With work/scheduling, I’m going to pass on arranging the monthly DoOO Meetup for November, though I’d invite others to put one together.

In lieu, I’ll recommend people join me at the bigger IndieWebCamp East on Nov. 14-15, where I’m sure there will be lots of Domains related discussions.

It’s been eating at me for ages and I just never bothered to puzzle it out, but when typing Japanese, to get the smaller characters like small tsu that indicate a doubling of a consonant (like tt, pp, kk, etc.) just type your Japanese word in Romaji with the repeated consonant sound twice followed by the vowel and (hopefully) one’s IME  should show the small tsu with the correct follow up character.

So for “pretty” as kekkou, type ke-k-ko-u which transforms to けっこうautomatically.