Bookmarked Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi (TV Series 2020– ) (Hulu)
With Padma Lakshmi, Preet Bharara, Vera Chan-Waller, Scott Chang-Fleeman. In Taste the Nation, award winning cookbook author, host and executive producer Padma Lakshmi, takes audiences on a journey across America, exploring the rich and diverse food culture of various immigrant groups, seeking out the people who have so heavily shaped what American food is today. From indigenous communities to recent immigrant arrivals, Padma breaks bread with Americans across the nation to uncover the roots and relationship between our food, our humanity and our history - ultimately revealing stories that challenge notions of identity, belonging, and what it means to be American.

Sophie Gilbert in Padma Lakshmi’s ‘Taste the Nation’ Is a Trojan Horse – The Atlantic () #

Read Biden Transition Team to Begin Review of Federal Agencies (WSJ)
Joe Biden’s advisers are preparing for the president-elect to transition to the White house. This week, a group of policy experts assigned to every major government agency will begin laying plans to implement Mr. Biden’s agenda, according to a Biden transition official. The so-called agency review