
This is a list of websites and blogs to which I'm subscribed to or following in my reader. This is part of my continuing progress for both owning and improving my own personal following list, ideally in an easy-to-use and portable format that will work in many types of readers. It's also part of a set of experiments I'm running to improve on the web functionality known as blogrolls from the early days of blogging.

This page is a work in progress and is designed to update itself over time as new feeds are added and/or updated.

As of November 2017 this page only includes a growing subset of direct websites I'm following and not individual social media presences for people or companies.

OPML & OPML Subscriptions

If you would like to import any of these websites' feeds into your own feed reader or your reader allows subscribing via OPML, you can utilize the links to OPML files below. Note that if you're able to subscribe to the OPML, when these lists update, your subscription should be synced/updated automatically as well. Inoreader specifically offers this type of functionality and other readers may as well.

For quick reference, below are links to the specific OPML files for the following categories within my larger OPML file for those who'd like to subscribe to subsections:

Following Me

If you'd like details on subscribing to me or my particular feeds in a variety of ways, please see my subscribe page.


  • Jeremy Keith (Adactio) A web developer and author living and working in Brighton, England. Jeremy Keith (Adactio) - A web developer and author living and working in Brighton, England.
  • Tantek Çelik Inventor, writer, teacher, runner, indieweb coder Tantek Çelik - Inventor, writer, teacher, runner, indieweb coder
  • Aaron Parecki I’m Aaron, co-founder of IndieWebCamp. I maintain, write and consult about OAuth, and am the editor of the W3C Webmention and Micropub specifications, and co-editor of WebSub. Aaron Parecki - I’m Aaron, co-founder of IndieWebCamp. I maintain, write and consult about OAuth, and am the editor of the W3C Webmention and Micropub specifications, and co-editor of WebSub.
  • Kevin Marks WithKnown stream Kevin Marks - WithKnown stream
  • Ben Werdmüller Humanist technologist. Equality and adventures. Co-founder of Known and Elgg. Ben Werdmüller - Humanist technologist. Equality and adventures. Co-founder of Known and Elgg.
  • Ryan Barrett Ryan Barrett
  • Matthias Pfefferle A weblog about the open, portable, interoperable, social, synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, decentralized, independent, microformatted and federated social web Matthias Pfefferle - A weblog about the open, portable, interoperable, social, synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, decentralized, independent, microformatted and federated social web
  • David Shanske WordPress+Indieweb=Awesomeness David Shanske - WordPress+Indieweb=Awesomeness
  • Martijn van der Ven #indieweb IRC fleet commander. Public outreach for everything #indieweb and #microformats. Martijn van der Ven - #indieweb IRC fleet commander. Public outreach for everything #indieweb and #microformats.
  • Marty McGuire A freelance web developer in Baltimore, MD. Can also be found tinkering with electronics, 3D printing, and performing improv comedy. Marty McGuire - A freelance web developer in Baltimore, MD. Can also be found tinkering with electronics, 3D printing, and performing improv comedy.
  • Dr. Amy Guy Dr. Amy Guy
  • Malcolm Blaney A software developer living in Brisbane Australia. Malcolm Blaney - A software developer living in Brisbane Australia.
  • Jack Jamieson PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. My research investigates how underlying infrastructures and platforms affect online communication. Jack Jamieson - PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. My research investigates how underlying infrastructures and platforms affect online communication.
  • Chris Aldrich Biomedical and Electrical Engineer. Thoughts on science, research, abstract mathematics, information theory, microbiology, IndieWeb, DoOO, education, and the entertainment industry Chris Aldrich - Biomedical and Electrical Engineer. Thoughts on science, research, abstract mathematics, information theory, microbiology, IndieWeb, DoOO, education, and the entertainment industry
  • Kristof De Jaeger On art, music, mobile, drupal, stars, flying things and planets Kristof De Jaeger - On art, music, mobile, drupal, stars, flying things and planets
  • Rosemary Orchard I’m a nerd all over the internet, and I beta test nearly every app I can! Rosemary Orchard - I’m a nerd all over the internet, and I beta test nearly every app I can!
  • Furry A Seattle-based programmer/musician who makes games, comics, and bad decisions. Furry - A Seattle-based programmer/musician who makes games, comics, and bad decisions.
  • David Shanske (YouTube) David Shanske (YouTube)
  • Jacky Alciné Independent owner and lead developer of :fist: based out of :city_sunset: Oakland, CA, (KKK)/USA. Jacky Alciné - Independent owner and lead developer of :fist: based out of :city_sunset: Oakland, CA, (KKK)/USA.
  • Jeremy Cherfas Biologist, podcaster, science communicator, writer, food enthusiast, baker, all around good guy Jeremy Cherfas - Biologist, podcaster, science communicator, writer, food enthusiast, baker, all around good guy
  • Jeremy Cherfas (Known) Biologist, podcaster, science communicator, writer, food enthusiast, baker, all around good guy Jeremy Cherfas (Known) - Biologist, podcaster, science communicator, writer, food enthusiast, baker, all around good guy
  • Jeena Paradies Software engineer and wannabe computer scientist. Jeena Paradies - Software engineer and wannabe computer scientist.
  • Sebastian Greger Sociologist and Interaction Designer Sebastian Greger - Sociologist and Interaction Designer
  • Tom Morris Discussing software, the web, politics, sexuality and the unending supply of human stupidity. Tom Morris - Discussing software, the web, politics, sexuality and the unending supply of human stupidity.
  • Marcus Povey  Technology Strategist, Hacker, Wanderer. Have laptop, will travel. Marcus Povey - Technology Strategist, Hacker, Wanderer. Have laptop, will travel.
  • Neil Mather Keyboard shortcut enthusiast. Great ape. Tech+data at the @RestartProject. Neil Mather - Keyboard shortcut enthusiast. Great ape. Tech+data at the @RestartProject.
  • Kevin Marks His main website with larger articles Kevin Marks - His main website with larger articles
  • Peter Molnar I’m dreamer, sysadmin, former embedded & web developer. A Hungarian, living in the UK, wishing for United Europe, trying to generate less and less waste and fixing whatever is broken. Peter Molnar - I’m dreamer, sysadmin, former embedded & web developer. A Hungarian, living in the UK, wishing for United Europe, trying to generate less and less waste and fixing whatever is broken.
  • Pelle Wessman Pelle Wessman
  • Kevin Marks Epeus’ epigone Kevin Marks - Epeus’ epigone
  • gRegor Morrill a.k.a. gRegorLove. I’m all about music, faith, computer geekery, friends, and liberty. gRegor Morrill - a.k.a. gRegorLove. I’m all about music, faith, computer geekery, friends, and liberty.
  • This Week in IndieWeb A weekly digest of activities of the IndieWeb community. It contains recent and upcoming events, posts from IndieNews, and a summary of wiki edits, sent out Fridays at 2pm Pacific time. This Week in IndieWeb - A weekly digest of activities of the IndieWeb community. It contains recent and upcoming events, posts from IndieNews, and a summary of wiki edits, sent out Fridays at 2pm Pacific time.
  • An IndieWeb Podcast A podcast of topics relating to the IndieWeb An IndieWeb Podcast - A podcast of topics relating to the IndieWeb
  • Kicks Condor Microchips and mods gratify me greatly Kicks Condor - Microchips and mods gratify me greatly
  • Ana R a front end developer in London. I started developing for the web over 10 years ago, as a hobby. I am interested in ethics, indie web, sustainability and cats. Ana R - a front end developer in London. I started developing for the web over 10 years ago, as a hobby. I am interested in ethics, indie web, sustainability and cats.
  • Jean MacDonald Community mgr. at  @microdotblog ; podcaster:  @voyager_cast ,  @SestraCast ,  @theweeklyreview ;  @Lyft  driver;  @AppCamp4Girls  founder; guinea pig concierge; She/her. Jean MacDonald - Community mgr. at @microdotblog ; podcaster: @voyager_cast , @SestraCast , @theweeklyreview ; @Lyft driver; @AppCamp4Girls founder; guinea pig concierge; She/her.
  • Calum Ryan I design, build and write about stuff for the web. Calum Ryan - I design, build and write about stuff for the web.
  • Sebastiaan Andeweg Schreef verhalen nu code. Blogt soms. Microblogt vaker. Zie | English tweets at  @sebandeweg Sebastiaan Andeweg - Schreef verhalen nu code. Blogt soms. Microblogt vaker. Zie | English tweets at @sebandeweg
  • Ru Singh an in­de­pen­dent front-end web de­vel­oper who works with sta­tic site gen­er­a­tors, React, and WordPress. Ru Singh - an in­de­pen­dent front-end web de­vel­oper who works with sta­tic site gen­er­a­tors, React, and WordPress.
  • IndieWebCamp Videos on Internet Archive Videos from IndieWebCamp IndieWebCamp Videos on Internet Archive - Videos from IndieWebCamp
  • Daniel Goldsmith Father, Tinkerer, Indieweb Enthusiast. Writer of influential words. Probably a commahnist. Daniel Goldsmith - Father, Tinkerer, Indieweb Enthusiast. Writer of influential words. Probably a commahnist.
  • Sebastian Kippe Sebastian Kippe
  • Marcus Povey Seeing something I haven’t seen before, building something that never existed before. Collecting new skills and experiences like precious shinies. Technology Strategist & @elgg expert, occasional @withknown contributor, Hacker, Wanderer. Marcus Povey - Seeing something I haven’t seen before, building something that never existed before. Collecting new skills and experiences like precious shinies. Technology Strategist & @elgg expert, occasional @withknown contributor, Hacker, Wanderer.
  • Alexandra Kearney A PhD student studying Computer Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and prosthetics.  When I’m not playing with robots, I hang out with the indieweb community, drink tea, and scubadive. Alexandra Kearney - A PhD student studying Computer Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and prosthetics. When I’m not playing with robots, I hang out with the indieweb community, drink tea, and scubadive.
  • Michael Bishop Chef, web mechanic, general mayhem maker. Michael Bishop - Chef, web mechanic, general mayhem maker.
  • Percolator (Aaron Parecki) Microcast about IndieWeb related topics by Aaron Parecki Percolator (Aaron Parecki) - Microcast about IndieWeb related topics by Aaron Parecki
  • Frank Meeuwsen Digging the digital –Full of blogdrift. (Dutch) Frank Meeuwsen - Digging the digital –Full of blogdrift. (Dutch)
  • Eddie Hinkle Believer, Husband, Software Engineer. Eddie Hinkle - Believer, Husband, Software Engineer.
  • Johan Bové Front-end developer and senior Web Consultant at Deloitte Digital in Düsseldorf, Germany. Johan Bové - Front-end developer and senior Web Consultant at Deloitte Digital in Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • IndieWebCamp Youtube Channel for Indiewebcamp Events. Live and Recorded Feed from Various IWC Events IndieWebCamp - Youtube Channel for Indiewebcamp Events. Live and Recorded Feed from Various IWC Events
  • Brian Schrader I’m an independent software developer living in San Diego, CA. This site is my little home on the internet where I go on (and on) about things that are important to me.  I own and run SkyRocket Software, my indie software company. Brian Schrader - I’m an independent software developer living in San Diego, CA. This site is my little home on the internet where I go on (and on) about things that are important to me. I own and run SkyRocket Software, my indie software company.
  • Brian Schrader (microblog) Brian Schrader (microblog)
  • Will Stedden just your standard information identity spacetime field Will Stedden - just your standard information identity spacetime field
  • Max Böck developer, designer, musician · front-end dev  @codista_  · co-organizer  @wearewebclerks  conf · writes about #HTML, #CSS, #IndieWeb · he/him Max Böck - developer, designer, musician · front-end dev @codista_ · co-organizer @wearewebclerks conf · writes about #HTML, #CSS, #IndieWeb · he/him
  • Amber Case Studies the interaction between humans and computers and how our relationship with information is changing the way cultures think, act, and understand their worlds. Amber Case - Studies the interaction between humans and computers and how our relationship with information is changing the way cultures think, act, and understand their worlds.
  • Colin Devroe Reverse engineer. Blogger. Colin Devroe - Reverse engineer. Blogger.
  • AJ Jordan Coder, primary maintainer of AJ Jordan - Coder, primary maintainer of
  • Will Norris Will Norris
  • Matthias Ott Independent user experience designer and user interface engineer Matthias Ott - Independent user experience designer and user interface engineer
  • Florian Weil researching, developing and teaching new kinds of interaction designs for bridging the gap between the analog and digital world Florian Weil - researching, developing and teaching new kinds of interaction designs for bridging the gap between the analog and digital world
  • Peter Stuifzand Peter Stuifzand
  • Chris McLeod Chris McLeod
  • Jan Boddez Hi there! I’m Jan, a thirtysomething mechanical engineer, amateur guitarist, and web standards, WordPress and Laravel enthusiast from Belgium, and this is my personal blog. Jan Boddez - Hi there! I’m Jan, a thirtysomething mechanical engineer, amateur guitarist, and web standards, WordPress and Laravel enthusiast from Belgium, and this is my personal blog.
  • Barry Frost A web developer and manager, working in Windsor and London. I live in a village in Surrey with my wife and two boys. Works at as CTO. Barry Frost - A web developer and manager, working in Windsor and London. I live in a village in Surrey with my wife and two boys. Works at as CTO.
  • Lewis Cowles A software engineer, former digital architect & CTO, current small business owner, but primarily an expert in ensuring software helps people Lewis Cowles - A software engineer, former digital architect & CTO, current small business owner, but primarily an expert in ensuring software helps people
  • Tony Burns Software Engineer • Author • Photographer Tony Burns - Software Engineer • Author • Photographer
  • James Gallagher Writes codes and words. Drinks coffee. Lives life. James Gallagher - Writes codes and words. Drinks coffee. Lives life.
  • Jan Boddez a thirtysomething mechanical engineer, amateur guitarist, and web standards, WordPress and Laravel enthusiast from Belgium, and this is my personal blog. Jan Boddez - a thirtysomething mechanical engineer, amateur guitarist, and web standards, WordPress and Laravel enthusiast from Belgium, and this is my personal blog.
  • Collin Donnell iOS and Mac Developer, Podcaster Collin Donnell - iOS and Mac Developer, Podcaster
  • Ben Werdmüller Open Source & Ethical Technology (Medium) Ben Werdmüller - Open Source & Ethical Technology (Medium)
  • Jen Lampton Drupal & Backdrop Blog Jen Lampton - Drupal & Backdrop Blog
  • Lifestream Blog A blog about Lifelogging, Quantified Self, Digital Legacy and Personal Data Lifestream Blog - A blog about Lifelogging, Quantified Self, Digital Legacy and Personal Data
  • Eli Mellen Oatmeal: A digital pillow fort Eli Mellen - Oatmeal: A digital pillow fort
  • Johannes Ernst Upon 2020 Musings by Johannes Ernst - Upon 2020 Musings by
  • Henrik Carlsson I’m a college teacher (Sound & Music Production), sound engineer and web developer/designer. I live in Falun, Sweden and run a small business focused on sound, music and web production. Henrik Carlsson - I’m a college teacher (Sound & Music Production), sound engineer and web developer/designer. I live in Falun, Sweden and run a small business focused on sound, music and web production.
  • Mark Krynsky Manager of Web Production for  XPRIZE. I also write about quantified self, lifelogging and digital legacy at Lifestream Blog. Mark Krynsky - Manager of Web Production for XPRIZE. I also write about quantified self, lifelogging and digital legacy at Lifestream Blog.
  • Baldur Bjarnason …is a writer, lapsed academic, and web developer writing about web dev, interactive media, digital publishing, and product development. Baldur Bjarnason - …is a writer, lapsed academic, and web developer writing about web dev, interactive media, digital publishing, and product development.
  • Tom Brown Tom Brown is a software developer and beer league hockey player… Tom Brown - Tom Brown is a software developer and beer league hockey player…
  • Dries Buytaert On digital experiences, Open Source, startups & the future (from the creator of Drupal) Dries Buytaert - On digital experiences, Open Source, startups & the future (from the creator of Drupal)
