We have a winner in @CJEller3.

It’s Roland Barthes in a well-known image taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson in 1963, around the time of the publication of Sur Racine.

Behind him are some hanging files along with several index card files (French: fichier boîte, German: Zettelkasten) containing his collection of notes that would eventually number over 12,250 by the time of his death in 1980.

Much as Niklas Luhmann did of his own zettelkasten (see: Communicating with Slip Boxes), Barthes considered his note collection a co-author or collaborator in his work.

More details and references in Wilken, Rowan. “The Card Index as Creativity Machine.” Culture Machine 11 (2010): 7–30.

Want to discuss it further? Meet me in the margins of @endotician‘s paper: https://docdrop.org/pdf/The-Card-Index-as-Creativity-Ma—Wilken-Rowan-upq8g.pdf/ where you’ll find a searchable portion of my own “index card file” notes courtesy of Hypothes.is.

Incidentally for those who would like it, and since I didn’t provide alt-text for the photo (on Twitter, accept my apologies), Wilken has a detailed description and lots of additional context for the photo.