(Meta: Welcome to my talk: I know it’s cheating & early, but I’m hoping a few presenters will borrow this method.)
My general thought was:
The only thing better than A WordPress and Education, Pedagogy and Research Conference on Twitter would be A WordPress and Education, Pedagogy and Research Conference using WordPress itself!
(Meta: Sure, post it to Twitter: but why not own a copy of your presentation on your own website when you’re done?)
So let’s give it a spin by providing an outline for how to accomplish it in true #IndieWeb & #DoOO fashion? Perhaps a few people might trying doing this year’s conference this way? Here’s an early #PressEdConf20 presentation to get the juices flowing.
(Meta: Hint for those on Twitter: I’m including links to my website, so you can get just a little bit more information than Twitter limits me to–oh, the fringe benefits of having one’s website where they’re not censored by the confines of the platform on which they’re creating!)
First, we’ll start off by making the humble presumption that you’ve got your own domain and an install of WordPress running on it. Hopefully this covers most #PressEdConf20 attendees.
(Meta: If it doesn’t there are lots of options: You could do something similar a bit more manually if you like using WordPress.com. You’ve also got a great community of people who could help you to better own your online identity and domain right here! I’ll bet our friends at Reclaim Hosting could help as well.)
Next we’ll want the Webmention Plugin (+Semantic Linkbacks) which will let our site communicate with other websites as well as to receive replies and reactions on Twitter with the help of Brid.gy. Install and activate both.
(Want to go deeper into the idea of what Webmention is and how one could use it? I wrote an article for A List Apart that goes into details.)

Image courtesy of A List Apart
One could manually syndicate content from WordPress to Twitter, but there are multiple plugins and ways to syndicate it. My favorite is the Syndication Links plugin, which we can use for syndicating to other services. Install and activate.
Next we’ll want an account on Brid.gy for Twitter. This will allow us to publish from our website to Twitter; it will also allow us to reverse syndicate reactions from #PressEdConf20 on Twitter back to our posts using Webmention.
(Meta: Publishing this way will require Microformats: Your theme will need the proper microformats support to use this method, but again other methods are available.)
Authenticate your website and Twitter account with Bridgy and enable Bridgy publish on your account page: https://brid.gy/twitter/username
In Syndication Links settings at example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=syndication_links
- Enable Syndication to Other Sites
- Enable Twitter via Bridgy
Add a custom provider using the following:
- name: XYZ pressEdconf20
- UID: XYZ-pressEdconf20
- target URL: https://indieweb.xyz/en/pressEdconf20/
Save the settings.

Now write all of your posts in your presentation as status updates (without titles) and include any media (photos, videos, etc.) making sure to mark up the photos with a class of u-photo in the HTML. Don’t forget the hashtag #PressEdConf20.
Set posts for one every minute. Use the SL Syndicate To meta box to syndicate your Twitter account and to the indieweb.xyz sub where everyone can find them (if they’re not following the proceedings via Twitter).
Others at #PressEdConf20 with Webmentions can reply to your posts on their sites. Replies will show up in comments depending on settings. Bridgy will also find responses to your content on Twitter & syndicate those back to your website automatically.
(Meta: Give it a whirl!: Reply to this post on Twitter to see it boomerang back to the comment section of my website.)

Those who are paying attention at #PressEdConf20 will see the value in webmention for allowing cross-site interactions without the need for “social media”. WithKnown, Drupal, Grav, and other CMSs are capable of doing this too.
(Meta: Ownership of your Open Pedagogy Anyone? Who needs invasive corporate social media to interact online now?)
With luck, I’ll have created this entire #PressEdConf20 presentation on my own website and syndicated it to Twitter without actually needing to visit Twitter itself. I’m around for questions. Thank you for your time and attention. [more…]
Those looking for more details can find documentation on the IndieWeb wiki at https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started_on_WordPress, or https://boffosocko.com/2018/04/27/setting-up-wordpress-for-indieweb-use/
I’m also happy to help people set things up and make alternate suggestions via video chat or you can find online help in the IndieWeb WordPress chat.
P.S. There’s still some time to submit your talk for #PressEdConf20. Since it’s all designed to be online from the start, I’m hoping it won’t be cancelled like all the other events lately.
(Meta: PressEdConf 2020: A WordPress and Education, Pedagogy and Research Conference on Twitter March 26, 2020)
Participating in PressEdConf20 directly from WordPress
I’m trying to leave a comment via webmention from my site to yours… However, I’m receiving a vague endpoint error. Have you been able to leave comments on sites of your friends to your website today?
Which site? Which post? Are you doing it manually? Do you remember the error message. I can also look at my logs. Generally I’ve gotten over 100 today, including yours here from Twitter, so I think things should be working properly.
Syndicated copies:
My site to your site, then your site to my site.
“Cannot Find Target Link”
Your screenshot provides the answer directly! There’s no link (URL) to my site or one of my posts you’re responding to in
. By the way, since you’ve got the Webmention plugin installed, it should find the URL and send the webmention for you without your needing to do so manually.My post on Webmentions gives a good overview of the process. Aaron Parecki also has a good primer on some of the basics for creating posts manually as well. If you’re a bookmarklet fan, you can use Ryan Barrett’s IndieWeb Press This tools, which are also built into the IndieWeb plugin.
Syndicated copies:
yep. That fixed it. I didn’t include your url in original post so webmention couldn’t authenticate that it was me or spam. 😀
Thanks! I hadn’t read those.
Your screenshot provides the answer directly! There’s no link (URL) to my site or one of my posts you’re responding to in your post. By the way, since you’ve got the Webmention plugin installed, it should find the URL and send the webmention for [more…]
yep. That fixed it. I didn’t include your url in original post so webmention couldn’t authenticate that it was me or spam. 😀
Your screenshot provides the answer directly! There’s no link (URL) to my site or one of my posts you’re responding to in your post. By the way, since you’ve got the Webmention plugin installed, it should find the URL and send the webmention for [more…]
yep. That fixed it. I didn’t include your url in original post so webmention couldn’t authenticate that it was me or spam. 😀
Last year I thought it would be fun to outline how people might use their #WordPress websites to ac…