  • Scott Merrill brewer-philosopher Scott Merrill - brewer-philosopher
  • Peter Rukavinaa Printer · Developer · Writer Peter Rukavinaa - Printer · Developer · Writer
  • Vika Trans* person and a clueless coder. Doesn’t like how she looks and uses an anime avatar instead. Vika - Trans* person and a clueless coder. Doesn’t like how she looks and uses an anime avatar instead.
  • Scott Gruber I’m a designer, developer and craftsman building an ethical design practice grounded in accessibility, performance and aesthetics. Scott Gruber - I’m a designer, developer and craftsman building an ethical design practice grounded in accessibility, performance and aesthetics.
  • André Jaenisch Full Stack JavaScript Developer at Synatec, part of  @AtlasCopcoGroup André Jaenisch - Full Stack JavaScript Developer at Synatec, part of @AtlasCopcoGroup
  • Maxwell Joslyn - Ha, ha, and ha again! What could you possibly want to know that you can’t puzzle out by reading the home page?
  • Henrique Dias I’m a B.Sc. student in Information Systems and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon. Currently working at Protocol Labs on decentralizing the web.  I believe in the transparency and openness of the web and when creating softwar Henrique Dias - I’m a B.Sc. student in Information Systems and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon. Currently working at Protocol Labs on decentralizing the web. I believe in the transparency and openness of the web and when creating softwar
  • Carol Gilabert Lukewarm takes, freshly delivered · Stapling code together  @CapitalOneUK  · Organiser  @technottingham  &  @nottsjs  · She/her Carol Gilabert - Lukewarm takes, freshly delivered · Stapling code together @CapitalOneUK · Organiser @technottingham & @nottsjs · She/her
  • Cheuk Ting Ho #DevRel for @TerminusDB. Organizer of @py_sprints, @AIClubGenderMin, @IndieWebCamp and @EuroPython. Creator of @PicknMix_Py. Cheuk Ting Ho - #DevRel for @TerminusDB. Organizer of @py_sprints, @AIClubGenderMin, @IndieWebCamp and @EuroPython. Creator of @PicknMix_Py.
  • Bill Seitz This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Thinking Space (est 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO) (also a Wiki-Junkie). Bill Seitz - This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Thinking Space (est 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO) (also a Wiki-Junkie).
  • Nathan DeGruchy a technologist living and working in the south east. I love breaking crap and fixing it. I tend to break more than I fix. When I’m not breaking and fixing stuff, I’m playing games with my son or going to Disney with my family. I am a strong Free and Open Nathan DeGruchy - a technologist living and working in the south east. I love breaking crap and fixing it. I tend to break more than I fix. When I’m not breaking and fixing stuff, I’m playing games with my son or going to Disney with my family. I am a strong Free and Open
  • Chaitanya there is always something that bothers me Chaitanya - there is always something that bothers me
  • Paul Lindner I make the internet a better place. Paul Lindner - I make the internet a better place.
  • Julien Genestoux A strong open web advocate and will push (pun intended) anyone to use standard protocols rather than custom made APIs. Before founding Superfeedr, Julien created Jobetudiant, the leading job board for students in France. In a prior life, he worked in BNP Julien Genestoux - A strong open web advocate and will push (pun intended) anyone to use standard protocols rather than custom made APIs. Before founding Superfeedr, Julien created Jobetudiant, the leading job board for students in France. In a prior life, he worked in BNP
  • Christopher Allen Principal Architect at Blockstream Internet Cryptography Pioneer Co-author TLS Security Standard Collaborative Tools & Patterns Decentralized Identity Christopher Allen - Principal Architect at Blockstream Internet Cryptography Pioneer Co-author TLS Security Standard Collaborative Tools & Patterns Decentralized Identity
  • Lucas Verney I write about dev, FOSS, DIY and more, in French and English. Lucas Verney - I write about dev, FOSS, DIY and more, in French and English.
  • Norman Köhring I am a programmer and I’m very enthusiastic about OpenSource and OpenKnowledge. Norman Köhring - I am a programmer and I’m very enthusiastic about OpenSource and OpenKnowledge.
  • Beau Lebens Beau Lebens
  • Benjamin Melançon Worker-owner at Agaric web development collective, co-author of the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7, and person who gives a damn about justice, liberty, and gaining the most power possible for all people over our own lives. Benjamin Melançon - Worker-owner at Agaric web development collective, co-author of the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7, and person who gives a damn about justice, liberty, and gaining the most power possible for all people over our own lives.
  • Aaron Gustafson #webstandards & #a11y at @Microsoft • Editor in Chief of @AListApart • Author of #AdaptiveWebDesign • Husband to @ShirleyTemper Aaron Gustafson - #webstandards & #a11y at @Microsoft • Editor in Chief of @AListApart • Author of #AdaptiveWebDesign • Husband to @ShirleyTemper
  • Tom MacWright I’m building tools for data science & programming at Observable. I helped build Mapbox and wrote code for understanding and interacting with statistics, sleep, the earth, open data, manners, music, and a bunch of other stuff. Tom MacWright - I’m building tools for data science & programming at Observable. I helped build Mapbox and wrote code for understanding and interacting with statistics, sleep, the earth, open data, manners, music, and a bunch of other stuff.
  • Chris Taylor Web developer, musician, father and nice bloke from Yorkshire, U.K. Chris Taylor - Web developer, musician, father and nice bloke from Yorkshire, U.K.
  • Zach Oglesby Open Source enthusiast and DBA. Zach Oglesby - Open Source enthusiast and DBA.
  • Hugo Soucy (In French) FLOSS , IndieWeb , Peer-to-peer , Emacs , shell scripts , Syncthing , JavaScript , politics without politicians, reading , cycling and sandwiches Hugo Soucy - (In French) FLOSS , IndieWeb , Peer-to-peer , Emacs , shell scripts , Syncthing , JavaScript , politics without politicians, reading , cycling and sandwiches
  • Micah Micah
  • Andi Galpern I’m a writer, designer, event producer, and a musician in the San Francisco Bay Area. Andi Galpern - I’m a writer, designer, event producer, and a musician in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Pace Smith bridger, trans, ADHD, intersectional feminist, 3, socialist, Sufi, multipod, goofy, pan, creepy lemon [her/she] Pace Smith - bridger, trans, ADHD, intersectional feminist, 3, socialist, Sufi, multipod, goofy, pan, creepy lemon [her/she]
  • David Bryant Engineer, traveler, photographer, astronomer. Welcome to my home page on the web. David Bryant - Engineer, traveler, photographer, astronomer. Welcome to my home page on the web.
  • Jessica Smith a left-wing feminist who loves animals, books, gaming, and cooking; I’m also very interested in linguistics, history, technology and society. I live in Melbourne, Australia, with my partner Vivian and our delightful tabby cat, Gidget. Jessica Smith - a left-wing feminist who loves animals, books, gaming, and cooking; I’m also very interested in linguistics, history, technology and society. I live in Melbourne, Australia, with my partner Vivian and our delightful tabby cat, Gidget.
  • Paul Kinlan A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google. Paul Kinlan - A Developer Advocate for Chrome and the Open Web at Google.
  • Chris Beckstrom Musician, composer, modular synthesizer builder, activist, friendly atheist, and linux and open source software enthusiast. Chris Beckstrom - Musician, composer, modular synthesizer builder, activist, friendly atheist, and linux and open source software enthusiast.
  • Amit Gawande I am a software developer by profession, and interest, working at & living in Pune, India. Amit Gawande - I am a software developer by profession, and interest, working at & living in Pune, India.
  • Christophe Ducamp life, design & technology. #indieweb #calmtech (most content in French) Christophe Ducamp - life, design & technology. #indieweb #calmtech (most content in French)
  • John Evdemon Web enthusiast, writer, editor, former standards wonk. Opinions on this site are my own. John Evdemon - Web enthusiast, writer, editor, former standards wonk. Opinions on this site are my own.
  • Bill Doyle QA Engineer at Arbor Networks Bill Doyle - QA Engineer at Arbor Networks
  • Cédric Bousmanne Father of 2, Indieweb enthousiast, I code for a living Cédric Bousmanne - Father of 2, Indieweb enthousiast, I code for a living
  • Hsiaoming Yang (aka lepture) Developer of Hsiaoming Yang (aka lepture) - Developer of
  • Cassie Evans Hi, I’m cassie  I like making fun, interactive things with code. I also talk & write about those things. Cassie Evans - Hi, I’m cassie I like making fun, interactive things with code. I also talk & write about those things.
  • Murray Adcock Ad hoc thoughts from an ad hoc mind! Murray Adcock - Ad hoc thoughts from an ad hoc mind!
  • Sarah Mundy Ramblings of an Electrical cum Software Engineer Sarah Mundy - Ramblings of an Electrical cum Software Engineer
  • Ravi Sagar (Known) Author of “Mastering JIRA 7” book. Loves #Jira and #Drupal. #Blogger, #ProblemSolver, #Atlassian #Consultant and #Technologist Ravi Sagar (Known) - Author of “Mastering JIRA 7” book. Loves #Jira and #Drupal. #Blogger, #ProblemSolver, #Atlassian #Consultant and #Technologist
  • Ravi Sagar Author of “Mastering JIRA 7” book. Loves #Jira and #Drupal. #Blogger, #ProblemSolver, #Atlassian #Consultant and #Technologist Ravi Sagar - Author of “Mastering JIRA 7” book. Loves #Jira and #Drupal. #Blogger, #ProblemSolver, #Atlassian #Consultant and #Technologist
  • Tracy Durnell Seattle-area graphic designer and SFF writer inspired by the Pacific Northwest, crafting a sustainable and intentional life. (she/her) Tracy Durnell - Seattle-area graphic designer and SFF writer inspired by the Pacific Northwest, crafting a sustainable and intentional life. (she/her)
  • Michael Bishop (social) Chef, web mechanic, general mayhem maker. Michael Bishop (social) - Chef, web mechanic, general mayhem maker.
  • Duncan Stephen Digital strategist and designer Duncan Stephen - Digital strategist and designer
  • Darius Kazemi an internet artist. I also cofounded Feel Train, a creative technology cooperative in Portland, OR.  I make bots and generators and other weird internet stuff. I’ve recently taken a huge interest in the future of social networks. Darius Kazemi - an internet artist. I also cofounded Feel Train, a creative technology cooperative in Portland, OR. I make bots and generators and other weird internet stuff. I’ve recently taken a huge interest in the future of social networks.
  • Kevin McGillivray code druid, deep diver, and convivial cook in a web developer costume. I’m writing, painting, and diving. Kevin McGillivray - code druid, deep diver, and convivial cook in a web developer costume. I’m writing, painting, and diving.
  • JR Camping happily in Toledo, Ohio. is an E/N site. The myriad of content means everything to me while it probably means nothing to everyone else. JR - Camping happily in Toledo, Ohio. is an E/N site. The myriad of content means everything to me while it probably means nothing to everyone else.
  • Indie Digital Media For creators & fans of independent digital media (by Richard MacManus) Indie Digital Media - For creators & fans of independent digital media (by Richard MacManus)
  • Tom Critchlow Helping businesses define and build digital marketing capabilities as an independent consultant. I’m also championing Brooklyn artists as co-founder of art startup Fiercely Curious. Tom Critchlow - Helping businesses define and build digital marketing capabilities as an independent consultant. I’m also championing Brooklyn artists as co-founder of art startup Fiercely Curious.
  • Chris Burnell a Canadian Front-End Developer working for Squiz and an Organiser for London Web Standards. I’m driven by a passion for an open and welcoming web, and driving the standards that power it. This is my personal website where I think, write, and share. Chris Burnell - a Canadian Front-End Developer working for Squiz and an Organiser for London Web Standards. I’m driven by a passion for an open and welcoming web, and driving the standards that power it. This is my personal website where I think, write, and share.
  • Own Your Content Own Your Content is a campaign from & CreativeMornings, encouraging creatives to own their content, platform, and the future of their work. Own Your Content - Own Your Content is a campaign from & CreativeMornings, encouraging creatives to own their content, platform, and the future of their work.
  • Christopher Finke A design engineer at Automattic, the company behind, working to ensure that is perfectly customizable for every user. Christopher Finke - A design engineer at Automattic, the company behind, working to ensure that is perfectly customizable for every user.
  • Jay Hoffmann Lead Developer,  @ReaktivStudios . I made this thing: (link: Used to run a plugin review site called  @tidyrepo . Jay Hoffmann - Lead Developer, @ReaktivStudios . I made this thing: (link: Used to run a plugin review site called @tidyrepo .
  • Nicolas Hoizey (articles) I am passionate about the Web and photography, among many other interests. Nicolas Hoizey (articles) - I am passionate about the Web and photography, among many other interests.
  • Laura Kalbag a British designer living in Ireland, and co-founder of Small Technology Foundation. We make an app called Better that protects you while you’re browsing the web. My book Accessibility For Everyone is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook from A Bo Laura Kalbag - a British designer living in Ireland, and co-founder of Small Technology Foundation. We make an app called Better that protects you while you’re browsing the web. My book Accessibility For Everyone is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook from A Bo
  • Dave Dave
  • The Whimsical Web Websites that spark joy. A curated list of sites with an extra bit of fun. The Whimsical Web - Websites that spark joy. A curated list of sites with an extra bit of fun.
  • Raphael Luckom Software engineer specializing in Python, with experience writing production code for complex robot systems in Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++. Comfortable taking on new responsibilities as needed and excited to learn new skills and techniques. Raphael Luckom - Software engineer specializing in Python, with experience writing production code for complex robot systems in Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++. Comfortable taking on new responsibilities as needed and excited to learn new skills and techniques.
  • Rohan Kumar (aka Seirdy) CS/Math undergrad student at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR., Rohan Kumar (aka Seirdy) - CS/Math undergrad student at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR.,
  • Reclaim Hosting  Take Control of your Digital Identity! Reclaim Hosting provides educators and institutions with an easy way to offer their students domains and web hosting that they own and control. Reclaim Hosting - Take Control of your Digital Identity! Reclaim Hosting provides educators and institutions with an easy way to offer their students domains and web hosting that they own and control.
  • Astrid Yu Astrid Yu’s designated mind dump location Astrid Yu - Astrid Yu’s designated mind dump location
  • Maria Farrell (Medium) Irish writer based in London. Tech policy, possible futures, politics, duty of hope. Maria Farrell (Medium) - Irish writer based in London. Tech policy, possible futures, politics, duty of hope.
  • Maria Farrell (Crooked Timber) Irish writer based in London. Tech policy, possible futures, politics, duty of hope. Maria Farrell (Crooked Timber) - Irish writer based in London. Tech policy, possible futures, politics, duty of hope.
  • Mrs. D. Happy helpmate ❤️ Pursuing happiness and intellectual virtue. dianoetic (dī-a-nō-et′ik), adj. of or relating to thought, especially to discursive reasoning rather than intuition. [from Greek dianoētikos — dia, through, noein, to think.] Mrs. D. - Happy helpmate ❤️ Pursuing happiness and intellectual virtue. dianoetic (dī-a-nō-et′ik), adj. of or relating to thought, especially to discursive reasoning rather than intuition. [from Greek dianoētikos — dia, through, noein, to think.]
  • Hidde de Vries an experienced freelance front-end developer, with (previous) clients including the Dutch government, W3C and Mozilla. Hidde de Vries - an experienced freelance front-end developer, with (previous) clients including the Dutch government, W3C and Mozilla.
  • Welcome back to the *real* web! Here you’ll find a curated blogroll of personal blogs and articles on small blogging. - Welcome back to the *real* web! Here you’ll find a curated blogroll of personal blogs and articles on small blogging.


