Bookmarked Audible Stories (
Free stories for kids of all ages. Audible Stories is a free website where kids of all ages can listen to hundreds of Audible audio titles across six different languages—English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese—for free, so they can keep learning, dreaming and just being kids.
Nice that they’re providing this as a service to people for free. I’m impressed that they’ve even got titles in other languages including Japanese!
Bookmarked BigBlueButton - Web Conferencing System Designed For Online Learning (
Engage Your Online Students
BigBlueButton is a web conferencing system designed for online learning.
Looking for a professional solution for teaching remote students online?  BigBlueButton provides real-time sharing of audio, video, slides, chat, and screen. 
Bookmarked Saudade (Wikipedia)
is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent somethings or someones that one cares for and/or loves while simultaneously having positive emotions towards the future. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never be had again. It is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places, or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, and well-being, which now trigger the senses and make one experience the pain of separation from those joyous sensations. However it acknowledges that to long for the past would detract from the excitement you feel towards the future. Saudade describes both happy and sad at the same time, which is most closely translated to the English saying ‘bitter sweet’.
Bookmarked Podcast Creator Profiles (Podchaser)
Creator Profiles for all your favorite podcast hosts, producers, editors, guests, voice actors (and more) creating podcasts today. Podcast and podcast episode appearances for each creator.
This looks like a cool little service for following creators even when they’re not aggregating all of their content on their own sites. It still relies on a broader community of bookmarking for the discovery, but it’s an interesting interesting model and a cool directory, particularly if it can reach a larger scale. Seems like part of a potential answer to my question How to follow the complete output of journalists and other writers?

This is a lot like Huffduffer, but looks like it may have more users, but less actual functionality?

Bookmarked Type Scale - A Visual Calculator (

A type tool by Jeremy Church

How to Use

I like to enter the base font-size for paragraph text. Then I select from the surrounding values for headers and small text.

There are no rules. Just experiment and have fun. Try using the values for line-height, margins or whatever, and see what works.

hat tip: gRegorLove
Bookmarked MsgBored (MsgBored)
A simple anonymous ephemeral message board.
Everything eventually expires. Post contents are stored in memory. The maximum number of posts on the board is 1024. The maximum length of each post content is approximately 2048 code points (4096 bytes).
This page is live and auto-updating. Keep it open to stay in the loop.
via: Kicks Condor
Bookmarked Great Expectations (Serapis Classics) (
An ebook published using TiddlyWiki
An interesting example of a book published using TiddlyWiki as an ebook platform. It also enables highlighting and annotations to boot! I’m curious how well it works with given their anchoring schemes?
Bookmarked TiddlyBlink — TiddlyWiki with bi-directional linking (

TiddlyBlink is an adaptation of TiddlyWiki with the goal of helping you see connections between your ideas, and move quickly from one idea to another. It was inspired by the bi-directional linking found in Roam (, but built with capabilities already available in TiddlyWiki ( See my example file here.

If he hasn’t seen this, it seems like the sort of thing that Jack Baty would appreciate.

I wonder if he’s considered using to work with his TiddlyWiki? I’ve set it up with my MediaWiki set up, but still need to tinker with it on a public TiddlyWiki.