I have been following with interest your questions and queries in the IndieWeb chat, especially in regards to WordPress. I thought it might be useful to document my workflow associated with Read Write Collect for you:
1. Start with a bookmarklet (desktop) or url forwarder (mobile) to begin the process.
2. Adjust the Post Kind response properties. This might include adding missing information and a quote. Lately – inspired by Chris Aldrich’s posts – I have taken to using HTML to add media or multiple paragraphs into the ‘quote’ box.
3. Copy the title from the response properties to the post title and slug. I also add an emoji to the title associated with the post kind. I used to just add the title, but had issues with the emoji being added to the permalink, so short of developing a theme-based solution that strips any emoji from the permalink, I have taken to manually creating the link.
4. Add content to the post, whether it be a reflection or further summary.
5. Add categories (‘contributions’, ‘creations’ or ‘responses’), tags (usually at least three) and feature images (where applicable)
6. Choose where to POSSE: G+ (Jetpack), Mastadon (Mastadon Autopost) and Twitter, Flickr and Diigo (SNAP). I tried Bridgy a while ago, but it never seemed to work. I probably should return to it, but like the flexibility to adjust posts using SNAP. I really wish that there was only one spot for all of them, but live with it for now.
7. If I manually POSSE (usually when replying to other posts), I return and add these to the syndication links.
I am sure I have missed aspects, but hopefully it helps.