For those of us wanting to leave Twitter and other silos behind and focus more on microblogging on our own domains, discovering new people to follow can be a little tricky. Manton Reece has a Discover tab on to find people, but the service is still in its infancy.
Colin Devroe suggested a #FollowFriday movement. I’ll start off with two bloggers I’m enjoying. Feel free to use webmentions for your own lists! Please correct me if anyone else has started this, I haven’t had great connectivity for the last few weeks.

Colin Walker: I talked to Colin a few times through the Indie Microblogging Slack. Not only is his blog interesting and original, he also helped me out with a few of my own microblog‘s functions and tweaks. I’m also inspired by his microcasting, something I’ve been putting off doing. He recently hit 1000 posts but I missed it until today! Thanks Colin!

Colin Devroe: The person who suggested a #FollowFriday should definitely be followed! The first thing I noticed about Colin’s blog was his use of Anders Noren’s Davis theme1. It looks like he has done a ton of work to get Davis functional for multiple post formats. Colin’s post about some features in iOS 11 was featured on Jim Dalrymple and Dave Mark’s The Loop.

I could also write more about a few other microbloggers like Jack Baty, Chris Aldrich, and Craig McClellan, but I’ll leave it to others to highlight theirs and other blogs.
We could also pick another day, but I love Colin’s idea. What do you all think?

I’m a former chronic WordPress theme window shopper.