  • Anil Dash A blog about making culture Anil Dash - A blog about making culture
  • Tino Kremer Father of two (twins), I am a techie and a geek. I am a software programmer (C #, Web, SQL). I am also a hobby photographer, I love swimming, music and debating. I’m also crazy about extreme weather. Tino Kremer - Father of two (twins), I am a techie and a geek. I am a software programmer (C #, Web, SQL). I am also a hobby photographer, I love swimming, music and debating. I’m also crazy about extreme weather.
  • Shane Becker Still vegan, still straightedge. Anarchist and atheist. Formerly, 18 months of full-time #vanlife in #LittleMisadventureTime. Before that, The Farmhouse in Hollywood, California. Currently, living in NE Portland, Oregon, working at Happily and battling ca Shane Becker - Still vegan, still straightedge. Anarchist and atheist. Formerly, 18 months of full-time #vanlife in #LittleMisadventureTime. Before that, The Farmhouse in Hollywood, California. Currently, living in NE Portland, Oregon, working at Happily and battling ca
  • Colin Walker Writing/blogging itself, social media and tech, often with a philosophical or psychological slant. Colin Walker - Writing/blogging itself, social media and tech, often with a philosophical or psychological slant.
  • Lillian Karabaic Data! Personal Finance! Transportation! Pod casts! Tacos! Lillian Karabaic - Data! Personal Finance! Transportation! Pod casts! Tacos!
  • Khürt Williams I’m an information security professional, web developer, avid photographer, and technology geek. I’m also a craft ale and coffee fanatic. I share my thoughts about technology and photography geekery, coffee, craft ale, diabetes, and life. Khürt Williams - I’m an information security professional, web developer, avid photographer, and technology geek. I’m also a craft ale and coffee fanatic. I share my thoughts about technology and photography geekery, coffee, craft ale, diabetes, and life.
  • Jimmy Baum (Among the Stones) Life, language, mobile technology, and writing at-large Jimmy Baum (Among the Stones) - Life, language, mobile technology, and writing at-large
  • James Shelley Curious. Generalist. Freelancer. James Shelley - Curious. Generalist. Freelancer.
  • Stephen Pieper Music lover, reader, tea drinker, film watcher, failed blogger. Stephen Pieper - Music lover, reader, tea drinker, film watcher, failed blogger.
  • Jack Baty Notes on tech, analog tools, web, publishing, software, and who knows what else. Jack Baty - Notes on tech, analog tools, web, publishing, software, and who knows what else.
  • Rajiv Abraham Investor, wordsmith, blogger, geek, foodie, student, traveler, photographer, and many other roles and hats Rajiv Abraham - Investor, wordsmith, blogger, geek, foodie, student, traveler, photographer, and many other roles and hats
  • Tracy Durnell Seattle-area graphic designer and SFF writer inspired by the Pacific Northwest, crafting a sustainable and intentional life. (she/her) Tracy Durnell - Seattle-area graphic designer and SFF writer inspired by the Pacific Northwest, crafting a sustainable and intentional life. (she/her)
  • Des Paroz BalancedLight: Des Paroz’ blog on exploration and story telling Des Paroz - BalancedLight: Des Paroz’ blog on exploration and story telling
  • Andrew Jacobs | funwhilelost Outdoor entrepreneur, owner of Northwest Wind & Surf. Full-stack web developer for 15 years and IndieWeb contributor. Andrew Jacobs | funwhilelost - Outdoor entrepreneur, owner of Northwest Wind & Surf. Full-stack web developer for 15 years and IndieWeb contributor.
  • Rob Fairhead Lifelong railwayman, progressive, green, geek, early adopter, fairweather walker and cyclist Rob Fairhead - Lifelong railwayman, progressive, green, geek, early adopter, fairweather walker and cyclist
  • Richard MacManus Author, Tech Columnist, Blogger Richard MacManus - Author, Tech Columnist, Blogger
  • Vicki Boykis Woman. Legend.Blog This blog has it all: Russian despair, American cynicism, and Nutella. Vicki Boykis - Woman. Legend.Blog This blog has it all: Russian despair, American cynicism, and Nutella.
  • Vicki Boykis Data, tech, and sometimes Nutella Vicki Boykis - Data, tech, and sometimes Nutella
  • Marco Arment a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast Marco Arment - a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast
  • Brit Cruise I make educational content of all kinds. Creator of @artoftheproblem, @pixarinabox & more Brit Cruise - I make educational content of all kinds. Creator of @artoftheproblem, @pixarinabox & more
  • Brent Simmons Work: The Omni Show, The Omni Blog. Side projects: Evergreen, Frontier. Has gone feral. Brent Simmons - Work: The Omni Show, The Omni Blog. Side projects: Evergreen, Frontier. Has gone feral.
  • Susan Fowler Writer. Engineer. Fledgling Physicist. Amateur Myrmecologist. Susan Fowler - Writer. Engineer. Fledgling Physicist. Amateur Myrmecologist.
  • Andy Baio  I make things on the internet, and occasionally off of it. Frequent topics include internet culture, copyright and fair use, online community, independent and experimental media, and the intersection of art and technology. Andy Baio - I make things on the internet, and occasionally off of it. Frequent topics include internet culture, copyright and fair use, online community, independent and experimental media, and the intersection of art and technology.
  • Tim Bray ongoing by Tim Bray Tim Bray - ongoing by Tim Bray
  • Zoe Stavri Another angry woman Zoe Stavri - Another angry woman
  • Benedict Evans I work at Andreessen Horowitz (‘a16z’), a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley that invests in technology companies. I try to work out what’s going on and what will happen next. Benedict Evans - I work at Andreessen Horowitz (‘a16z’), a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley that invests in technology companies. I try to work out what’s going on and what will happen next.
  • Daniel Jalkut - Bitsplitting: This is Daniel Jalkut’s personal technology soapbox.
  • Paul Graham a programmer, writer, and investor Paul Graham - a programmer, writer, and investor
  • John Gruber writer, blog publisher, UI designer, and the inventor of the Markdown publishing format John Gruber - writer, blog publisher, UI designer, and the inventor of the Markdown publishing format
  • Matthew Green A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering Matthew Green - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
  • Kevin Kelly Senior Maverick for Wired, a magazine I helped co-found 25 years ago. Kevin Kelly - Senior Maverick for Wired, a magazine I helped co-found 25 years ago.
  • Ryan Rix I fight for the User, build plastic model kits, and self-hosted infrastructure. Past incarnations built GDPR and PCI compliance systems, made payments infrastructure more reliable, launched high power model rockets, organized a hackerspace, helped name a Ryan Rix - I fight for the User, build plastic model kits, and self-hosted infrastructure. Past incarnations built GDPR and PCI compliance systems, made payments infrastructure more reliable, launched high power model rockets, organized a hackerspace, helped name a
  • Nitin Khanna I talk about technology, write stories, and review books. Nitin Khanna - I talk about technology, write stories, and review books.
  • Craig Pilch a computer engineer living in the Indianapolis area with my wife and kid. I graduated from Purdue University in 2010, and since then have worked at Delphi Technologies (neé Delphi Electronics and Safety). I am currently a product owner in the power electr Craig Pilch - a computer engineer living in the Indianapolis area with my wife and kid. I graduated from Purdue University in 2010, and since then have worked at Delphi Technologies (neé Delphi Electronics and Safety). I am currently a product owner in the power electr
  • Brandon Kraft I am married and the father of five wonderful little girls. We’re Catholic and do our best to do right by everyone.  In my free time, I am a core contributor to WordPress, a beer geek, and a wannabe homebrewer. Brandon Kraft - I am married and the father of five wonderful little girls. We’re Catholic and do our best to do right by everyone. In my free time, I am a core contributor to WordPress, a beer geek, and a wannabe homebrewer.
  • Tara Vancil The co-founder of Blue Link Labs, the team behind Beaker, a peer-to-peer Web browser, and Hashbase Tara Vancil - The co-founder of Blue Link Labs, the team behind Beaker, a peer-to-peer Web browser, and Hashbase
  • Kevin Smokler author of 3 books, the director of one documentary film and a boatload of essays and cultural criticism. He’s spoken at and hosted events about pop culture and human creativity in our changing world at universities, conferences, corporations, libraries an Kevin Smokler - author of 3 books, the director of one documentary film and a boatload of essays and cultural criticism. He’s spoken at and hosted events about pop culture and human creativity in our changing world at universities, conferences, corporations, libraries an
  • Leslie Farnsworth Serial entrepreneur who currently owns and operates a professional services firm and commercial property development and management company. In addition, I serve on for-profit and nonprofit corporate boards and serve actively in the business community. Leslie Farnsworth - Serial entrepreneur who currently owns and operates a professional services firm and commercial property development and management company. In addition, I serve on for-profit and nonprofit corporate boards and serve actively in the business community.
  • Louis Gray A Silicon Valley early adopter tech geek blog Louis Gray - A Silicon Valley early adopter tech geek blog
  • Dr Ellie Mackin An ancient historian who focuses on archaic and classical Greek religion. Teacher. Writer. Dr Ellie Mackin - An ancient historian who focuses on archaic and classical Greek religion. Teacher. Writer.
  • Nate Angell Wandering IQ. Raised by wolves. Friend to cheese. Working to bend the arc of justice. Nate Angell - Wandering IQ. Raised by wolves. Friend to cheese. Working to bend the arc of justice.
  • Cal Newport Study Hacks: a computer science professor at Georgetown University writing about the intersection of technology and society. I’m particularly interested in the impact of new technologies on our ability to perform productive work, as well as on our ability Cal Newport - Study Hacks: a computer science professor at Georgetown University writing about the intersection of technology and society. I’m particularly interested in the impact of new technologies on our ability to perform productive work, as well as on our ability
  • Chris Hardie Deep generalist, currently focused on software engineering + writing + the open web. Chris Hardie - Deep generalist, currently focused on software engineering + writing + the open web.
  • Matt Mullenweg Founder of WordPress and Automattic Matt Mullenweg - Founder of WordPress and Automattic
  • Justin Tadlock Writer at WP Tavern. Justin Tadlock - Writer at WP Tavern.
  • Glenn Zucman Artist / Teacher Glenn Zucman - Artist / Teacher
  • John August Screenwriter and Author John August - Screenwriter and Author
  • Brain Pickings A one-woman labor of love exploring what it means to live a decent, substantive, rewarding life. Brain Pickings - A one-woman labor of love exploring what it means to live a decent, substantive, rewarding life.
  • Bill Gates Technologist and Philanthropist Bill Gates - Technologist and Philanthropist
  • Bob Frankston co-creator of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program and the co-founder of Software Arts, the company that developed it. Bob Frankston - co-creator of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program and the co-founder of Software Arts, the company that developed it.
  • but she's a girl… I’m a biologist, an Apple/Unix geek, an audiophile, an avid reader and film buff, and an amateur (in both the inept and unpaid senses) photographer. but she's a girl… - I’m a biologist, an Apple/Unix geek, an audiophile, an avid reader and film buff, and an amateur (in both the inept and unpaid senses) photographer.
  • Dr. Steward T.A. Pickett The Balto Brief: Notes from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study Director and Director Emeritus Dr. Steward T.A. Pickett - The Balto Brief: Notes from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study Director and Director Emeritus
  • Paul Romer Economist and policy entrepreneur, is a co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics Sciences and University Professor in Economics at NYU. He has spent his career at the intersection of economics, innovation, technology, and urbanization, working to Paul Romer - Economist and policy entrepreneur, is a co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics Sciences and University Professor in Economics at NYU. He has spent his career at the intersection of economics, innovation, technology, and urbanization, working to
  • Marginal REVOLUTION Tyler Cowan’s blog about “Small Steps Toward a Much Better World” Marginal REVOLUTION - Tyler Cowan’s blog about “Small Steps Toward a Much Better World”
  • Heydon Pickering I am a technical writer and designer for the web. I specialize in helping organizations develop and document inclusive language, interfaces, and processes. I do not work with surveillance capitalists or religious organizations engaged in proselytization. Heydon Pickering - I am a technical writer and designer for the web. I specialize in helping organizations develop and document inclusive language, interfaces, and processes. I do not work with surveillance capitalists or religious organizations engaged in proselytization.
  • David Weinberger Writes about the effect of the Internet on how we think about ourselves, our world, and business. David Weinberger - Writes about the effect of the Internet on how we think about ourselves, our world, and business.
  • Barnaby Walters Arranging atoms and pressurising air in a variety of manners. Barnaby Walters - Arranging atoms and pressurising air in a variety of manners.
  • Stephanie Hurlburt I love mathematics, optimization, graphics, business. Stephanie Hurlburt - I love mathematics, optimization, graphics, business.
  • Cate Huston Mobile lead at Automattic; Accidentally in Code: Engineering an Interesting Life Cate Huston - Mobile lead at Automattic; Accidentally in Code: Engineering an Interesting Life
  • Doc Searls If you don’t know Doc, you haven’t been using the internet correctly Doc Searls - If you don’t know Doc, you haven’t been using the internet correctly
  • Doc Searls Doc’s 1999 blog Doc Searls - Doc’s 1999 blog
  • Estelle Weyl 0.10X Engineer. Snuggler of dogs. Trainer of slugs. Fixing the leaky STEM pipeline. she/her Estelle Weyl - 0.10X Engineer. Snuggler of dogs. Trainer of slugs. Fixing the leaky STEM pipeline. she/her
  • KT Pickard Personalized health. Precision medicine. Dad. KT Pickard - Personalized health. Precision medicine. Dad.
  • John Naughton | Memex Professor, technology writer, historian John Naughton | Memex - Professor, technology writer, historian
  • Making Light - invented by Teresa Nielsen Hayden in July 2001 and is now made by her along with Avram Grumer, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, and Abi Sutherland, none of whom she invented.
  • Brad Enslen Thoughts from my stylish, mysterious, perilous life. Brad Enslen - Thoughts from my stylish, mysterious, perilous life.
  • Joel Spolsky CEO (and co-founder) of Stack Overflow, and co-founder of Fog Creek Software (creator FogBugz,Trello, Glitch, and Manuscript). Joel Spolsky - CEO (and co-founder) of Stack Overflow, and co-founder of Fog Creek Software (creator FogBugz,Trello, Glitch, and Manuscript).
  • Mark Stanley Everitt Server side + game software developer and one time Quantum Information Scientist. he/him or they/them Mark Stanley Everitt - Server side + game software developer and one time Quantum Information Scientist. he/him or they/them
  • Roy Tanck I’m a freelance web developer, specializing in WordPress. Whenever I can, I release WordPress plugins though the repository. Roy Tanck - I’m a freelance web developer, specializing in WordPress. Whenever I can, I release WordPress plugins though the repository.
  • Alexander Kirk - Alexander Kirk (MSc in CS) is a web application programmer situated in Vienna, Austria. This blog is about web application development — and related topics.
  • Paul Jacobson #Enthusiast, writer, coder, Happiness Engineer at @automattic. Passionate about @Gnat_J and #proudDad. Paul Jacobson - #Enthusiast, writer, coder, Happiness Engineer at @automattic. Passionate about @Gnat_J and #proudDad.
  • John Eckman Open Parenthesis is a blog about free and open source software, internet strategy, and building compelling experiences for the web and mobile, written by John Eckman. John Eckman - Open Parenthesis is a blog about free and open source software, internet strategy, and building compelling experiences for the web and mobile, written by John Eckman.
  • Matt Haughey I did a bunch of early blogging stuff and then some community building stuff, and now I work at a place doing completely different writing stuff. Matt Haughey - I did a bunch of early blogging stuff and then some community building stuff, and now I work at a place doing completely different writing stuff.
  • Derek Powazek Has worked the web since 1995 at pioneering sites like HotWired, Blogger, and Technorati. He is the author of “Design for Community”. Derek Powazek - Has worked the web since 1995 at pioneering sites like HotWired, Blogger, and Technorati. He is the author of “Design for Community”.
  • Charlie Owen I’m a photography-taking, bike riding, beer drinking, feminist leftie.  I read more than is healthy, and spend as much time as I can exploring the beautiful world we inhabit. Charlie Owen - I’m a photography-taking, bike riding, beer drinking, feminist leftie. I read more than is healthy, and spend as much time as I can exploring the beautiful world we inhabit.
  • Jeff Keltner Head of bizdev @upstart. father of 2 boys. ex @google @ibm. @stanford fan. Jeff Keltner - Head of bizdev @upstart. father of 2 boys. ex @google @ibm. @stanford fan.
  • danah boyd Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research and the founder/president of Data & Society. Buzzwords in my world include: privacy, context, youth culture, social media, big data. danah boyd - Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research and the founder/president of Data & Society. Buzzwords in my world include: privacy, context, youth culture, social media, big data.
  • Patrick Rhone An essayist, commentator, and author of 6 books living in Saint Paul, MN with my wife and nine year old daughter. Patrick Rhone - An essayist, commentator, and author of 6 books living in Saint Paul, MN with my wife and nine year old daughter.
  • Kevin Kortum Independent Variable Kevin Kortum - Independent Variable
  • Dave Winer A software developer and writer. Dave Winer - A software developer and writer.
  • Indie Digital Media For creators & fans of independent digital media (by Richard MacManus) Indie Digital Media - For creators & fans of independent digital media (by Richard MacManus)
  • Tedium by Ernie Smith The dull side of the internet. Tedium by Ernie Smith - The dull side of the internet.
  • Devon Zuegel I’m a writer (of code and words). The thing that matters most to me is unlocking human potential, so I think a lot about incentive design, tools for thought, and cities. Devon Zuegel - I’m a writer (of code and words). The thing that matters most to me is unlocking human potential, so I think a lot about incentive design, tools for thought, and cities.
  • Tom Critchlow Helping businesses define and build digital marketing capabilities as an independent consultant. I’m also championing Brooklyn artists as co-founder of art startup Fiercely Curious. Tom Critchlow - Helping businesses define and build digital marketing capabilities as an independent consultant. I’m also championing Brooklyn artists as co-founder of art startup Fiercely Curious.
  • Mike Elgan Journalist, author, blogger, podcaster, gastronomad Mike Elgan - Journalist, author, blogger, podcaster, gastronomad
