@Medievalist A pleasure to meet you here!

I blame Manfred Kuehn’s note taking blog and the Marbach Exhibit of zettelkasten in 2013. Of cource the fleet of shiny new objects representing Roam Research, Obsidian, and Notion during the pandemic didn’t help people with perhaps too much time on their hands.

I’m curious where you learned your own practice (book? teacher? other?) How is yours organized (by traditional subject categories, chronological, project-based, other)? I’d suspect given your timeline and subject matter expertise, it’s certainly not based on Niklas Luhmann’s model. As a side project, I’ve been tracing the intellectual traditions of these practices back to some of their intellectual origins.

And finally Shwmae! Dw i’n falch o gwrdd â chi. I’ve been learning modern Welsh with an eye toward eventually delving into old Welsh for an orality-based thesis I’ve got. I’m curious if you have any favorite resources or books you particularly like for the “beginner”? (A question I’m sure you get every day… 😉)