [Shunn SMF] (@mediapathic) December 13, 2019

I’d recommend taking a look at the Blogging Futures experiment using the blogchain idea.
The IndieWeb is using the idea of Webmention to allow site-to-site communication and commenting. This allows interesting things like Threaded conversations between WordPress and Twitter. Here’s a good recent example with the copy on my website and a separate copy on Twitter.
And finally there’s an interesting wiki experiment that Kicks Condor and friends are doing that is worth checking out if you didn’t dig deep enough into @AGWilsonn’s links to see it. (See the comments on that link for more details.)

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