I get a LOT of value out of using Hypothes.is, but one of my favorite parts is having the RSS feeds of about a dozen interesting peoples’ H feeds piped into my reader. I get not only interesting things to read, but highlights and annotations of the best of it all.
The general format for feeds to subscribe to is https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?user=XYZ.  As an example my personal feed is at https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?user=chrisaldrich. Some of my other favorites are judell, actualham, nateangell, mpelzel, mrkrndvs, jgmac1106, and jeremydean.
(By the way, you can do a similar thing for tag topics like: https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?tag=OER.)
I wish that the system had some more social features to make discovery and following of friends and colleagues easier, but doing it the hard way sort of makes it that much more valuable.
Who are you following there? Which other interesting Hypothes.is users should I be following? Do let me know.

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