👓 KateAllDay tweeted TW: Rape, all terrible things So I need to tell a story.

Read Twitter thread by Yes Im A Fire SignYes Im A Fire Sign (Twitter)
A painful thread

👓 Using <details> tags for HTML-only UI toggles | Jamie Tanna

Read Using <details> tags for HTML-only UI toggles by Jamie Tanna (jvt.me)
If you usually reach for JavaScript when trying to create show/hide toggle on elements, this post is for you. This post is a reply to the tweet by Jake VanderPlas: Github tip: you can use <details></details> tags in @github markdown to add collabsible/expandable content: pic.twitter.com/Pco0KRx2De — Jake VanderPlas (@jakevdp) May 4, 2018
This is pretty cool. I could see myself overusing these too!

👓 On Reading Feeds #Indieweb Style | Ton Zijlstra

Read On Reading Feeds #​Indieweb Style by Ton Zijlstra (zylstra.org)
This is a quick exploration of my current and preferred feed reading patterns. As part of my activities, for Day 2, the hack day, of IndieWebCamp Utrecht. I currently use a stand alone RSS reader, which only consumes RSS feeds. I also experiment with TinyTinyRSS which is a self-hosted feed-grabber a...

🔖 PHP with MySQL Essential Training: 1 The Basics – Welcome | LinkedIn Learning

Bookmarked PHP with MySQL Essential Training: 1 The Basics - Welcome (LinkedIn Learning)
PHP is a popular programming language and the foundation of many smart, data-driven websites. This comprehensive course from Kevin Skoglund helps developers learn to use PHP to build interconnected webpages with dynamic content which can pass data between pages. Learn how PHP can simplify the creation of forms, read and validate form data, and display errors. Kevin also covers the fundamentals of MySQL and how to use PHP to efficiently and securely interact with a database to store and retrieve data. Throughout the course, he provides practical advice and offers examples of best practices.
Greg, I can’t find it now, but you mentioned something recently (?) about potentially working your way through this course. I’m game to work though it (or something similar) with you if you want to put together a study group…

👓 Implementing h-feed, and making all site content discoverable | Jamie Tanna

Read Implementing h-feed, and making all site content discoverable by Jamie Tanna (jvt.me)
With this announcement, I have two great pieces of news. The first, is that you'll now be able to follow my website's h-feed, which is a microformats2 structure for a feed of data. This is in addition to my RSS feed (/feed.xml) and my JSON feed (/feed.json), and will allow further interoperability with the IndieWeb.

👓 Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? | The New Yorker

Read Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? by Cal Newport (The New Yorker)
Alongside these official responses, a loose collective of developers and techno-utopians that calls itself the IndieWeb has been creating another alternative. The movement’s affiliates are developing their own social-media platforms, which they say will preserve what’s good about social media while jettisoning what’s bad. They hope to rebuild social media according to principles that are less corporate and more humane.
Excited to see that the IndieWeb “hobby” I’ve been spending a lot of my time on for the past few years has made it into The New Yorker!
Liked a tweet by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (Twitter)
Liked a tweet by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (Twitter)

👓 Are you ready to share your OPML? | Dave Winer

Read Are you ready to share your OPML? by Dave Winer (Scripting News)
Imagine if there were a database of feeds we all subscribed to, and we could get recommendations of new feeds to follow, based on what we already follow.That's the idea behind Share Your OPML, a service I started in 2006. The story of SYO is one of success followed by scaling issues. Now we have better technology so it should scale better.Help us get it started by:1. Export your subscription list in whatever RSS reader or podcast client you use.2. Upload it to the new SYO site. (It's simple, just sign in with Twitter and drag-drop your OPML on the gray box. Takes less than a minute.)If you have questions, post a comment here.&nbsp;Dave