  • John Naughton (The Guardian) John Naughton is professor of the public understanding of technology at the Open University. He is the author of From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: What You Really Need to Know About the Internet John Naughton (The Guardian) - John Naughton is professor of the public understanding of technology at the Open University. He is the author of From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: What You Really Need to Know About the Internet
  • Serena Ho Collector of hobbies and co-host of the Trigger Point Podcast. Titles I go by: stationery nerd, fountain pen geek, planner girl, LARPer, player of Pathfinder, boardgamer, reader of books (sci-fi, fantasy, urban paranormal, romance), movie-goer, podcaste Serena Ho - Collector of hobbies and co-host of the Trigger Point Podcast. Titles I go by: stationery nerd, fountain pen geek, planner girl, LARPer, player of Pathfinder, boardgamer, reader of books (sci-fi, fantasy, urban paranormal, romance), movie-goer, podcaste
  • Hilary Mason Founder & CEO of Fast Forward Labs, a machine intelligence research company, and the Data Scientist in Residence at Accel Partners. I co-founded HackNY, and I’m a member of NYC Resistor. Hilary Mason - Founder & CEO of Fast Forward Labs, a machine intelligence research company, and the Data Scientist in Residence at Accel Partners. I co-founded HackNY, and I’m a member of NYC Resistor.
  • Meredith Broussard Associate professor at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University and the author of “Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World.”. Her academic research focuses on artificial intelligence in investigative report Meredith Broussard - Associate professor at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University and the author of “Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World.”. Her academic research focuses on artificial intelligence in investigative report
  • Colin Woodward  an award-winning journalist and author of American Nations, American Character, Ocean’s End, The Lobster Coast, and The Republic of Pirates. I’m a staffer at the Portland Press Herald, where I won a 2012 George Polk Award. Colin Woodward - an award-winning journalist and author of American Nations, American Character, Ocean’s End, The Lobster Coast, and The Republic of Pirates. I’m a staffer at the Portland Press Herald, where I won a 2012 George Polk Award.
  • Ribbonfarm Ribbonfarm is a longform blog devoted to unusual takes on both familiar and new themes. What we call “refactored perception.” Ribbonfarm - Ribbonfarm is a longform blog devoted to unusual takes on both familiar and new themes. What we call “refactored perception.”
  • Helen Hou-Sandí Director of Open Source Initiatives at 10up and WordPress Lead Developer Helen Hou-Sandí - Director of Open Source Initiatives at 10up and WordPress Lead Developer
  • Eugene Wei Remains of the Day is a personal blog started in 2001 covering a random assortment of topics of interest. That doesn’t narrow things down much because I have both attention deficit and surplus. Eugene Wei - Remains of the Day is a personal blog started in 2001 covering a random assortment of topics of interest. That doesn’t narrow things down much because I have both attention deficit and surplus.
  • Dr. Alexandra Samuel For two decades Alexandra’s writing, research and speaking have shaped the way we use and understand the Internet. An internationally recognized expert on the business and social impact of technology, Alex works with the world’s leading companies, NGOs an Dr. Alexandra Samuel - For two decades Alexandra’s writing, research and speaking have shaped the way we use and understand the Internet. An internationally recognized expert on the business and social impact of technology, Alex works with the world’s leading companies, NGOs an
  • Cybercultural (Richard MacManus) News and insights at the intersection of technology and culture. (via Richard MacManus) Cybercultural (Richard MacManus) - News and insights at the intersection of technology and culture. (via Richard MacManus)
  • Om Malik I am a partner at True Ventures, a Silicon Valley-based early-stage venture capital group. Prior to joining True, I was the founder of Gigaom, a pioneering technology blog and media company. Om Malik - I am a partner at True Ventures, a Silicon Valley-based early-stage venture capital group. Prior to joining True, I was the founder of Gigaom, a pioneering technology blog and media company.
  • Dan McKinley Math, programming, minority reports. Dan McKinley is a Principal Engineer at Mailchimp in Los Angeles.  Previously: Skyliner (RIP), Stripe, and Etsy. Dan McKinley - Math, programming, minority reports. Dan McKinley is a Principal Engineer at Mailchimp in Los Angeles. Previously: Skyliner (RIP), Stripe, and Etsy.
  • Kevin (aka @kordumb) I call this here thing a digital publication, but in all honesty, you‘ll just find things like link and video posts from across the interwebs along with the occasional list (who doesn’t love to hate lists?) and maybe even an article or two. All posts are Kevin (aka @kordumb) - I call this here thing a digital publication, but in all honesty, you‘ll just find things like link and video posts from across the interwebs along with the occasional list (who doesn’t love to hate lists?) and maybe even an article or two. All posts are
  • Matt Maldre Web strategist at Tribune Agency , Public Spaces Artist, Professional Scorecard Keeper. I also tweet creative on Spudart . Matt Maldre - Web strategist at Tribune Agency , Public Spaces Artist, Professional Scorecard Keeper. I also tweet creative on Spudart .
  • Matt Maldre The Senior Web Marketing Strategist at Tribune Content Agency (formerly called Tribune Media Services). Matt Maldre - The Senior Web Marketing Strategist at Tribune Content Agency (formerly called Tribune Media Services).
  • Stuart Langridge I do strategic thinking and synthesis: pulling together web, open source, and product design to make cool things. I can understand your business, and work with both management and the dev team. I provide advice and expertise. I do custom development for t Stuart Langridge - I do strategic thinking and synthesis: pulling together web, open source, and product design to make cool things. I can understand your business, and work with both management and the dev team. I provide advice and expertise. I do custom development for t
  • Brett Kosinski I’m a life-long nerd who’s obsessed with more hobbies than I have time for. During the day I’m a professional product manager, and by night I’m a programmer, knitter, skier, cyclist, cook, guitarist(ish), and a dozen other things besides! Brett Kosinski - I’m a life-long nerd who’s obsessed with more hobbies than I have time for. During the day I’m a professional product manager, and by night I’m a programmer, knitter, skier, cyclist, cook, guitarist(ish), and a dozen other things besides!
  • Lucas Gonze Lucas Gonze
  • Norman Walsh Structured markup geek. Programmer. Photographer. Author. XML. DocBook. XProc. XSLT. XQuery.  @MarkLogic  engineer. Norman Walsh - Structured markup geek. Programmer. Photographer. Author. XML. DocBook. XProc. XSLT. XQuery. @MarkLogic engineer.
  • Desirée García Desirée García is a designer, editor, speaker, and tenacious gardener living in Austin, Texas. She designs for Automattic by day and edits for A List Apart at night. Her superpower is assembling IKEA furniture. Desirée García - Desirée García is a designer, editor, speaker, and tenacious gardener living in Austin, Texas. She designs for Automattic by day and edits for A List Apart at night. Her superpower is assembling IKEA furniture.
  • Tina Roth Eisenberg Founded and run a global monthly lecture series called CreativeMornings, I co-created a to-do app called TeuxDeux, I am the founder of Tattly, a designy temporary tattoo shop and I founded and run a co-working space called FRIENDS. (aka SwissMiss) Tina Roth Eisenberg - Founded and run a global monthly lecture series called CreativeMornings, I co-created a to-do app called TeuxDeux, I am the founder of Tattly, a designy temporary tattoo shop and I founded and run a co-working space called FRIENDS. (aka SwissMiss)
  • Dan Jacobson Author and Indieweb stalwart, Vancouver, B.C. Day job: Dan Jacobson - Author and Indieweb stalwart, Vancouver, B.C. Day job:
  • CJ Eller Thinking about tools for thinking about thinking CJ Eller - Thinking about tools for thinking about thinking
  • Dan Q a thirty-something geek-of-many-hats. He lives in Oxford with his partner and her husband in V-shaped, open, polyamorous relationship along with their two children. In October 2019 he started working for Automattic after 8½ years with the academic librari Dan Q - a thirty-something geek-of-many-hats. He lives in Oxford with his partner and her husband in V-shaped, open, polyamorous relationship along with their two children. In October 2019 he started working for Automattic after 8½ years with the academic librari
  • Justus Grunow Equal parts redneck, hippie, yuppie, geek. Just south of Canada Justus Grunow - Equal parts redneck, hippie, yuppie, geek. Just south of Canada
  • Theresia Tanzil Iterating my worldview. Information architecture, how data turns into wisdom, art of questions, human-{human|computer|world} interaction, remote working. Theresia Tanzil - Iterating my worldview. Information architecture, how data turns into wisdom, art of questions, human-{human|computer|world} interaction, remote working.
  • David Samuels Executive Coach|TEDx Speaker Coach|Corporate Culture Consultant|Emotional Intelligence Coach David Samuels - Executive Coach|TEDx Speaker Coach|Corporate Culture Consultant|Emotional Intelligence Coach
  • Ada Palmer All my projects stem from my overall interest in the relationship between ideas and historical change.  Our fundamental convictions about what is true evolve over time, so different human peoples in different times and places have, from their own perspect Ada Palmer - All my projects stem from my overall interest in the relationship between ideas and historical change. Our fundamental convictions about what is true evolve over time, so different human peoples in different times and places have, from their own perspect
  • David Dylan Thomas Author, speaker, filmmaker David Dylan Thomas - Author, speaker, filmmaker
  • Olu Niyiawosusi I’m a writer, web artist, an emoji enthusisast, and a lifelong learner. I’m currently learning to sew, and to play ukulele and keyboard. Olu Niyiawosusi - I’m a writer, web artist, an emoji enthusisast, and a lifelong learner. I’m currently learning to sew, and to play ukulele and keyboard.
  • Nicholas Carr technology, culture, and economics | I’ve been a freelance writer since 2003. I’m the author of five books and have written articles for many magazines and newspapers. I was formerly the executive editor of the Harvard Business Review. Nicholas Carr - technology, culture, and economics | I’ve been a freelance writer since 2003. I’m the author of five books and have written articles for many magazines and newspapers. I was formerly the executive editor of the Harvard Business Review.
  • Cordelia Yu Content strategist, policy wonk, and internet maker by trade. Philosopher and political theorist by training. Lover of style guides. Advocate for unconferences, open-access publishing, and interdisciplinary scholarship. Obsessing at the intersection of ac Cordelia Yu - Content strategist, policy wonk, and internet maker by trade. Philosopher and political theorist by training. Lover of style guides. Advocate for unconferences, open-access publishing, and interdisciplinary scholarship. Obsessing at the intersection of ac
  • Ethan Zuckerman I direct the Center for Civic Media at MIT, and teach at MIT’s Media Lab and MIT’s Comparative media Studies and Writing program, where I am associate professor of the practice. Ethan Zuckerman - I direct the Center for Civic Media at MIT, and teach at MIT’s Media Lab and MIT’s Comparative media Studies and Writing program, where I am associate professor of the practice.
  • Normcore Tech (Vicki Boykis) Come here for a little more nuanced, civilized take of stuff that I just don’t have room to put on Twitter. Twitter is also Very Bad for Nuance, something I hope to cultivate here.  And for the link curation. I find interesting stuff to read almost every Normcore Tech (Vicki Boykis) - Come here for a little more nuanced, civilized take of stuff that I just don’t have room to put on Twitter. Twitter is also Very Bad for Nuance, something I hope to cultivate here. And for the link curation. I find interesting stuff to read almost every
  • T. Greer (The Scholar's Stage) Essayist ║ Common topics: China, Taiwan, or Cambodia • history and social science • security • U.S. culture & conservatism T. Greer (The Scholar's Stage) - Essayist ║ Common topics: China, Taiwan, or Cambodia • history and social science • security • U.S. culture & conservatism
  • Christine Dodrill SW-0441-3659-6507 | #pluralgang #enby | They/she please | This bio makes you breathe manually Christine Dodrill - SW-0441-3659-6507 | #pluralgang #enby | They/she please | This bio makes you breathe manually
  • The Cramped (Patrick Rhone) Celebrating The Unique Pleasures of Analog Writing The Cramped (Patrick Rhone) - Celebrating The Unique Pleasures of Analog Writing
  • Martin Fowler Author, speaker, and general loud mouth on Software Development. Works for ThoughtWorks. Also hikes, watches theater, and plays modern board games Martin Fowler - Author, speaker, and general loud mouth on Software Development. Works for ThoughtWorks. Also hikes, watches theater, and plays modern board games
  • John B. Nelson (aka Generativist) Computational Social Science, Ph.D. Expert Bikeshedder. Wanna be <strike>psychohistorian</strike>cybernetic engineer. John B. Nelson (aka Generativist) - Computational Social Science, Ph.D. Expert Bikeshedder. Wanna be <strike>psychohistorian</strike>cybernetic engineer.
  • Anasuya Sengupta feminist advocate, strategist, grantmaker, and storyteller for communities and organisations; committed to amplifying voices ‘from the margins’ in both virtual and physical worlds, while unpacking issues of power, privilege, and access Anasuya Sengupta - feminist advocate, strategist, grantmaker, and storyteller for communities and organisations; committed to amplifying voices ‘from the margins’ in both virtual and physical worlds, while unpacking issues of power, privilege, and access
  • Casey Newton Platformer (newsletter): News at the intersection of Silcon Valley and democracy Casey Newton - Platformer (newsletter): News at the intersection of Silcon Valley and democracy
  • Nora.Codes I build and break hardware and software, both digital and analog, in communication systems, web software, desktop applications, and audio synthesizers. Nora.Codes - I build and break hardware and software, both digital and analog, in communication systems, web software, desktop applications, and audio synthesizers.
  • InvisibleUp A site about old technology and other fun stuff like that. InvisibleUp - A site about old technology and other fun stuff like that.
  • Toby Shorin Subpixel Space is a longform thinking platform maintained by Toby Shorin. It delivers ideas and models that cut across cultural categories and media formats. Toby Shorin - Subpixel Space is a longform thinking platform maintained by Toby Shorin. It delivers ideas and models that cut across cultural categories and media formats.
  • Paulo Pinto  I’m a cultural journalist, working and living in Guimarães, Portugal. I am interested in Philosophy, History of Art, Aesthetics, Cyberculture, Literature, Comics, Photography, Music, Astronomy, Amateur Radio, among other topics. Paulo Pinto - I’m a cultural journalist, working and living in Guimarães, Portugal. I am interested in Philosophy, History of Art, Aesthetics, Cyberculture, Literature, Comics, Photography, Music, Astronomy, Amateur Radio, among other topics.
  • Gwern Branwen I write about psychology, statistics, and technology. I am best known for work on the darknet markets & Bitcoin⁠, blinded self-experiments⁠, dual n-back & spaced repetition⁠, and anime neural networks⁠. Gwern Branwen - I write about psychology, statistics, and technology. I am best known for work on the darknet markets & Bitcoin⁠, blinded self-experiments⁠, dual n-back & spaced repetition⁠, and anime neural networks⁠.
  • Paulo Pinto  I’m a cultural journalist, working and living in Guimarães, Portugal. I am interested in Philosophy, History of Art, Aesthetics, Cyberculture, Literature, Comics, Photography, Music, Astronomy, Amateur Radio, among other topics. Paulo Pinto - I’m a cultural journalist, working and living in Guimarães, Portugal. I am interested in Philosophy, History of Art, Aesthetics, Cyberculture, Literature, Comics, Photography, Music, Astronomy, Amateur Radio, among other topics.
  • Jeet Heer (The Time of Monsters) What to do while the old world is dying and the new struggling to be born. Jeet Heer (The Time of Monsters) - What to do while the old world is dying and the new struggling to be born.
  • Lucy Bellwood a professional Adventure Cartoonist, author, and educator based in Portland, Oregon. Her work brings enthusiastic tales of exploration to thousands of readers online, in print, and in person. Lucy Bellwood - a professional Adventure Cartoonist, author, and educator based in Portland, Oregon. Her work brings enthusiastic tales of exploration to thousands of readers online, in print, and in person.
  • Librarian Shipwreck focused primarily on technology, critical theory, and impending doom. Librarian Shipwreck - focused primarily on technology, critical theory, and impending doom.
  • Rachel Coldicutt Feminist. Responsible technologist. Reading and writing on equality, automation and climate crisis. On sabbatical-ish. Formerly @doteveryone . Rachel Coldicutt - Feminist. Responsible technologist. Reading and writing on equality, automation and climate crisis. On sabbatical-ish. Formerly @doteveryone .
  • Jenny Zhang I’m an experienced full stack developer with training in business/finance and sociology. This means I think a lot about the impact of technology on our society and what ethical technologists can do about it. Jenny Zhang - I’m an experienced full stack developer with training in business/finance and sociology. This means I think a lot about the impact of technology on our society and what ethical technologists can do about it.
  • Maciej Cegłowski an ex-painter and computer guy who lives in San Francisco. Runs a bookmarking site called Pinboard. Maciej Cegłowski - an ex-painter and computer guy who lives in San Francisco. Runs a bookmarking site called Pinboard.
  • Cory Doctorow Author, journalist, activist. My latest is ATTACK SURFACE Books: Blog: Cory Doctorow - Author, journalist, activist. My latest is ATTACK SURFACE Books: Blog:
  • Maël Montévil a theoretical biologist working at the crossroads of experimental biology, mathematics, and philosophy. I also work on the Anthropocene, among many other interests. Maël Montévil - a theoretical biologist working at the crossroads of experimental biology, mathematics, and philosophy. I also work on the Anthropocene, among many other interests.
  • Niklas Pivic Into feminism, language, music, mates, food, and video. Reads and reviews a lot of books, which means that he is—via Kurt Vonnegut—rococo argle-bargle. Niklas Pivic - Into feminism, language, music, mates, food, and video. Reads and reviews a lot of books, which means that he is—via Kurt Vonnegut—rococo argle-bargle.
  • Alan Jacobs (blog) Distinguished Professor of Humanities in the Honors Program of Baylor University, and before that taught for many years at Wheaton College in Illinois. I’ve written a bunch of stuff. I am a native of Alabama. Alan Jacobs (blog) - Distinguished Professor of Humanities in the Honors Program of Baylor University, and before that taught for many years at Wheaton College in Illinois. I’ve written a bunch of stuff. I am a native of Alabama.
  • Edward Snowden Continuing ed with Edward Snowden (Substack) Edward Snowden - Continuing ed with Edward Snowden (Substack)


IndieWeb and Education

  • Tim Owens Co-founder of Reclaim Hosting Tim Owens - Co-founder of Reclaim Hosting
  • Kris Shaffer Data scientist. Digital media specialist. Developer. Author. Kris Shaffer - Data scientist. Digital media specialist. Developer. Author.
  • Jim Groom the co-founder of Reclaim Hosting, an independent web hosting company focused on the higher education community. Previously I was the director of the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies and adjunct professor at the University of Mary Washington Jim Groom - the co-founder of Reclaim Hosting, an independent web hosting company focused on the higher education community. Previously I was the director of the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies and adjunct professor at the University of Mary Washington
  • Jack Jamieson PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. My research investigates how underlying infrastructures and platforms affect online communication. Jack Jamieson - PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. My research investigates how underlying infrastructures and platforms affect online communication.
  • Chris Aldrich Biomedical and Electrical Engineer. Thoughts on science, research, abstract mathematics, information theory, microbiology, IndieWeb, DoOO, education, and the entertainment industry Chris Aldrich - Biomedical and Electrical Engineer. Thoughts on science, research, abstract mathematics, information theory, microbiology, IndieWeb, DoOO, education, and the entertainment industry
  • W. Ian O'Byrne I think about literacy, technology, and education. W. Ian O'Byrne - I think about literacy, technology, and education.
  • Greg McVerry INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION: Make. Hack. Play. Learn. Assistant Professor of Education at Southern Connecticut State University. Greg McVerry - INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION: Make. Hack. Play. Learn. Assistant Professor of Education at Southern Connecticut State University.
  • John Johnston Teaching, ICT, and suchlike John Johnston - Teaching, ICT, and suchlike
  • Audrey Watters Writer at Hack Education, 2017-18 Spencer Fellow Columbia Journalism, ed-tech’s Cassandra, author of The Monsters of Education Technology Audrey Watters - Writer at Hack Education, 2017-18 Spencer Fellow Columbia Journalism, ed-tech’s Cassandra, author of The Monsters of Education Technology
  • Aaron Davis #EdTech Coach Aaron Davis - #EdTech Coach
  • Aaron Davis (Collect) Read Write Collect Aaron Davis (Collect) - Read Write Collect
  • Grant Potter Educator, instructional technologist, tinkerer, musicmaker, hauler of bootstraps Grant Potter - Educator, instructional technologist, tinkerer, musicmaker, hauler of bootstraps
  • Antonio Sánchez-Padial Higher-order Open Science Antonio Sánchez-Padial - Higher-order Open Science
  • Kimberly Hirsh A doctoral student at UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science. I came to SILS (this time) to study Connected Learning, how it manifests in libraries, and how school libraries can bridge formal and informal learning. Kimberly Hirsh - A doctoral student at UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science. I came to SILS (this time) to study Connected Learning, how it manifests in libraries, and how school libraries can bridge formal and informal learning.
  • Ryan Boren non-compliant neurodivergent Ryan Boren - non-compliant neurodivergent
  • Ryan Boren (microblog) non-compliant neurodivergent Ryan Boren (microblog) - non-compliant neurodivergent
  • Jon Udell Author, information architect, software developer, and new media innovator. His 1999 book, Practical Internet Groupware, helped lay the foundation for what we now call social software. Jon Udell - Author, information architect, software developer, and new media innovator. His 1999 book, Practical Internet Groupware, helped lay the foundation for what we now call social software.
  • Martha Burtis The Fish Wrapper | from UMW’s Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies Martha Burtis - The Fish Wrapper | from UMW’s Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies
  • Maha Bali Reflecting Allowed — a blog about Education Maha Bali - Reflecting Allowed — a blog about Education
  • Alan Levine CogDogBlog: Alan Levine barks about and plays with stuff here Alan Levine - CogDogBlog: Alan Levine barks about and plays with stuff here
  • John Stewart Father, husband, historian of chemistry, Office of Digital Learning at OU. Interested in #edtech, #gamification, #OER, #GBL, & learning! #goblinFLC. he/him/his John Stewart - Father, husband, historian of chemistry, Office of Digital Learning at OU. Interested in #edtech, #gamification, #OER, #GBL, & learning! #goblinFLC. he/him/his
  • Stephen Downes OLDaily – Knowledge, Learning, Community Stephen Downes - OLDaily – Knowledge, Learning, Community
  • EduTalk EDUtalk is a project to gather the voices of educators EduTalk - EDUtalk is a project to gather the voices of educators
  • Adam Croom Notes and bookmarks Adam Croom - Notes and bookmarks
  • Adam Croom University of Oklahoma Director of the Office of Digital Learning and Assistant Professor in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communications Adam Croom - University of Oklahoma Director of the Office of Digital Learning and Assistant Professor in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communications
  • Paul Hibbits Exploring and Building Open [Source] Software for Learning Ecosystems. Experience design, education, multi-device, Grav CMS Paul Hibbits - Exploring and Building Open [Source] Software for Learning Ecosystems. Experience design, education, multi-device, Grav CMS
  • Heather Sears Researcher developer @covcampus with a passion for supporting researchers to be their best in whatever they do (my oth ‘er’ likes are tweeted via @Aornis). Heather Sears - Researcher developer @covcampus with a passion for supporting researchers to be their best in whatever they do (my oth ‘er’ likes are tweeted via @Aornis).
  • Taylor Jadin I am a Learning Technologies Specialist @sncits. I love when teaching and technology intersect. #geek #musician #DoOO Taylor Jadin - I am a Learning Technologies Specialist @sncits. I love when teaching and technology intersect. #geek #musician #DoOO
  • Doug Belshaw Open Educational Thinkerer. I help people become more productive in their use of technology. Doug Belshaw - Open Educational Thinkerer. I help people become more productive in their use of technology.
  • Adam Procter ( designer-practitioner-researcher (edtech) Adam Procter ( - designer-practitioner-researcher (edtech)
  • Adam Procter (microblog) designer-practitioner-researcher (edtech) Adam Procter (microblog) - designer-practitioner-researcher (edtech)
  • Craig Dietrich Mellon Research Fellow at @Occidental. Co-creator of @anvcscalar. Senior Researcher at @stillwaternet. A third of the @BachelorMasters podcast. Craig Dietrich - Mellon Research Fellow at @Occidental. Co-creator of @anvcscalar. Senior Researcher at @stillwaternet. A third of the @BachelorMasters podcast.
  • Kathleen Fitzpatrick Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English, Michigan State University Kathleen Fitzpatrick - Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English, Michigan State University
  • Stephen Downes | Half an Hour A place to write, half an hour, every day, just for me. Stephen Downes | Half an Hour - A place to write, half an hour, every day, just for me.
  • R. Stuart Geiger Ethnographer of computation and computational ethnographer; research staff at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science R. Stuart Geiger - Ethnographer of computation and computational ethnographer; research staff at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science
  • Ken Bauer Connecting is Learning: Ken is a full time professor in the Computing Science Department at the Tecnológico de Monterrey Guadalajara Campus where I have been a member of the faculty since 1999 and before that as a sessional lecturer since 1995. Ken Bauer - Connecting is Learning: Ken is a full time professor in the Computing Science Department at the Tecnológico de Monterrey Guadalajara Campus where I have been a member of the faculty since 1999 and before that as a sessional lecturer since 1995.
  • Rayna M. Harris Blog post about science, teaching, and community building, travel, and more! Rayna M. Harris - Blog post about science, teaching, and community building, travel, and more!
  • Davey Moloney My main interests lie in open and online learning, educational technology, instructional and learning experience design, the IndieWeb, web decentralisation, technology in general, and all associated literacies and competencies. Davey Moloney - My main interests lie in open and online learning, educational technology, instructional and learning experience design, the IndieWeb, web decentralisation, technology in general, and all associated literacies and competencies.
  • Domains Conference Conferences and events relating to #IndieWeb #DoOO hosted by Reclaim Hosting Domains Conference - Conferences and events relating to #IndieWeb #DoOO hosted by Reclaim Hosting
  • Sarah Dillon international entrepreneurship, digitised business, & PhD life Sarah Dillon - international entrepreneurship, digitised business, & PhD life
  • Teodora Petkova a philologist fascinated by the metamorphoses of text on the Web. Curious about the ways the Semantic Web unfolds, I explore how content writing is changing, changing us and the way we think, write and live. Currently I am a PhD student at the Sofia Unive Teodora Petkova - a philologist fascinated by the metamorphoses of text on the Web. Curious about the ways the Semantic Web unfolds, I explore how content writing is changing, changing us and the way we think, write and live. Currently I am a PhD student at the Sofia Unive
  • Reclaim Hosting Provides institutions and educators with an easy way to offer their students domains and web hosting that they own and control. Reclaim Hosting - Provides institutions and educators with an easy way to offer their students domains and web hosting that they own and control.
  • Lora Taub-Pervizpour Lora Taub-Pervizpour is Associate Dean for Digital Learning at Muhlenberg College and Director of the LVAIC consortial Documentary Storymaking minor. Lora Taub-Pervizpour - Lora Taub-Pervizpour is Associate Dean for Digital Learning at Muhlenberg College and Director of the LVAIC consortial Documentary Storymaking minor.
  • Blair MacIntyre I’m a Principal Research Scientist at Mozilla, and a Professor at Georgia Tech, living in Atlanta. I’m interested in designing software to help non-geeks (i.e., people “not like me”) create interactive experiences that appear to live around them in the ph Blair MacIntyre - I’m a Principal Research Scientist at Mozilla, and a Professor at Georgia Tech, living in Atlanta. I’m interested in designing software to help non-geeks (i.e., people “not like me”) create interactive experiences that appear to live around them in the ph
  • Tom Sparks  a Alternative Technology Researcher, with a focus on Digital Communication Networks. #fidonet #fsxnet #indieweb #archivist #kopimi #aspie Tom Sparks - a Alternative Technology Researcher, with a focus on Digital Communication Networks. #fidonet #fsxnet #indieweb #archivist #kopimi #aspie
  • Clint Lalonde | EdTech Factotum EdTech Factotum is Clint Lalonde writing about educational technology, open education, and online & blended learning. Clint Lalonde | EdTech Factotum - EdTech Factotum is Clint Lalonde writing about educational technology, open education, and online & blended learning.
  • Clint Lalonde Wrangler of learning technologies by day, Dad, cyclist, soccer fan and, lately, home roaster of coffee by night. INFJ. Clint Lalonde - Wrangler of learning technologies by day, Dad, cyclist, soccer fan and, lately, home roaster of coffee by night. INFJ.
  • Sonja Burrows a learning design specialist who partners with teachers, educational leaders, and academic programs to help them achieve professional learning outcomes. Sonja Burrows - a learning design specialist who partners with teachers, educational leaders, and academic programs to help them achieve professional learning outcomes.
  • Jonathan Poritz Mathematician, computer scientist, writing and speaking on policy and ethics of OER, higher ed, and IT Jonathan Poritz - Mathematician, computer scientist, writing and speaking on policy and ethics of OER, higher ed, and IT
  • Cathie LeBlanc technology, education, and digital literacies Cathie LeBlanc - technology, education, and digital literacies
  • Virtually Connecting Your seat at the global campfire. Open virtual participation in events via volunteer buddies Co-directors  @rjhogue   @bali_maha   @autumm   @friedelitis   @hj_dewaard Virtually Connecting - Your seat at the global campfire. Open virtual participation in events via volunteer buddies Co-directors @rjhogue @bali_maha @autumm @friedelitis @hj_dewaard
  • Chris Long Dean of @CALmsu; Co-founder of @PubPhilJ; Editor of @JGenEdu; Co-PI of @HuMetricsHSS; Professor of @MSUPhilosophy; Husband of @valong11; Father of Two. Chris Long - Dean of @CALmsu; Co-founder of @PubPhilJ; Editor of @JGenEdu; Co-PI of @HuMetricsHSS; Professor of @MSUPhilosophy; Husband of @valong11; Father of Two.
  • Mo Pelzel Director of Academic Technology and the Digital Liberal Arts Collaborative at Grinnell College, and also teaches graduate level theology courses online for Creighton University Mo Pelzel - Director of Academic Technology and the Digital Liberal Arts Collaborative at Grinnell College, and also teaches graduate level theology courses online for Creighton University
  • Michelle S. Hagerman Mère. Enseignante. Researcher. Interested in digital literacies & pedagogies. Assistant Prof in Ed Tech PhD | OCT  @UOttawaEDU  [she/her] Michelle S. Hagerman - Mère. Enseignante. Researcher. Interested in digital literacies & pedagogies. Assistant Prof in Ed Tech PhD | OCT @UOttawaEDU [she/her]
  • Anne-Marie Scott Edtech lady leader  @EdinburghUni  |  @Apereo  Board | Mansfield Traquair Trust |  @girlgeekscotland  | #femedtech Art, books, rural life, piffle. Views mine. she/her Anne-Marie Scott - Edtech lady leader @EdinburghUni | @Apereo Board | Mansfield Traquair Trust | @girlgeekscotland | #femedtech Art, books, rural life, piffle. Views mine. she/her
  • Tim Clarke instructional designer. librarian. #DoOO tub-thumper. #OER #OEP #Pressbooks. #digped lab 2016 & 2017 & 2018. #WMUH listener. #DitchLibraryFines he/him Tim Clarke - instructional designer. librarian. #DoOO tub-thumper. #OER #OEP #Pressbooks. #digped lab 2016 & 2017 & 2018. #WMUH listener. #DitchLibraryFines he/him
  • Amy Collier associate provost for digital learning, Middlebury. Very nerdy, often geeky, a tad granola. incites shenanigans. plays hockey. sings the blues. Amy Collier - associate provost for digital learning, Middlebury. Very nerdy, often geeky, a tad granola. incites shenanigans. plays hockey. sings the blues.
  • Laura Pasquini Laura Pasquini explores how knowledge, technology, and community influence learning & professional development. Laura Pasquini - Laura Pasquini explores how knowledge, technology, and community influence learning & professional development.
  • Martin Hawksey Innovation, Com & Tech Officer  @A_L_T  |  @GoogleDevExpert  #GoogleAppsScript/#GSuiteDevs | Interests: Open Education, EdTech, Mashups, Analytics, Data, #FemEdTech Martin Hawksey - Innovation, Com & Tech Officer @A_L_T | @GoogleDevExpert #GoogleAppsScript/#GSuiteDevs | Interests: Open Education, EdTech, Mashups, Analytics, Data, #FemEdTech
  • Zach Whalen I’m an Associate Professor in the Department of English, Linguistics and Communication at the University of Mary Washington. I direct the Minor in Digital Studies and I teach many classes in our new Major in Communication and Digital Studies. Zach Whalen - I’m an Associate Professor in the Department of English, Linguistics and Communication at the University of Mary Washington. I direct the Minor in Digital Studies and I teach many classes in our new Major in Communication and Digital Studies.
  • Daniel Lynds im a canadian interdisciplinary artist who nerds out on ties, collages, higher education, coffee, and dark chocolate Daniel Lynds - im a canadian interdisciplinary artist who nerds out on ties, collages, higher education, coffee, and dark chocolate
  • Jesse Stommel Executive Director of the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies at University of Mary Washington. He is also Co-founder of Digital Pedagogy Lab and Hybrid Pedagogy: an open-access journal of learning, teaching, and technology. He has a PhD from U Jesse Stommel - Executive Director of the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies at University of Mary Washington. He is also Co-founder of Digital Pedagogy Lab and Hybrid Pedagogy: an open-access journal of learning, teaching, and technology. He has a PhD from U
  • Tom Woodward I am passionate about education and have spent the last fifteen years focused on blending constructivism and technology in K12 and higher ed. My experience includes private and public institutions and non-profits. My interests are varied and include multi Tom Woodward - I am passionate about education and have spent the last fifteen years focused on blending constructivism and technology in K12 and higher ed. My experience includes private and public institutions and non-profits. My interests are varied and include multi
  • Mark A. Matienzo Collaboration & Interoperability Architect in Digital Library Systems and Services at the Stanford University Libraries, serving as a technologist, advocate, and facilitator for cross-institutional projects. Mark A. Matienzo - Collaboration & Interoperability Architect in Digital Library Systems and Services at the Stanford University Libraries, serving as a technologist, advocate, and facilitator for cross-institutional projects.
  • Laura Gibbs Teaching online at the University of Oklahoma since 2002! #TTOG #RSSForever #TotalCoLearner #Domains19 #Gradeless #Ungrading #MakeTeachingWeirdAgain Laura Gibbs - Teaching online at the University of Oklahoma since 2002! #TTOG #RSSForever #TotalCoLearner #Domains19 #Gradeless #Ungrading #MakeTeachingWeirdAgain
  • Autumn Caines leader, educator, technologist, and designer. Here you will find information about my history and passions surrounding the intersection of education and technology including: digital citizenship, connected learning, and open educational practices; in a vo Autumn Caines - leader, educator, technologist, and designer. Here you will find information about my history and passions surrounding the intersection of education and technology including: digital citizenship, connected learning, and open educational practices; in a vo
  • Chris Lott Teacher. Learner. Lexicophile. He/his. For a happy inbox, check out  @katexic  &  @notabilia , my newsletters for word nerds, bookworms and the constantly curious. Chris Lott - Teacher. Learner. Lexicophile. He/his. For a happy inbox, check out @katexic & @notabilia , my newsletters for word nerds, bookworms and the constantly curious.
  • Robin DeRosa Director,  @PSUOpenCoLab ; Interdisciplinary Prof; Ed  @HybridPed ; #OpenPed #OER #OA; public university/community college missions; cherish outliers Robin DeRosa - Director, @PSUOpenCoLab ; Interdisciplinary Prof; Ed @HybridPed ; #OpenPed #OER #OA; public university/community college missions; cherish outliers
  • Jess Reingold Feminist. Animal Lover. Technologist. Program Manager #DoOO in  @umwdtlt   @MaryWash , User-Centered Design grad student  @BrandeisU  *Tweets are my own.* Jess Reingold - Feminist. Animal Lover. Technologist. Program Manager #DoOO in @umwdtlt @MaryWash , User-Centered Design grad student @BrandeisU *Tweets are my own.*
  • Terry Green Program Manager  @eCampusOntario  learning+technology+openness+humans=something good?  Host of the Gettin’ Air Podcast on Open Pedagogy on  @voicedcanada Terry Green - Program Manager @eCampusOntario learning+technology+openness+humans=something good? Host of the Gettin’ Air Podcast on Open Pedagogy on @voicedcanada
  • Erin Rose Glass I am the Digital Scholarship Librarian at UC San Diego, where I facilitate the Digital Humanities Research Group.  My work focuses on using digital tools and social practices to make education and knowledge production more democratic, collaborative, and p Erin Rose Glass - I am the Digital Scholarship Librarian at UC San Diego, where I facilitate the Digital Humanities Research Group. My work focuses on using digital tools and social practices to make education and knowledge production more democratic, collaborative, and p
  • Trip Kirkpatrick Just another humanities technologist on a quest for meaningful failure. Trip Kirkpatrick - Just another humanities technologist on a quest for meaningful failure.
  • Dr. Lee Skallerup Bessette Learning Design Specialist,  @cndls , Georgetown U. Writer. I put the E in ENFP. It’s not grit, it’s hope. Proudly size XL. Dr. Lee Skallerup Bessette - Learning Design Specialist, @cndls , Georgetown U. Writer. I put the E in ENFP. It’s not grit, it’s hope. Proudly size XL.
  • Meredith Fierro @UMaryWash  ’17 | Customer Support Specialist for  @ReclaimHosting  &  @RockawayHosting  |  @CoWorkFXBG  | Meredith Fierro - @UMaryWash ’17 | Customer Support Specialist for @ReclaimHosting & @RockawayHosting | @CoWorkFXBG |
  • Lauren Brumfield I like to write, design, and talk about  @ReclaimHosting Lauren Brumfield - I like to write, design, and talk about @ReclaimHosting
  • Helen DeWaard Teacher, designer, leader & learner. Supporting teachers to teach with tech. Enjoying fireside chats in digital spaces! Helen DeWaard - Teacher, designer, leader & learner. Supporting teachers to teach with tech. Enjoying fireside chats in digital spaces!
  • Keegan Long-Wheeler Educator | Open Practitioner | Web Creator | Design Dabbler | Instructional Hacker/Remixer | Game Maker | Ed Technologist for  @OU_DigLearn  | #OLCInnovate Chair Keegan Long-Wheeler - Educator | Open Practitioner | Web Creator | Design Dabbler | Instructional Hacker/Remixer | Game Maker | Ed Technologist for @OU_DigLearn | #OLCInnovate Chair
  • Irene Stewart Retention Coordinator (Faculty) at St. Clair College. Extender4Life. Vape enthusiast.  Possibly Jovian. Will stop scrolling for cat pictures. Irene Stewart - Retention Coordinator (Faculty) at St. Clair College. Extender4Life. Vape enthusiast. Possibly Jovian. Will stop scrolling for cat pictures.
  • Christina Hendricks Philosophy prof at U of British Columbia, Canada. Open education, digital storytelling, edtech, public education & childcare. Christina Hendricks - Philosophy prof at U of British Columbia, Canada. Open education, digital storytelling, edtech, public education & childcare.
  • Greg McVerry (Articles) INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION: Make. Hack. Play. Learn. Assistant Professor of Education at Southern Connecticut State University. Greg McVerry (Articles) - INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION: Make. Hack. Play. Learn. Assistant Professor of Education at Southern Connecticut State University.
  • Ontario Extend Join us as we extend our skills and knowledge by curating, creating, collaborating and experimenting to enrich technology-enabled learning experiences. Ontario Extend - Join us as we extend our skills and knowledge by curating, creating, collaborating and experimenting to enrich technology-enabled learning experiences.
  • Bill Kronholm Whittier College, Associate Professor of mathematics Bill Kronholm - Whittier College, Associate Professor of mathematics
  • Tineke D'Haeseleer - Sinologist, long-distance runner, knitter and spinner
  • Dan Cohen Vice Provost, Dean, and Professor at Northeastern University Dan Cohen - Vice Provost, Dean, and Professor at Northeastern University
  • Humane Ingenuity A newsletter by Dan Cohen on technology that helps rather than hurts human understanding, and human understanding that helps us create better technology. Humane Ingenuity - A newsletter by Dan Cohen on technology that helps rather than hurts human understanding, and human understanding that helps us create better technology.
  • Will Monroe I’m the Assistant Director for Instructional Technology at the LSU Law School. I also teach courses at LSU. Will Monroe - I’m the Assistant Director for Instructional Technology at the LSU Law School. I also teach courses at LSU.
  • Martin Weller I am Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University. My interests are in Digital Scholarship, open education and impact of new technologies. I’ve authored several books, including The Digital Scholar and Battle for Open which are available und Martin Weller - I am Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University. My interests are in Digital Scholarship, open education and impact of new technologies. I’ve authored several books, including The Digital Scholar and Battle for Open which are available und
  • Jeremy Felt Open Source student. Creating, solving with  @happyprimeweb . Started, now watches, VVV. Committed to WordPress. Previously  @WSU ,  @10up. Jeremy Felt - Open Source student. Creating, solving with @happyprimeweb . Started, now watches, VVV. Committed to WordPress. Previously @WSU , @10up.
  • Teaching and Learning on the Open Web Shared WithKnown instance hosted by Jane Van Galen Teaching and Learning on the Open Web - Shared WithKnown instance hosted by Jane Van Galen
  • Kin Lane I am a writer, storyteller, and forever recovering technologist. If you’ve heard of my name before, you probably know me as the API Evangelist, covering the technology, business, and politics of APIs. Kin Lane - I am a writer, storyteller, and forever recovering technologist. If you’ve heard of my name before, you probably know me as the API Evangelist, covering the technology, business, and politics of APIs.
  • Gettin' Air Join Terry Greene as he and his guests get some air time to discuss technology-enabled and open learning practices in Post-Secondary Education. Gettin' Air - Join Terry Greene as he and his guests get some air time to discuss technology-enabled and open learning practices in Post-Secondary Education.
  • Ian O'Byrne (YouTube) W. Ian O’Byrne is an Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at the College of Charleston.   His research examines the literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online spaces. Ian O'Byrne (YouTube) - W. Ian O’Byrne is an Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at the College of Charleston. His research examines the literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online spaces.
  • Doug Belshaw ( Doug Belshaw (
  • Doug Belshaw ( avoiding dead metaphors since 2011 Doug Belshaw ( - avoiding dead metaphors since 2011
  • Doug Belshaw ( Doug Belshaw ( -
  • Doug Belshaw (Thought Shrapnel) A stream of things going in and out of the brain of Doug Belshaw. Doug Belshaw (Thought Shrapnel) - A stream of things going in and out of the brain of Doug Belshaw.
  • Manifold Manifold is an intuitive, collaborative platform for scholarly publishing. With iterative texts, powerful annotation tools, rich media support, and robust community dialogue, Manifold transforms scholarly publications into living digital works. Manifold - Manifold is an intuitive, collaborative platform for scholarly publishing. With iterative texts, powerful annotation tools, rich media support, and robust community dialogue, Manifold transforms scholarly publications into living digital works.
  • Dr. Tanis Morgan Advisor, Teaching + Learning  @BCcampus . Researcher #OEP, #OER #REL. Curator of OER in other languages #oloer. Cofounder  @openetc . Edtech + #femedtech. she/her Dr. Tanis Morgan - Advisor, Teaching + Learning @BCcampus . Researcher #OEP, #OER #REL. Curator of OER in other languages #oloer. Cofounder @openetc . Edtech + #femedtech. she/her
  • Chris Gilliard (@hypervisible) Professor & snowboarder. I spend a lot of time thinking (& not enough time writing) about surveillance, privacy, tech & data in education. #digitalredlining Chris Gilliard (@hypervisible) - Professor & snowboarder. I spend a lot of time thinking (& not enough time writing) about surveillance, privacy, tech & data in education. #digitalredlining
  • David D. LaCroix David is a product manager in Washington DC. David D. LaCroix - David is a product manager in Washington DC.
  • JR Dingwall JR is based in Canada and works as an instructional designer in higher education. JR Dingwall - JR is based in Canada and works as an instructional designer in higher education.
  • Dr. Tamar R. Marvin scholar, writer, educator, maker Dr. Tamar R. Marvin - scholar, writer, educator, maker
  • Katharina Schulz I have been working as a research assistant at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences since mid-2017, where I am mainly concerned with open access and various issues in the field of e-learning. Katharina Schulz - I have been working as a research assistant at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences since mid-2017, where I am mainly concerned with open access and various issues in the field of e-learning.
  • Michael Branson Smith MBS presently spends a lot of time creating animated GIFs, particularly with a nostalgic eye or by remixing with artists and friends. He regularly teaches a course on digital storytelling inspired by the DS106 community. He is also a multi-media producer Michael Branson Smith - MBS presently spends a lot of time creating animated GIFs, particularly with a nostalgic eye or by remixing with artists and friends. He regularly teaches a course on digital storytelling inspired by the DS106 community. He is also a multi-media producer
  • Christian Friedrich Educational Strategies, Learning Design, Moderation of Events, Podcasting. Christian Friedrich - Educational Strategies, Learning Design, Moderation of Events, Podcasting.
  • Maren Deepwell Charity CEO in EdTech. Ethical, open leadership. Feminist. She/her Maren Deepwell - Charity CEO in EdTech. Ethical, open leadership. Feminist. She/her
  • Colin Madland Educator, technology steward, and PhD student examining assessment in online higher education at the University of Victoria. Colin Madland - Educator, technology steward, and PhD student examining assessment in online higher education at the University of Victoria.
  • Doug Holton educational technology, learning and student development, faculty development, educational psychology, learning sciences Doug Holton - educational technology, learning and student development, faculty development, educational psychology, learning sciences


