📺 USB Audio FINALLY Works on Android! | YouTube

Watched USB Audio FINALLY Works on Android! (Recording Test - Shield Tablet Running Lollipop) from YouTube
It's Happening! True USB input and output has been one of the most requested and completely neglected features missing from Android. With Android 5.0, it's finally arrived! Let's take a look at a Shield Tablet hooked up to a USB Mic!

📺 Using WordPress to Build Your Website? | YouTube

Watched Using Wordpress to Build Your Website? from YouTube

If you're using Wordpress to build your clients' websites, you're using the wrong tool. Try Duda instead. It's the website platform that's designed to help agencies build websites at scale.

Your marketing might suck if you’ve got to attack your competition like this…

📺 Gene Editing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | HBO via YouTube

Watched Gene Editing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver from HBO via YouTube

Scientists are developing new ways to alter the genetic code of living organisms. John Oliver explores the risks, rewards, and wolf-related hazards of gene editing.

📺 Yacht Rock Episode 1 | Channel 101

Watched Yacht Rock - Episode 1 from Channel 101
Longtime Channel 101 bridesmaids J.D. Ryznar and Hunter Stair have finally entered Prime Time, and they've done it Batman style, straight through the skylight. Pilots that debut at #1 tend not to fizzle quickly; could Yacht Rock be a new House of C**bys?

📺 Scalar 2.0 — Trailer | YouTube

Watched Scalar 2.0 — Trailer from YouTube

Learn about the features of Scalar, refreshed with the Scalar 2.0 interface.

This is an intriguing looking tool for potential academic use. I’ll have to find some time to download it and play around.

📺 IndieWeb Summit 2018 Green Room #nonprofit | YouTube

Watched IndieWeb Summit 2018 Green Room #nonprofit from YouTube

Discussing a non-profit org to benefit IndieWeb and the indie web

Playing catch up on some of the sessions I wish I’d had time to be at in person.

There are several ways of doing the non-profit thing in this venue. Many of them don’t bring a lot of additional benefit however. One could set up a side foundation to help on the fundraising and spending side, but as a group, I suspect we’re more than fine for right now.

📺 Closing the loop on feedback using Hypothesis annotations | YouTube

Watched Closing the loop on feedback using Hypothesis annotations by W. Ian O'Bryrne from YouTube
Really excited about the possibility of moving closer to my dream of a transparent, revision trail of audits, edits, and feedback in my online writing.
The posts I discuss: