Why do quarter-sawn oak or rich Corinthian leather when you can have your own 500 pound 20 gauge bomb-proof steel monolith?! (Though to be honest, I do have two lush wooden Shaw-Walker and Remington-Rand desktop boxes.)

I do organize primarily by date (year, month, day), though that isn’t specifically shown in these photos, but my current collection only spans 2022/2023 so far. When I’m done refurbishing my cabinet, I’ll have individual drawers for almost anything I could want for the rest of my life.

Most of my bujo-related cards are individual days, but I also keep monthly cards with upcoming events and longer term to do tickler items (which prevents me from needing a more dedicated “Future” card. I’ve done “Monthly Spread” cards with a mini calendar and big reminders, but usually find it’s easier to just put these onto future daily cards anyway. Almost any page/sub-page or spread in a bullet journal could be its own index card.

Types of Cards:

  • Daily cards (one card per day)
  • Monthly card with priorities and projects
  • Gridded cards for tracking a handful of regular items (exercise, health, etc.)
  • Grocery list card for accumulating items for shopping
  • Project cards with titles and usually lists of project steps
  • 4 Eisenhower matrix cards, with graded priority to do items (I usually make a new set every month or so depending on how busy they get, the titles of these can be seen in the first photo of the original post.)
  • 4 cards with lists of items I want to read (books/magazines), watch (tv/movies), listen (podcasts, other), or learn (subjects/topics).
  • Weekly expenses/purchases card

At a minimum I’m always carrying today’s card, but frequently have two monthly tracking cards, yesterday and tomorrow’s cards, and the Eisenhower matrix cards. Most of the rest are at my desk, but are easily portable when necessary.

I also describe some additional high level organization in the response to a related question.

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