  • On the Media WNYC’s weekly investigation into how the media shapes our worldview with Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield On the Media - WNYC’s weekly investigation into how the media shapes our worldview with Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield
  • An IndieWeb Podcast A podcast of topics relating to the IndieWeb An IndieWeb Podcast - A podcast of topics relating to the IndieWeb
  • Serial Serial tells one story—a true story—over the course of a season. Each season, we follow a plot and characters wherever they take us. We won’t know what happens at the end until we get there, not long before you get there with us. Serial - Serial tells one story—a true story—over the course of a season. Each season, we follow a plot and characters wherever they take us. We won’t know what happens at the end until we get there, not long before you get there with us.
  • Seeing White Just what is going on with white people? Police shootings of unarmed African Americans. Acts of domestic terrorism by white supremacists. The renewed embrace of raw, undisguised white-identity politics. Unending racial inequity in schools, housing, crimin Seeing White - Just what is going on with white people? Police shootings of unarmed African Americans. Acts of domestic terrorism by white supremacists. The renewed embrace of raw, undisguised white-identity politics. Unending racial inequity in schools, housing, crimin
  • This Week in Google Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, and their guests talk about the latest Google and cloud computing news. This Week in Google - Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, and their guests talk about the latest Google and cloud computing news.
  • This Week in Tech Join the top tech pundits in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in high tech. This Week in Tech - Join the top tech pundits in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in high tech.
  • Eat This Podcast Jeremy Cherfas talking about anything around food. Eat This Podcast - Jeremy Cherfas talking about anything around food.
  • Chris Aldrich | Huffduffer A compilation of audio files Chris Aldrich has either listened to recently or found on the web and bookmarked into his “to listen to” pile. They cover a melange of subjects he’s interested in. Chris Aldrich | Huffduffer - A compilation of audio files Chris Aldrich has either listened to recently or found on the web and bookmarked into his “to listen to” pile. They cover a melange of subjects he’s interested in.
  • The Atlantic Interview A weekly conversation between editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg and the figures shaping society The Atlantic Interview - A weekly conversation between editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg and the figures shaping society
  • HumanCurrent We are exploring complexity in all fields of study in the hopes that our discoveries will help us learn more about the human mind, human organizations, and human relationships. HumanCurrent - We are exploring complexity in all fields of study in the hopes that our discoveries will help us learn more about the human mind, human organizations, and human relationships.
  • Gillmor Gang Round table like discussion of media, social, technology, and culture with a dash of Apple-fanboy reportage. Gillmor Gang - Round table like discussion of media, social, technology, and culture with a dash of Apple-fanboy reportage.
  • EduTalk EDUtalk is a project to gather the voices of educators EduTalk - EDUtalk is a project to gather the voices of educators
  • Modernist BreadCrumbs Special series taking a new look at one of the oldest staples of the human diet: bread. Each episode explores bread from a different angle; from its surprising and often complicated past, to the grains, tools, and microbes we use to make it, and the sci Modernist BreadCrumbs - Special series taking a new look at one of the oldest staples of the human diet: bread. Each episode explores bread from a different angle; from its surprising and often complicated past, to the grains, tools, and microbes we use to make it, and the sci
  • The Daily (New York Times) This is how the news should sound. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, hosted by Michael Barbaro and powered by New York Times journalism. The Daily (New York Times) - This is how the news should sound. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, hosted by Michael Barbaro and powered by New York Times journalism.
  • The West Wing Weekly A fan produced podcast by Hrishi Hirway and WW star Josh Malina The West Wing Weekly - A fan produced podcast by Hrishi Hirway and WW star Josh Malina
  • Radio Atlantic From The Atlantic: Weekly conversations with leading journalists and thinkers to make sense of the history happening all around us. Radio Atlantic - From The Atlantic: Weekly conversations with leading journalists and thinkers to make sense of the history happening all around us.
  • The Web Ahead Jen Simmons speaks with world experts on changing technologies and the future of the web. The Web Ahead - Jen Simmons speaks with world experts on changing technologies and the future of the web.
  • The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg Podcast by Jonah Goldberg of The National Review The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg - Podcast by Jonah Goldberg of The National Review
  • Song Exploder Song Exploder is a podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made. Song Exploder - Song Exploder is a podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made.
  • Revisionist History Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast Revisionist History - Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast
  • Lost Notes | KCRW An anthology of some of the greatest music stories never truly told. Lost Notes | KCRW - An anthology of some of the greatest music stories never truly told.
  • WorkLife with Adam Grant Adam Grant is an expert on how we can find motivation and meaning, and lead more generous and creative lives. WorkLife with Adam Grant - Adam Grant is an expert on how we can find motivation and meaning, and lead more generous and creative lives.
  • Caliphate A new audio series from the New York Times following Rukmini Callimachi as she reports on the Islamic State and the fall of Mosul. Caliphate - A new audio series from the New York Times following Rukmini Callimachi as she reports on the Islamic State and the fall of Mosul.
  • My Favorite Theorem A podcast dedicated to sharing our guests’ favorite mathematical results. Follow us on Twitter at @myfavethm. My Favorite Theorem - A podcast dedicated to sharing our guests’ favorite mathematical results. Follow us on Twitter at @myfavethm.
  • Buried Truths | NPR In 1948, three black farmers decided they’d had enough. They were going to vote in rural South Georgia, where white supremacists held power by suppressing the black vote. How far would white supremacists go — on the streets, in the courtrooms, in the legi Buried Truths | NPR - In 1948, three black farmers decided they’d had enough. They were going to vote in rural South Georgia, where white supremacists held power by suppressing the black vote. How far would white supremacists go — on the streets, in the courtrooms, in the legi
  • Gretchen Rubin (Happiness Podcast) Happier Podcast Gretchen Rubin (Happiness Podcast) - Happier Podcast
  • Literature and History a podcast covering Anglophone literature from ancient times to the present Literature and History - a podcast covering Anglophone literature from ancient times to the present
  • Post Reports Post Reports is the daily podcast from The Washington Post. Unparalleled reporting. Expert insight. Clear analysis. Everything you’ve come to expect from the newsroom of The Post. For your ears. Martine Powers is your host, asking the questions you didn’t Post Reports - Post Reports is the daily podcast from The Washington Post. Unparalleled reporting. Expert insight. Clear analysis. Everything you’ve come to expect from the newsroom of The Post. For your ears. Martine Powers is your host, asking the questions you didn’t
  • Lingthusiasm A podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Make your boring commute or chores feel like a lively, nerdy, language-y conversation with real linguists! Lingthusiasm - A podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Make your boring commute or chores feel like a lively, nerdy, language-y conversation with real linguists!
  • Clear+Vivid with Alan Alda Learn to connect better with others in every area of your life. Immerse yourself in spirited conversations with people who know how hard it is, and yet how good it feels, to really connect with other people – whether it’s one person, an audience or a whol Clear+Vivid with Alan Alda - Learn to connect better with others in every area of your life. Immerse yourself in spirited conversations with people who know how hard it is, and yet how good it feels, to really connect with other people – whether it’s one person, an audience or a whol
  • Triangulation Every week TWiT hosts talk to the smartest people in the world about the most important topics in technology. Join Leo Laporte, Jason Howell, Megan Morrone, or Denise Howell for these enlightening one-on-one interviews. Triangulation - Every week TWiT hosts talk to the smartest people in the world about the most important topics in technology. Join Leo Laporte, Jason Howell, Megan Morrone, or Denise Howell for these enlightening one-on-one interviews.
  • Think Like a Hacker | WordFence Join Mark Maunder for the Think Like a Hacker podcast as he and Kathy Zant cover interesting topics related to WordPress, security and innovation. Think Like a Hacker | WordFence - Join Mark Maunder for the Think Like a Hacker podcast as he and Kathy Zant cover interesting topics related to WordPress, security and innovation.
  • Trump, Inc. He’s the president, yet we’re still trying to answer basic questions about how his business works: what deals are happening, whom they’re happening with, and if the president and his family are keeping their promise to separate the Trump Organization from Trump, Inc. - He’s the president, yet we’re still trying to answer basic questions about how his business works: what deals are happening, whom they’re happening with, and if the president and his family are keeping their promise to separate the Trump Organization from
  • Innovate Pasadena Friday Coffee Meetup Podcast of a weekly coffee meet-up to increase and enhance the vibrancy of the great Pasadena tech and start-up community Innovate Pasadena Friday Coffee Meetup - Podcast of a weekly coffee meet-up to increase and enhance the vibrancy of the great Pasadena tech and start-up community
  • Media and the End of the World Podcast with Adam Croom and Ralph Beliveau Media and the End of the World Podcast - with Adam Croom and Ralph Beliveau
  • What's New Podcast An Exploration of New Ideas and Discoveries Search Search Search …  Search Hosted by Dan Cohen and produced at Snell Library. Get in touch with What’s New. What's New Podcast - An Exploration of New Ideas and Discoveries Search Search Search … Search Hosted by Dan Cohen and produced at Snell Library. Get in touch with What’s New.
  • Distributed, with Matt Mullenweg A new series by Matt Mullenweg exploring distributed work, the future of business, and what it means for the global economy. Distributed, with Matt Mullenweg - A new series by Matt Mullenweg exploring distributed work, the future of business, and what it means for the global economy.
  • The Shrink Next Door Veteran journalist Joe Nocera had a Hamptons neighbor: Ike, therapist to celebrities and Manhattan’s elite. He had star-studded parties at the vacation house. But one summer, Joe came back to discover that Ike was gone, and the summer house next door had The Shrink Next Door - Veteran journalist Joe Nocera had a Hamptons neighbor: Ike, therapist to celebrities and Manhattan’s elite. He had star-studded parties at the vacation house. But one summer, Joe came back to discover that Ike was gone, and the summer house next door had
  • Innovation Hub (WGBH & PRI) nnovation Hub features today’s most creative thinkers – from authors to researchers to business leaders. It explores new avenues in education, science, medicine, transportation, and more. Guests have included Michael Pollan, Sal Khan, Marissa Mayer, Clayt Innovation Hub (WGBH & PRI) - nnovation Hub features today’s most creative thinkers – from authors to researchers to business leaders. It explores new avenues in education, science, medicine, transportation, and more. Guests have included Michael Pollan, Sal Khan, Marissa Mayer, Clayt
  • Chris Aldrich's Huffduffer Collective (audio) Podcast discovery using online audio that has been bookmarked by people I’m following on Chris Aldrich's Huffduffer Collective (audio) - Podcast discovery using online audio that has been bookmarked by people I’m following on
  • Film Threat (podcast) The OFFICIAL podcast of Film Threat, hosted by Chris Gore. Filmmaker interviews and reviews. Film Threat is an independent movie review site specializing in news, filmmaker interviews, festival coverage and DIY filmmaking tips. Film Threat (podcast) - The OFFICIAL podcast of Film Threat, hosted by Chris Gore. Filmmaker interviews and reviews. Film Threat is an independent movie review site specializing in news, filmmaker interviews, festival coverage and DIY filmmaking tips.
  • Contrafabulists Fabulists are fable-spinners and myth-makers. We are storytellers ourselves, but we poke holes in the hype and distortion of new digital technologies and the narratives associated with them. Contrafabulists are, as the name would suggest, against lying. Contrafabulists - Fabulists are fable-spinners and myth-makers. We are storytellers ourselves, but we poke holes in the hype and distortion of new digital technologies and the narratives associated with them. Contrafabulists are, as the name would suggest, against lying.
  • History of Philosophy Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King’s College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, “without any gaps.” The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well History of Philosophy - Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King’s College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, “without any gaps.” The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well
  • The Happiness Lab (Pushkin Industries) In “The Happiness Lab” podcast, Yale professor Dr Laurie Santos will take you through the latest scientific research and share some surprising and inspiring stories that will forever alter the way you think about happiness. The Happiness Lab (Pushkin Industries) - In “The Happiness Lab” podcast, Yale professor Dr Laurie Santos will take you through the latest scientific research and share some surprising and inspiring stories that will forever alter the way you think about happiness.
  • Sean Carroll's Mindscape Sean Carroll hosts conversations with the world’s most interesting thinkers. Science, society, philosophy, culture, arts, and ideas. Sean Carroll's Mindscape - Sean Carroll hosts conversations with the world’s most interesting thinkers. Science, society, philosophy, culture, arts, and ideas.
  • Invisibilia Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently. Invisibilia - Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.
  • 1619 “1619” is a New York Times audio series, hosted by Nikole Hannah-Jones, that examines the long shadow of American slavery. 1619 - “1619” is a New York Times audio series, hosted by Nikole Hannah-Jones, that examines the long shadow of American slavery.
  • Solvable (Pushkin Industries/Rockefeller Foundation) A partnership between The Rockefeller Foundation and Pushkin Industries, Solvable showcases the world’s most inspiring thinkers proposing solutions to the world’s most daunting problems. Solvable (Pushkin Industries/Rockefeller Foundation) - A partnership between The Rockefeller Foundation and Pushkin Industries, Solvable showcases the world’s most inspiring thinkers proposing solutions to the world’s most daunting problems.
  • Farm to Taber Farm to Taber is a show about the inner guts of the food system, and what it takes to make work sustainably. Wherever that takes us—science, history, tech, culture, policy, marketing, psychology, design, and more— Farm to Taber goes there. Farm to Taber - Farm to Taber is a show about the inner guts of the food system, and what it takes to make work sustainably. Wherever that takes us—science, history, tech, culture, policy, marketing, psychology, design, and more— Farm to Taber goes there.
  • Politics with Amy Walter Amy Walter has an insider view on Washington. Politics with Amy Walter - Amy Walter has an insider view on Washington.
  • Dolly Parton's America The story of a legend at the crossroads of America’s culture wars. Dolly Parton's America - The story of a legend at the crossroads of America’s culture wars.
  • Marketplace Morning Report hosted by David Brancaccio, is the business news you need to know to start your day. “Marketplace Morning Report” gets you up to speed on what you missed when you were sleeping, kicking off each weekday with a global business update from the BBC Marketplace Morning Report - hosted by David Brancaccio, is the business news you need to know to start your day. “Marketplace Morning Report” gets you up to speed on what you missed when you were sleeping, kicking off each weekday with a global business update from the BBC
  • Function with Anil Dash How technology is shaping culture and communications.  Host and Glitch CEO, Anil Dash, talks to developers, designers, and culture experts to understand the ways tech is changing culture, and what it means for us. Function with Anil Dash - How technology is shaping culture and communications. Host and Glitch CEO, Anil Dash, talks to developers, designers, and culture experts to understand the ways tech is changing culture, and what it means for us.
  • Crazy/Genius (The Atlantic) Big questions about technology, science, and culture, hosted by The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson. Crazy/Genius (The Atlantic) - Big questions about technology, science, and culture, hosted by The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson.
  • The Stakes (WNYC Studios) Hosted by Kai Wright.  A show about what it takes to create change. The Stakes (WNYC Studios) - Hosted by Kai Wright. A show about what it takes to create change.
  • Gettin' Air Join Terry Greene as he and his guests get some air time to discuss technology-enabled and open learning practices in Post-Secondary Education. Gettin' Air - Join Terry Greene as he and his guests get some air time to discuss technology-enabled and open learning practices in Post-Secondary Education.
  • Against the Rules with Michael Lewis Journalist and bestselling author Michael Lewis (Liar’s Poker, Moneyball) takes a searing look at what’s happened to fairness—in financial markets, newsrooms, basketball games, courts of law, and much more. And he asks what’s happening to a world where ev Against the Rules with Michael Lewis - Journalist and bestselling author Michael Lewis (Liar’s Poker, Moneyball) takes a searing look at what’s happened to fairness—in financial markets, newsrooms, basketball games, courts of law, and much more. And he asks what’s happening to a world where ev
  • Quanta Magazine Podcast Quanta Magazine Podcast
  • The Anthropocene Reviewed (WNYC Studios) From Complexly and WNYC Studios  John Green reviews facets of the human-centered planet on a five-star scale. The Anthropocene Reviewed (WNYC Studios) - From Complexly and WNYC Studios John Green reviews facets of the human-centered planet on a five-star scale.
  • The History of Egypt Podcast The History of Egypt Podcast is written and produced by Dominic Perry. The History of Egypt Podcast - The History of Egypt Podcast is written and produced by Dominic Perry.
  • History of English Podcast History of English Podcast
  • Complexity Podcast (Santa Fe Institute) Far-reaching conversations with a worldwide network of scientists and mathematicians, philosophers and artists developing new frameworks to explain our universe’s deepest mysteries. Join host Michael Garfield at SFI each week to learn about your world and Complexity Podcast (Santa Fe Institute) - Far-reaching conversations with a worldwide network of scientists and mathematicians, philosophers and artists developing new frameworks to explain our universe’s deepest mysteries. Join host Michael Garfield at SFI each week to learn about your world and
  • PBS NewsHour Full Show Podcast Listen to the PBS NewsHour program in its entirety, including updates, in-depth reports, interviews and analysis, all featuring our senior correspondents. PBS NewsHour Full Show Podcast - Listen to the PBS NewsHour program in its entirety, including updates, in-depth reports, interviews and analysis, all featuring our senior correspondents.
  • Libre Lounge Christopher Lemmer Webber and Serge Wroclawski casually discuss various topics involving user freedom, crossing free software, free culture, network and hosting freedom, and libre hardware designs. Libre Lounge - Christopher Lemmer Webber and Serge Wroclawski casually discuss various topics involving user freedom, crossing free software, free culture, network and hosting freedom, and libre hardware designs.
  • United States of Anxiety (WNYC Studios)     A show about the unfinished business of our history and its grip on our future. United States of Anxiety (WNYC Studios) - A show about the unfinished business of our history and its grip on our future.
  • Uncivil A history podcast from Gimlet Media, where we go back to the time our divisions turned into a war, and bring you stories left out of the official history. Uncivil - A history podcast from Gimlet Media, where we go back to the time our divisions turned into a war, and bring you stories left out of the official history.
  • Code Switch (NPR) Race and Identity, Remixed Code Switch (NPR) - Race and Identity, Remixed
  • Uneducators (Christopher Murphy / Adam Procter) Welcome to #uneducators! A podcast about the intersection of design, technology, business and – above all – education. Uneducators (Christopher Murphy / Adam Procter) - Welcome to #uneducators! A podcast about the intersection of design, technology, business and – above all – education.
  • Chris Aldrich | Listen Notes A curated playlist of podcasts by Chris Aldrich using Listen Notes. Chris Aldrich | Listen Notes - A curated playlist of podcasts by Chris Aldrich using Listen Notes.
  • RoamFM RoamFM is the podcast all about Roam Research, for members of the #roamcult. Join us as we dive into the minds of amazing Roam users, taking a peek into how they use Roam to create wonderful connections. RoamFM - RoamFM is the podcast all about Roam Research, for members of the #roamcult. Join us as we dive into the minds of amazing Roam users, taking a peek into how they use Roam to create wonderful connections.
  • Proust Questionairre Interesting conversations with creative people. Proust Questionairre - Interesting conversations with creative people.
  • Conversations with Tyler Esteemed economist Tyler Cowen engages today’s most underrated thinkers in wide-ranging explorations of their work, the world, and everything in between. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Conversations with Tyler - Esteemed economist Tyler Cowen engages today’s most underrated thinkers in wide-ranging explorations of their work, the world, and everything in between. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
  • The Uncertain Hour Obscure policies, forgotten histories and why America’s like this. The Uncertain Hour explains our weird, complicated, and often unequal economy – and why some people get ahead and some get left behind. The Uncertain Hour - Obscure policies, forgotten histories and why America’s like this. The Uncertain Hour explains our weird, complicated, and often unequal economy – and why some people get ahead and some get left behind.
  • This is Altadena a podcast hosted by the Altadena Libraries, celebrating people’s life experiences and stories, and the hidden histories of Altadena, California. This is Altadena - a podcast hosted by the Altadena Libraries, celebrating people’s life experiences and stories, and the hidden histories of Altadena, California.
  • Reimagining the Internet The Institute for Digital Public Infrastructure | We’re talking to some of the most exciting scholars, activists, journalists, and entrepreneurs in our field about what’s wrong with social media and how to fix it. Reimagining the Internet - The Institute for Digital Public Infrastructure | We’re talking to some of the most exciting scholars, activists, journalists, and entrepreneurs in our field about what’s wrong with social media and how to fix it.
  • David Cayley For more than thirty years (1981-2012) I made radio documentaries for CBC Radio’s Ideas series. David Cayley - For more than thirty years (1981-2012) I made radio documentaries for CBC Radio’s Ideas series.
  • Booksmart Studios Podcasts by Amna Khalid, Bob Garfield and John McWhorter. Booksmart Studios - Podcasts by Amna Khalid, Bob Garfield and John McWhorter.

