The following javascript-based bookmarklet is courtesy of Tantek Çelik as an Indieweb tool he built at IndieWebCamp NYC2:
If you view a single photo permalink page, the following bookmarklet will extract the permalink (trimmed), photo jpg URL, and photo caption and copy them into a text note, suitable for posting as a photo that’s auto-linked:
javascript:n=document.images.length-1;s=document.images[n].src;s=s.split('?');s=s[0];u=document.location.toString().substring(0,39);prompt('Choose "Copy ⌘C" to copy photo post:',s+' '+u+'\n'+document.images[n].alt.toString().replace(RegExp(/\.\n(\.\n)+/),'\n'))Any questions, let me know! –Tantek
If you want an easy drag-and-drop version, just drag the button below into your browser’s bookmark bar.
Editor’s note: Though we’ll try to keep the code in this bookmarklet updated, the most recent version can be found on the Indieweb wiki thought the link above.
@ChrisAldrich … +++ … your choice of sample subject image there …
@ChrisAldrich Your button didn’t seem to be draggable in the browsers I tried. I don’t have Firefox on here so I haven’t tried that.
@TechLifeWeb, thanks! I had some sanitization (on publish) that seemed to break it for some browsers. Should be fixed now.
@TechLifeWeb, thanks! I had some sanitization (on publish) that seemed to break it for some browsers. Should be fixed now.
Instagram is a popular photo and short video hosting silo most well known for square photos that have been processed with an image filter.