If I understood your post correctly, you are looking for legitimate examples of people working with a Zettelkasten to produce output? And, that show their process online?

Here’s a list of people that I’ve bumped into while looking for paper Zettelkasten users.

Scott Scheper (you already know him)
Brain-Friendly Thinking (originally started digital, I believe swapped to paper recently, but the Zettelkasten is not the main focus of his channel)
Dave Hayes (released 3 videos a few years back, hasn’t uploaded since)

Man… There’s really not that many, and even less active ones. I think the Antinet is getting a resurgence, we can see that as this community is growing – I am hoping more people start posting about their knowledge development methods.

I guess a question for you now is: What’s the intention behind finding these people? Because if for you, it’s just to talk with them, I think this reddit community is probably the best place to do that. For newcomers to learn more and imitate others as they develop their own, then I think we just need more people posting publicly online about what they are doing.

Have you found any more people who work with an Antinet? Because I’d be curious to learn more about them.