Here’s a bit of a time lapse of the work:
I sometimes use one of the four typewriters behind my desk for logging. (Another benefit of using cards.) I put in a new card in the morning and add/cross out as I go throughout the day. I often use one of the other typewriters to write out slightly longer mini-diary entries about particular things as I go. This helps me get away from computer screens, even if it’s only for short breaks throughout the day.
Happy to answer any questions people have about the practice. (Prior AMA here.)
Anderson Business Technology, a fixture in Old Pasadena since 1912, joins Advanced Imaging Solutions
The third generation family-run business is being sold to an independent owner operated business. The new owners do have an appreciation for vintage machines and will likely continue their relationship with typewriter repair person Pedro Diaz, who although partially retired, still repairs mechanical typewriters for the company. It’s already been several years since the store has gotten rid of their old dunk tanks and flammable cleaning equipment on site.
The vintage typewriters on display at the store, including an original Sholes and Glidden, have been catalogued and will stay within the Anderson family. The family currently hasn’t decided what will happen to the collection though donation to museums or possible auction might be considered in the coming months following the transition of the company. Until a decision is made, likely after September or much later this year, the typewriters on display in their Old Town Pasadena location will remain at the shop.
If you’re in the area and curious to see their collection, try making an appointment after mid-August (following a family wedding) when the transition handoff will hopefully have settled down a bit and you better catch employee attention.
Today’s office. We’ve got a newly finished Shaw-Walker filing cabinet and a 1955 Royal HH standard typewriter.
When I clean my type slugs, I only use bourbon.
I usually type up a short introduction card for the handful of typewriters sitting around the house so that visitors will have an idea of what they’re appreciating. It’s almost like having a museum card on a work of art, but usually mine have a call to type on them. Naturally there are either index cards or paper close at hand to encourage both touching and typing.
Above is the brief introduction to the 1955 Royal HH I finished repairing, cleaning out, and re-assembling today.
Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their party.