ITBio Related Research Groups

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  • Thomas Schneider Molecular Information Theory Thomas Schneider - Molecular Information Theory
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  • Chris Aldrich Biomedical and Electrical Engineer. Thoughts on science, research, abstract mathematics, information theory, microbiology, IndieWeb, DoOO, education, and the entertainment industry Chris Aldrich - Biomedical and Electrical Engineer. Thoughts on science, research, abstract mathematics, information theory, microbiology, IndieWeb, DoOO, education, and the entertainment industry
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  • Melanie Mitchell Davis Professor of Complexity at the Santa Fe Institute, and Professor of Computer Science (currently on leave) at Portland State University. Her current research focuses on conceptual abstraction, analogy-making, and visual recognition in AI systems. Melanie Mitchell - Davis Professor of Complexity at the Santa Fe Institute, and Professor of Computer Science (currently on leave) at Portland State University. Her current research focuses on conceptual abstraction, analogy-making, and visual recognition in AI systems.
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  • José Guzmán - Research associate, IMBA Institute Of Molecular Biotechnology
  • Rodrick Wallace - Rodrick Wallace
  • Terry Sejnowski Computational Neurobiology Terry Sejnowski - Computational Neurobiology
  • Jessica C. Flack Pprofessor at SFI where I also run the Collective Computation Group and serve as Chair of Public Events. Jessica C. Flack - Pprofessor at SFI where I also run the Collective Computation Group and serve as Chair of Public Events.
  • Artemis Hatzigeorgiou Professor, University of Thessally; DNA Intelligent Analysis Artemis Hatzigeorgiou - Professor, University of Thessally; DNA Intelligent Analysis
  • Biological Physics Group at Weizmann - Biological Physics Group at Weizmann
  • Erik van Nimwegen - Erik van Nimwegen
  • Ethan Buchman Internet BioPhysicist. CTO @ Tendermint. Ethan Buchman - Internet BioPhysicist. CTO @ Tendermint.
  • Hamed Hassani Saadi - Hamed Hassani Saadi
  • Ian F. Akyildiz – Broadband Wireless Networking - Ian F. Akyildiz
  • IBM Research – Physics of Information Processing in Living Systems - IBM Research – Physics of Information Processing in Living Systems
  • John Hawks Researcher: paleoanthropology, genetics, and evolution John Hawks - Researcher: paleoanthropology, genetics, and evolution
  • Philip Nelson Philip Nelson Philip Nelson - Philip Nelson
  • Ulf Andersson Ørom – Long non-coding RNA - Ulf Andersson Ørom
  • Uri Alon - Uri Alon
  • Viswanathan Arunachalam - Viswanathan Arunachalam
  • William Bialek John Archibald Wheeler/Battelle Professor in Physics, and a member of the multidisciplinary Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, at Princeton University. William Bialek - John Archibald Wheeler/Battelle Professor in Physics, and a member of the multidisciplinary Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, at Princeton University.
  • Pall Melsted Bits of Bioinformatics: Assistant professor of computer science at University of Iceland, head of rna seq data analysis at decode genetics. Bioinformatician, probabilistic combinatorialist, &c. Pall Melsted - Bits of Bioinformatics: Assistant professor of computer science at University of Iceland, head of rna seq data analysis at decode genetics. Bioinformatician, probabilistic combinatorialist, &c.
  • NIMBioS (WordPress) National Institute of Mathematical and Biological Synthesis: the talents of top researchers from around the world collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to find creative solutions to today’s complex biological problems. NIMBioS (WordPress) - National Institute of Mathematical and Biological Synthesis: the talents of top researchers from around the world collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to find creative solutions to today’s complex biological problems.
  • John Carlos Baez | Azimuth From math to physics to earth science and biology, computer science and the technologies of today and tomorrow John Carlos Baez | Azimuth - From math to physics to earth science and biology, computer science and the technologies of today and tomorrow
  • Christoph Adami Theoretical physicist working at the intersection of physics and life sciences Christoph Adami - Theoretical physicist working at the intersection of physics and life sciences
  • Lior Pachter Reviews and commentary on computational biology Lior Pachter - Reviews and commentary on computational biology
  • Mark Gomer Mark Gomer
  • Sean Carroll A theorist who thinks about the fundamental laws of nature, especially as they connect to cosmology. Some of my work has been on violations of fundamental symmetries, the physics of dark energy, modifications of general relativity, and the arrow of ti Sean Carroll - A theorist who thinks about the fundamental laws of nature, especially as they connect to cosmology. Some of my work has been on violations of fundamental symmetries, the physics of dark energy, modifications of general relativity, and the arrow of ti
  • Michael Levine Tufts researcher investigating information storage and processing in biological systems Michael Levine - Tufts researcher investigating information storage and processing in biological systems
  • Michael Lachmann My main interest in biology is studying the process of evolution. It is arguable whether the process of evolution existed before there was life on earth. What is less arguable is that it was different from the process which exists today. This is one examp Michael Lachmann - My main interest in biology is studying the process of evolution. It is arguable whether the process of evolution existed before there was life on earth. What is less arguable is that it was different from the process which exists today. This is one examp
  • Sara Walker theoretical physicist, astrobiologist; Investigating the origin and nature of life, here and elsewhere. Sara Walker - theoretical physicist, astrobiologist; Investigating the origin and nature of life, here and elsewhere.
  • Hector Zenil (YouTube) Videos from the Algorithmic Nature lab describing and explaining some of the core concepts at the center of our main lines of research. Hector Zenil (YouTube) - Videos from the Algorithmic Nature lab describing and explaining some of the core concepts at the center of our main lines of research.
  • Scott Gilbert Howard A. Schneiderman Professor of Biology, emeritus, at Swarthmore College, where he teaches developmental genetics, embryology, and the history and critiques of biology. Scott Gilbert - Howard A. Schneiderman Professor of Biology, emeritus, at Swarthmore College, where he teaches developmental genetics, embryology, and the history and critiques of biology.
  • Eric Smith - SFI Researcher
  • Nihat Ay Complexity and information theory Nihat Ay - Complexity and information theory
  • Jennifer Hoyal Cuthill - Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Institute for Analytics and Data Science) School of Life Sciences
  • Manfred Laubichler President’s Professor of Theoretical Biology and History of Biology and Director of the Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative at Arizona State University. His work focuses on evolutionary novelties from genomes to knowledge systems, the structure of evol Manfred Laubichler - President’s Professor of Theoretical Biology and History of Biology and Director of the Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative at Arizona State University. His work focuses on evolutionary novelties from genomes to knowledge systems, the structure of evol
  • Eckehard Olbrich Information theoretic approach to complex systems: measures of complexity, complex networks, information decomposition, multi-level systems, game theory Eckehard Olbrich - Information theoretic approach to complex systems: measures of complexity, complex networks, information decomposition, multi-level systems, game theory
  • Quantatitive Biology pre-prints Preprint server articles from Quantatitive Biology pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Biological Physics pre-prints Preprint server articles from Biological Physics pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Jack Szostack - We are interested in the chemical and physical processes that facilitated the transition from chemical evolution to biological evolution on the early earth.
  • Kate Adamala Kate is a biochemist building synthetic cells. Her research aims at understanding chemical principles of biology, using artificial cells to create new tools for bioengineering, drug development, and basic research. Kate Adamala - Kate is a biochemist building synthetic cells. Her research aims at understanding chemical principles of biology, using artificial cells to create new tools for bioengineering, drug development, and basic research.
  • Petra Schwille Research Department “Cellular and Molecular Biophysics”  Biophysics, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Single Molecule, Synthetic Biology Petra Schwille - Research Department “Cellular and Molecular Biophysics” Biophysics, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Single Molecule, Synthetic Biology
  • Taro Toyota The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Chiba University (JPN); Molecular assembly, Out-of-equilibrium dynamics, Open system Taro Toyota - The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Chiba University (JPN); Molecular assembly, Out-of-equilibrium dynamics, Open system
  • James Griesemer - Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Davis
  • Sara Szymkuc
  • Nediljko Budisa Chemical Synthetic Biology – Xenobiology Nediljko Budisa - Chemical Synthetic Biology – Xenobiology
  • Eörs Szathmáry Eörs Szathmáry
  • Thomas Gregor, The Laboratory for the Physics of Life The Laboratory for the Physics of Life at Princeton University studies the basic physical principles that govern the existence of multicellular life. A core focus of the lab is to understand biological development–the complex process through which an orga Thomas Gregor, The Laboratory for the Physics of Life - The Laboratory for the Physics of Life at Princeton University studies the basic physical principles that govern the existence of multicellular life. A core focus of the lab is to understand biological development–the complex process through which an orga


  • Bill Seitz This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Thinking Space (est 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO) (also a Wiki-Junkie). Bill Seitz - This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Thinking Space (est 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO) (also a Wiki-Junkie).
  • Billy Madex I like math, because it’s beautiful and computers, because they’re logical. I like people because they are neither. Crazy life goal: sail around the world. Billy Madex - I like math, because it’s beautiful and computers, because they’re logical. I like people because they are neither. Crazy life goal: sail around the world.
  • James Bridle The blog of James Bridle: literature, technology and the network, since 2006. James Bridle - The blog of James Bridle: literature, technology and the network, since 2006.
  • Daniel Glazman Former co-chairman of the W3C CSS Working Group, entrepreneur, software engineer, geek, father of two, polyglot, unashamed French, duck lover. Nah. Daniel Glazman - Former co-chairman of the W3C CSS Working Group, entrepreneur, software engineer, geek, father of two, polyglot, unashamed French, duck lover. Nah.
  • Xavier Roy I get paid to write and I also get paid to read. Xavier Roy - I get paid to write and I also get paid to read.
  • Andy Sylvester Software development, RSS readers, music, and the World Wide Web Andy Sylvester - Software development, RSS readers, music, and the World Wide Web
  • Big Think Big Think Edge helps individuals and organizations by catalyzing conversation around the topics most critical to 21st century success. Led by the world’s foremost experts, our dynamic learning programs are short-form, mobile, and immediately actionable. Big Think - Big Think Edge helps individuals and organizations by catalyzing conversation around the topics most critical to 21st century success. Led by the world’s foremost experts, our dynamic learning programs are short-form, mobile, and immediately actionable.
  • Doc Searls (Customer Commons) Customer Commons’ mission is to restore the balance of power, respect and trust between individuals and organizations that serve them—starting with businesses. Doc Searls (Customer Commons) - Customer Commons’ mission is to restore the balance of power, respect and trust between individuals and organizations that serve them—starting with businesses.
  • Erik Spiekermann art historian, printer, typedesigner (Meta, Officina, Unit, Info, Fira et al) information architect, author. Founder MetaDesign ’79, FontShop ’89. Erik Spiekermann - art historian, printer, typedesigner (Meta, Officina, Unit, Info, Fira et al) information architect, author. Founder MetaDesign ’79, FontShop ’89.
  • George Lakoff  The retired Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is now Director of the Center for the Neural Mind & Society ( George Lakoff - The retired Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is now Director of the Center for the Neural Mind & Society (
  • Nelson Minar I am not writing for you. I am truly, only, writing work notes for myself. Stuff I learn and don’t want to forget. Nelson Minar - I am not writing for you. I am truly, only, writing work notes for myself. Stuff I learn and don’t want to forget.
  • Michael Shook Highly curated inchoate miscellany Michael Shook - Highly curated inchoate miscellany
  • The Web Ahead Jen Simmons speaks with world experts on changing technologies and the future of the web. The Web Ahead - Jen Simmons speaks with world experts on changing technologies and the future of the web.
  • The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg Podcast by Jonah Goldberg of The National Review The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg - Podcast by Jonah Goldberg of The National Review
  • WorkLife with Adam Grant Adam Grant is an expert on how we can find motivation and meaning, and lead more generous and creative lives. WorkLife with Adam Grant - Adam Grant is an expert on how we can find motivation and meaning, and lead more generous and creative lives.
  • Julia Strand Assistant prof of cognitive psychology @CarletonCollege. spoken word recognition and AV integration. measurement. open science. mom. book carving artist Julia Strand - Assistant prof of cognitive psychology @CarletonCollege. spoken word recognition and AV integration. measurement. open science. mom. book carving artist
  • Austin Kleon A writer who draws Austin Kleon - A writer who draws
  • Gretchen Rubin (Happiness Podcast) Happier Podcast Gretchen Rubin (Happiness Podcast) - Happier Podcast
  • Joseph Dickson I’m a web designer and WordPress developer based out of Los Angeles.  This blog is sarcastically named for my interests in Free Software and my former MacBookPro running various Linux distributions. Joseph Dickson - I’m a web designer and WordPress developer based out of Los Angeles. This blog is sarcastically named for my interests in Free Software and my former MacBookPro running various Linux distributions.
  • Joseph Dickson Joseph Dickson is a web developer working in higher education and an avid fan of WordPress. This year I spoke at WordCamp Los Angeles and helped organize WordCamp Riverside. Joseph Dickson - Joseph Dickson is a web developer working in higher education and an avid fan of WordPress. This year I spoke at WordCamp Los Angeles and helped organize WordCamp Riverside.
  • Newley Purnell A reporter for The Wall Street Journal based in New Delhi, where he covers technology. Newley Purnell - A reporter for The Wall Street Journal based in New Delhi, where he covers technology.
  • Joyce Garcia Dabbler. Introvert. Wife and breeder of introverts. Proud daughter of immigrants. Part Roman, part Anglican, all Catholic. Californian by birth, Midwesterner by choice. Former journalist, forever editor, recovering cynic. Fan of random things. She/her. Joyce Garcia - Dabbler. Introvert. Wife and breeder of introverts. Proud daughter of immigrants. Part Roman, part Anglican, all Catholic. Californian by birth, Midwesterner by choice. Former journalist, forever editor, recovering cynic. Fan of random things. She/her.
  • Praxis (Free) blog on the future of productivity, written and curated by Tiago Forte of Forte Labs.  We also offer an online course, Building a Second Brain, and online coaching. Praxis (Free) - blog on the future of productivity, written and curated by Tiago Forte of Forte Labs. We also offer an online course, Building a Second Brain, and online coaching.
  • Chris Coyier a web designer and developer. I built CSS-Tricks, a website all about building websites, going strong for 10 years.  I’m the co-founder of CodePen, a playground for front-end web development. It’s a social development environment for front end designers a Chris Coyier - a web designer and developer. I built CSS-Tricks, a website all about building websites, going strong for 10 years. I’m the co-founder of CodePen, a playground for front-end web development. It’s a social development environment for front end designers a
  • Ire Aderinokun Articles on Frontend Development. All articles are written by Ire Aderinokun, Frontend Developer and User Interface Designer. Ire Aderinokun - Articles on Frontend Development. All articles are written by Ire Aderinokun, Frontend Developer and User Interface Designer.
  • David Wolfpaw a web designer and developer. I built CSS-Tricks, a website all about building websites, going strong for 10 years.  I’m the co-founder of CodePen, a playground for front-end web development. It’s a social development environment for front end designers a David Wolfpaw - a web designer and developer. I built CSS-Tricks, a website all about building websites, going strong for 10 years. I’m the co-founder of CodePen, a playground for front-end web development. It’s a social development environment for front end designers a
  • Robin Sloan I’m the author of two novels: Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore and Sourdough, published by MCD × FSG in the U.S., Tokyo Sogensha in Japan, and others around the world. Robin Sloan - I’m the author of two novels: Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore and Sourdough, published by MCD × FSG in the U.S., Tokyo Sogensha in Japan, and others around the world.
  • Michael Beckwith - What I Do I make things for the internet, by way of websites and WordPress plugins/themes.
  • Matt Might - Professor of Internal Medicine and Computer Science
  • Mullen Memory We’re interested in learning how to learn.  Let’s learn better together. Mullen Memory - We’re interested in learning how to learn. Let’s learn better together.
  • Scott Galloway Each week, bestselling author and business professor Scott Galloway shares his take on tech and relationships in the digital economy. Scott Galloway - Each week, bestselling author and business professor Scott Galloway shares his take on tech and relationships in the digital economy.
  • L.T. Hanlon A writer and photographer now living in Chicago. Worked at newspapers in AZ, CO, WY. Interested in publishing, stereoscopic photography, widescreen motion picture technology, midcentury modern architecture, typewriters, UFOs, and Fortean phenomena. L.T. Hanlon - A writer and photographer now living in Chicago. Worked at newspapers in AZ, CO, WY. Interested in publishing, stereoscopic photography, widescreen motion picture technology, midcentury modern architecture, typewriters, UFOs, and Fortean phenomena.
  • Ness Labs (Anne-Laure Le Cunff) A virtual gym for your mind. Do more without sacrificing your mental health with neuroscience-based content, community & coaching. Founded by  @anthilemoon . Ness Labs (Anne-Laure Le Cunff) - A virtual gym for your mind. Do more without sacrificing your mental health with neuroscience-based content, community & coaching. Founded by @anthilemoon .
  • Tom Coates Planetary, Thington, BBC, Yahoo! Brickhouse, Time Out. Tom Coates - Planetary, Thington, BBC, Yahoo! Brickhouse, Time Out.
  • Matt Webb consultancy + ventures + special projects: Mwie Ltd.; helping startups with recruitment: Job Garden Matt Webb - consultancy + ventures + special projects: Mwie Ltd.; helping startups with recruitment: Job Garden
  • Hypothesis annotations on Annotations made on my personal website Hypothesis annotations on - Annotations made on my personal website
  • Tech4Teens - Remote Summer Learning Experiences
  • Ian Brown a leading specialist on Internet regulation, particularly relating to information security and privacy, digital elements of the election lifecycle, and pro-competition mechanisms such as interoperability. Ian Brown - a leading specialist on Internet regulation, particularly relating to information security and privacy, digital elements of the election lifecycle, and pro-competition mechanisms such as interoperability.
  • Maya (@kixiQu) Works as a developer at a Very Large tech company.  Resident and reared in the Pacific Northwest.  Pronouns: she/her Maya (@kixiQu) - Works as a developer at a Very Large tech company. Resident and reared in the Pacific Northwest. Pronouns: she/her
  • Morgan Friedman I find meaning in deep focus. Here’s is a timeline of my projects: some professional, some for fun, but what’s the difference? Professionally, I get my hands dirty, learning how to get millions in sales or votes, then managing teams to making it happen. Morgan Friedman - I find meaning in deep focus. Here’s is a timeline of my projects: some professional, some for fun, but what’s the difference? Professionally, I get my hands dirty, learning how to get millions in sales or votes, then managing teams to making it happen.
  • Jon Borichevskiy code, cognitive science, and environmental sustainability: combining the three. prev: founding eng  @illumisinc  he/him Jon Borichevskiy - code, cognitive science, and environmental sustainability: combining the three. prev: founding eng @illumisinc he/him
  • Weiwei Hsu I really enjoy mixing together toys, art, architecture, and community design. Sometimes, you’ll find me dreaming about the multiverse of magical disciplines, authoring environments, and inter-generational neighborhoods. Weiwei Hsu - I really enjoy mixing together toys, art, architecture, and community design. Sometimes, you’ll find me dreaming about the multiverse of magical disciplines, authoring environments, and inter-generational neighborhoods.
  • Brandon Kraft (microblog) Little Bits of Cheese (a microblog) Brandon Kraft (microblog) - Little Bits of Cheese (a microblog)
  • Dan Allosso History, digital gardens, etc. Dan Allosso - History, digital gardens, etc.
  • Kevin Tracy Pixel Artist, Creator of The MSPaint Comic, and owner of Pixel Perfect Solutions. Kevin Tracy - Pixel Artist, Creator of The MSPaint Comic, and owner of Pixel Perfect Solutions.
  • Scott Mallinson I’m Scott, a web developer currently living in Barcelona, Spain. Scott Mallinson - I’m Scott, a web developer currently living in Barcelona, Spain.
  • Whose Knowledge? We are a global campaign to center the knowledge of marginalized communities (the majority of the world) on the internet. Whose Knowledge? - We are a global campaign to center the knowledge of marginalized communities (the majority of the world) on the internet.
  • Hyperlink Academy Library Welcome to our internet center for teaching and learning — enjoy browsing the collections! Hyperlink Academy Library - Welcome to our internet center for teaching and learning — enjoy browsing the collections!
  • The Uncertain Hour Obscure policies, forgotten histories and why America’s like this. The Uncertain Hour explains our weird, complicated, and often unequal economy – and why some people get ahead and some get left behind. The Uncertain Hour - Obscure policies, forgotten histories and why America’s like this. The Uncertain Hour explains our weird, complicated, and often unequal economy – and why some people get ahead and some get left behind.
  • Brett Victor Interface designer, computer scientist, and electrical engineer Brett Victor - Interface designer, computer scientist, and electrical engineer
  • Frontiers for Young Minds Science for kids, edited by kids Frontiers for Young Minds - Science for kids, edited by kids
  • Antilibraries Analects (Brendan Schlagel) This is a newsletter for bibliophilic omnivores. All sorts of books, from genre gems to sui generis finds.  Nothing but amazing books, interesting questions, links lovingly assembled, and related updates. Antilibraries Analects (Brendan Schlagel) - This is a newsletter for bibliophilic omnivores. All sorts of books, from genre gems to sui generis finds. Nothing but amazing books, interesting questions, links lovingly assembled, and related updates.


  • American Mathematical Society Furthering the interests of mathematical research, scholarship and education, serving the national and international community through publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs. American Mathematical Society - Furthering the interests of mathematical research, scholarship and education, serving the national and international community through publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs.
  • Terence Tao What’s New: Updates on my research and expository papers, discussion of open problems, and other maths-related topics. Terence Tao - What’s New: Updates on my research and expository papers, discussion of open problems, and other maths-related topics.
  • Turing's Invisible Hand - Algorithmic Game Theory, Economics, Computation
  • Stephen Wolfram Creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research. Stephen Wolfram - Creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research.
  • Rick Durrett Rick’s Ramblings: Professor in the Mathematics Department at Duke University. My favorite research topics are stochastic spatial models that arise from questions in ecology, and use of probability problems that arise from genetics. Rick Durrett - Rick’s Ramblings: Professor in the Mathematics Department at Duke University. My favorite research topics are stochastic spatial models that arise from questions in ecology, and use of probability problems that arise from genetics.
  • Peter Woit Not Even Wrong Peter Woit - Not Even Wrong
  • Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP Dick Lipton & Ken Regan: a personal view of the theory of computation Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP - Dick Lipton & Ken Regan: a personal view of the theory of computation
  • Jordan S. Ellenberg Quomodocumque: Math, Madison, food, the Orioles, books, my kids. Math professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Algebraic geometry Jordan S. Ellenberg - Quomodocumque: Math, Madison, food, the Orioles, books, my kids. Math professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Algebraic geometry
  • Keith Devlin Devlin’s Angle Keith Devlin - Devlin’s Angle
  • Jeremy Kun Math ∩ Programming Jeremy Kun - Math ∩ Programming
  • Edward Frenkel
  • The n-Category Café A group blog on category theory The n-Category Café - A group blog on category theory
  • Robert Talbert Math, education, technology, productivity. Robert Talbert - Math, education, technology, productivity.
  • Francis Su The Mathematical Yawp Francis Su - The Mathematical Yawp
  • Timothy Gowers British mathematician. He is a Royal Society Research Professor at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cambridge Timothy Gowers - British mathematician. He is a Royal Society Research Professor at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cambridge
  • Walt (Ars Mathematica)
  • Richard Brown The Chalkboard: Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Math Department at Johns Hopkins University Richard Brown - The Chalkboard: Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Math Department at Johns Hopkins University
  • Ben Orlin Math with Bad Drawings Ben Orlin - Math with Bad Drawings
  • Michael Harris Mathematics without Apologies Michael Harris - Mathematics without Apologies
  • Cathy O'Neil Exploring and venting about quantitative issues; Weapons of Math Destruction Cathy O'Neil - Exploring and venting about quantitative issues; Weapons of Math Destruction
  • Tai-Danae Bradley A math blog maintained by Tai-Danae, a PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center. Tai-Danae Bradley - A math blog maintained by Tai-Danae, a PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center.
  • Ilyas Khan Co-Founder and CEO at Cambridge Quantum Computing, mathematician, Ilyas Khan - Co-Founder and CEO at Cambridge Quantum Computing, mathematician,
  • My Favorite Theorem A podcast dedicated to sharing our guests’ favorite mathematical results. Follow us on Twitter at @myfavethm. My Favorite Theorem - A podcast dedicated to sharing our guests’ favorite mathematical results. Follow us on Twitter at @myfavethm.
  • Chalkdust A magazine for the mathematically curious Chalkdust - A magazine for the mathematically curious
  • John D. Cook My colleagues and I have decades of consulting experience helping companies solve complex problems involving data privacy, math, statistics, and computing. John D. Cook - My colleagues and I have decades of consulting experience helping companies solve complex problems involving data privacy, math, statistics, and computing.
  • Frank Calegari (Persiflage) My research is in the area of algebraic number theory. I am particularly interested in the Langlands programme, especially, the notion of reciprocity linking Galois representations and motives to automorphic forms. For reprints and preprints, please visit Frank Calegari (Persiflage) - My research is in the area of algebraic number theory. I am particularly interested in the Langlands programme, especially, the notion of reciprocity linking Galois representations and motives to automorphic forms. For reprints and preprints, please visit
  • Accuracy and Privacy Mark Hansen, a statistician by training and only masquerading as a journalist. Articles relating to the release of data for the 2020 census. Accuracy and Privacy - Mark Hansen, a statistician by training and only masquerading as a journalist. Articles relating to the release of data for the 2020 census.
  • Xinli Wang Math professor at University of Toronto Mississauga and Seneca College since 2016 when my family moved to Canada from Singapore. I taught full-time at Singapore Polytechnic as a math lecturer from 2012 to 2016. This is the space where I explo Xinli Wang - Math professor at University of Toronto Mississauga and Seneca College since 2016 when my family moved to Canada from Singapore. I taught full-time at Singapore Polytechnic as a math lecturer from 2012 to 2016. This is the space where I explo
  • Bill Kronholm Whittier College, Associate Professor of mathematics Bill Kronholm - Whittier College, Associate Professor of mathematics
  • Dan MacKinlay My current methods of interest are point process inference, compressive sensing, design grammars, sequential Monte Carlo methods, concatenative synthesis, differentiable learning, branching processes, Hilbert-space methods in high dimensional inference, s Dan MacKinlay - My current methods of interest are point process inference, compressive sensing, design grammars, sequential Monte Carlo methods, concatenative synthesis, differentiable learning, branching processes, Hilbert-space methods in high dimensional inference, s
  • arichar6 (YouTube) Math & Physics lectures arichar6 (YouTube) - Math & Physics lectures
  • Isabel K. Darcy (YouTube) A collection of short videos to prepare students for a free online course on topological data analysis.  For more information, see Isabel K. Darcy (YouTube) - A collection of short videos to prepare students for a free online course on topological data analysis. For more information, see
  • Edward Frenkel (YouTube) This is the official YouTube channel of Edward Frenkel, UC Berkeley math professor and author of “Love and Math” Edward Frenkel (YouTube) - This is the official YouTube channel of Edward Frenkel, UC Berkeley math professor and author of “Love and Math”
  • Francis Su (YouTube) Francis Su (YouTube)
  • Dr. Martin J.M. Codrington (YouTube) I apply Category Theory to many diverse fields. I will mainly be posting my “Category Theory: The Beginner’s Introduction” video series. Dr. Martin J.M. Codrington (YouTube) - I apply Category Theory to many diverse fields. I will mainly be posting my “Category Theory: The Beginner’s Introduction” video series.
  • Harpreet Bedi (YouTube) Geometry and Topology Harpreet Bedi (YouTube) - Geometry and Topology
  • Mathematics (NPTEL) (YouTube) This channel contains technical lectures on “Mathematics” from seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Mathematics (NPTEL) (YouTube) - This channel contains technical lectures on “Mathematics” from seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
  • Ben Lambert (YouTube) This channel is intended to provide a detailed explanation of the majority of undergraduate & graduate courses in econometrics, with as much emphasis as possible on intuition & examples rather than hardcore mathematics. Ben Lambert (YouTube) - This channel is intended to provide a detailed explanation of the majority of undergraduate & graduate courses in econometrics, with as much emphasis as possible on intuition & examples rather than hardcore mathematics.
  • MathDoctorBob (YouTube) The goal of this channel is to promote quality math education at the undergraduate and early graduate levels.  I am a math professor (Ph.D., SUNY at Stony Brook) specializing in Lie algebras, Lie groups, and their representations, but also spent several y MathDoctorBob (YouTube) - The goal of this channel is to promote quality math education at the undergraduate and early graduate levels. I am a math professor (Ph.D., SUNY at Stony Brook) specializing in Lie algebras, Lie groups, and their representations, but also spent several y
  • Mathematics Research Reports publishes research announcements of significant advances in all branches of mathematics, short complete papers of original research (up to about 15 journal pages), and review articles (up to about 30 journal pages). Mathematics Research Reports - publishes research announcements of significant advances in all branches of mathematics, short complete papers of original research (up to about 15 journal pages), and review articles (up to about 30 journal pages).
  • Economics pre-prints Preprint server articles from Economics pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Statistics pre-prints Preprint server articles from Statistics pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Computational Complexity pre-prints Preprint server articles from Computational Complexity pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Quantum Algebra Preprint server articles from Quantum Algebra - Preprint server articles from
  • Probability pre-prints Preprint server articles from Probability pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Quantum Physics pre-prints Preprint server articles from Quantum Physics pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability pre-prints Preprint server articles from Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Mathematical Physics pre-prints Preprint server articles from Mathematical Physics pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Homotopy Type Theory Group blog on mathematics Homotopy Type Theory - Group blog on mathematics


  • Jeremy Dean I’m a rogue academic currently serving as Director of Education for the open source web annotation tool Jeremy Dean - I’m a rogue academic currently serving as Director of Education for the open source web annotation tool
  • Digital Pedagogy A digital journal of learning, teaching, and technology Digital Pedagogy - A digital journal of learning, teaching, and technology
  • Jason Priem Cofounder at Impactstory. My passion is making science more open and reusable online. I write and build things. Jason Priem - Cofounder at Impactstory. My passion is making science more open and reusable online. I write and build things.
  • Bill Fitzgerald | FunnyMonkey English and history teacher, an administrator, and a technology director. Bill initially discovered the Internet in the mid-1990’s at the insistence of a student who wouldn’t stop talking about it. Bill Fitzgerald | FunnyMonkey - English and history teacher, an administrator, and a technology director. Bill initially discovered the Internet in the mid-1990’s at the insistence of a student who wouldn’t stop talking about it.
  • Anelise H. Shrout I am currently an assistant professor, teaching digital and American history at California State University Fullerton.  Research focuses on the nineteenth-century origins of international humanitarianism. Anelise H. Shrout - I am currently an assistant professor, teaching digital and American history at California State University Fullerton. Research focuses on the nineteenth-century origins of international humanitarianism.
  • Dan Scott – Coffee|Code Librarian · Developer Dan Scott – Coffee|Code - Librarian · Developer
  • Jim Luke | EconProph I teach college principles of economics, along with the occasional Economic History, Comparative Econ Systems, and Econ Geography. I try to translate economics into plain English without over-simplifying it. Jim Luke | EconProph - I teach college principles of economics, along with the occasional Economic History, Comparative Econ Systems, and Econ Geography. I try to translate economics into plain English without over-simplifying it.
  • Derek Krissoff (All views are etc.) Director at West Virginia University Press and have worked at the university presses at Georgia and Nebraska. Derek Krissoff (All views are etc.) - Director at West Virginia University Press and have worked at the university presses at Georgia and Nebraska.
  • Brad Payne I was the lead software developer for the Open Textbook Project. My work focused on open source software using PHP (LAMP) which supports post-secondary institutions in British Columbia. Brad Payne - I was the lead software developer for the Open Textbook Project. My work focused on open source software using PHP (LAMP) which supports post-secondary institutions in British Columbia.
  • ProfHacker Teaching, tech, and productivity. (Chronicle of Higher Education) ProfHacker - Teaching, tech, and productivity. (Chronicle of Higher Education)
  • Dave Cormier’s Educational Blog Building a better rhizome Dave Cormier’s Educational Blog - Building a better rhizome
  • Hypothesis Annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere. A nonprofit on a mission to bring an open conversation over the whole web. Use Hypothesis to hold discussions, read socially, organize your research, and take personal notes. Hypothesis - Annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere. A nonprofit on a mission to bring an open conversation over the whole web. Use Hypothesis to hold discussions, read socially, organize your research, and take personal notes.
  • UMW Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies (DTLT) A group of creative, reflective educators and technologists who foster community around and drive advances in teaching, learning, and research, by developing pedagogical partnerships with faculty and academic units. UMW Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies (DTLT) - A group of creative, reflective educators and technologists who foster community around and drive advances in teaching, learning, and research, by developing pedagogical partnerships with faculty and academic units.
  • ACRLog (Association of College and Research Libraries) Blogging by and for academic and research librarians ACRLog (Association of College and Research Libraries) - Blogging by and for academic and research librarians
  • Robert Talbert Math, education, technology, productivity. Robert Talbert - Math, education, technology, productivity.
  • Jeffrey Keefer Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education Jeffrey Keefer - Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
  • Open Pedagogy Notebook Sharing practices, building community Open Pedagogy Notebook - Sharing practices, building community
  • Mike Caulfield Mike Caulfield’s latest web incarnation. Networked Learning, Open Education, and Digital Polarization Mike Caulfield - Mike Caulfield’s latest web incarnation. Networked Learning, Open Education, and Digital Polarization
  • Dean Shareski The Community Manager for Discovery Education Canada since 2012;  specializes in the use of technology in the classroom. Dean Shareski - The Community Manager for Discovery Education Canada since 2012; specializes in the use of technology in the classroom.
  • Chris Powell (Instructional) Technologist. Minimalist. ISFJ. From beautiful Bellingham, Washington. Chris Powell - (Instructional) Technologist. Minimalist. ISFJ. From beautiful Bellingham, Washington.
  • David Wiley iterating toward openness | celebrating 20 years of open content and looking forward – pragmatism before zeal David Wiley - iterating toward openness | celebrating 20 years of open content and looking forward – pragmatism before zeal
  • Remi Kalir Asst Prof Learning Design & Technology @CUDenverEd | Researching web annotation, games and play, mobile learning | #MarginalSyllabus #OpenEd #OER #DigPed Remi Kalir - Asst Prof Learning Design & Technology @CUDenverEd | Researching web annotation, games and play, mobile learning | #MarginalSyllabus #OpenEd #OER #DigPed
  • Mathew Cheney Interim Director of @PlymouthIDS. All things Interdisciplinary, Open Pedagogy, Open Educational Resources, etc. (More generally, @melikhovo) Mathew Cheney - Interim Director of @PlymouthIDS. All things Interdisciplinary, Open Pedagogy, Open Educational Resources, etc. (More generally, @melikhovo)
  • Catherine Cronin open educator, open researcher, educational developer Catherine Cronin - open educator, open researcher, educational developer
  • Billy Meinke A technologist that works on open learning environments. Billy Meinke - A technologist that works on open learning environments.
  • Kate Bowles Associate Dean, International; “In shadowy, silent distance grew the iceberg too”: universities, technology, work and life; OER Kate Bowles - Associate Dean, International; “In shadowy, silent distance grew the iceberg too”: universities, technology, work and life; OER
  • Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Improving practice, promoting research, and influencing policy Association for Learning Technology (ALT) - Improving practice, promoting research, and influencing policy
  • Dr. Kay Oddone Lecturer and researcher at Queensland University of Technology, teaching Connected Learning, Inquiry Learning and Teacher Librarianship. Dr. Kay Oddone - Lecturer and researcher at Queensland University of Technology, teaching Connected Learning, Inquiry Learning and Teacher Librarianship.
  • Ralph Beliveau  I write and teach about various parts of the media world: documentary, horror media, digital and transmedia theories, qualitative research, critical rhetoric, gender and identity studies, and British media culture.  Currently I am working on a longer pro Ralph Beliveau - I write and teach about various parts of the media world: documentary, horror media, digital and transmedia theories, qualitative research, critical rhetoric, gender and identity studies, and British media culture. Currently I am working on a longer pro
  • Natalie Lafferty I’m Head of the Centre for Technology and Innovation in Learning at the University of Dundee. I’m interested in how technology can support teaching and learning and help build a community of practice in learning that includes students as well as teachers. Natalie Lafferty - I’m Head of the Centre for Technology and Innovation in Learning at the University of Dundee. I’m interested in how technology can support teaching and learning and help build a community of practice in learning that includes students as well as teachers.
  • Amy Nelson teaches history (mostly Russian), studies animals (mostly domestic), plays with digital media and technologies (mostly related to history and animals), practices yoga (for peace), runs (for sanity), and knits (for peace and sanity). Amy Nelson - teaches history (mostly Russian), studies animals (mostly domestic), plays with digital media and technologies (mostly related to history and animals), practices yoga (for peace), runs (for sanity), and knits (for peace and sanity).
  • Teaching and Learning on the Open Web 2017-2019 Learning Community Facilitated by Jane Van Galen, Professor, SES Teaching and Learning on the Open Web - 2017-2019 Learning Community Facilitated by Jane Van Galen, Professor, SES
  • Contrafabulists Fabulists are fable-spinners and myth-makers. We are storytellers ourselves, but we poke holes in the hype and distortion of new digital technologies and the narratives associated with them. Contrafabulists are, as the name would suggest, against lying. Contrafabulists - Fabulists are fable-spinners and myth-makers. We are storytellers ourselves, but we poke holes in the hype and distortion of new digital technologies and the narratives associated with them. Contrafabulists are, as the name would suggest, against lying.
  • Diane Ravitch a historian of education, an educational policy analyst, and a research professor at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Previously, she was a U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education. Diane Ravitch - a historian of education, an educational policy analyst, and a research professor at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Previously, she was a U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education.
  • Bryan Alexander (YouTube) Video content from my professional work, including presentations, discussions, interviews, and events. Also some footage of Vermont’s natural beauty. Bryan Alexander (YouTube) - Video content from my professional work, including presentations, discussions, interviews, and events. Also some footage of Vermont’s natural beauty.
  • The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) brings together practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in learning technology The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) - The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) brings together practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in learning technology
  • Ellie Mackin Roberts I’m a mid-30s, mother of one kid and two cats, a runner, a painter… and I’m about to embark on a huge life change. Like loads of people, I’m changing careers – from academia (I’m an ancient historian by trade) to Development. To kickstart this I’m going Ellie Mackin Roberts - I’m a mid-30s, mother of one kid and two cats, a runner, a painter… and I’m about to embark on a huge life change. Like loads of people, I’m changing careers – from academia (I’m an ancient historian by trade) to Development. To kickstart this I’m going
  • Uneducators (Christopher Murphy / Adam Procter) Welcome to #uneducators! A podcast about the intersection of design, technology, business and – above all – education. Uneducators (Christopher Murphy / Adam Procter) - Welcome to #uneducators! A podcast about the intersection of design, technology, business and – above all – education.
  • Axel Dürkop PhD candidate at Hamburg University of Technology. Focus on Open Education, Decentralized Technology and Free Software. Axel Dürkop - PhD candidate at Hamburg University of Technology. Focus on Open Education, Decentralized Technology and Free Software.
  • Edsurge Reports on the Future of Learning Edsurge - Reports on the Future of Learning
  • Allison Harbin, PhD The NSFS (Not Safe for School) Newsletter Your weekly antidote to racism and corruption in education. Allison Harbin, PhD The NSFS (Not Safe for School) Newsletter - Your weekly antidote to racism and corruption in education.
  • Helen Blunding Lifelong learning and other fun things Helen Blunding - Lifelong learning and other fun things
  • Brett Victor Interface designer, computer scientist, and electrical engineer Brett Victor - Interface designer, computer scientist, and electrical engineer
  • Prof. Marissa Nicosia an Assistant Professor of Renaissance Literature at Penn State Abington where I teach, research, and write about early modern English literature, food studies, book history, and political theory. Prof. Marissa Nicosia - an Assistant Professor of Renaissance Literature at Penn State Abington where I teach, research, and write about early modern English literature, food studies, book history, and political theory.
  • Amanda Licastro (Digitocentrism) My research focuses on the relationship between technology and writing, which leads me to apply digital humanities methods to the questions raised by composition and rhetoric theory. Interests also include textual studies, new media, and post-humanism. Amanda Licastro (Digitocentrism) - My research focuses on the relationship between technology and writing, which leads me to apply digital humanities methods to the questions raised by composition and rhetoric theory. Interests also include textual studies, new media, and post-humanism.
  • Alan Jacobs | Snakes & Ladders (newsletter) A weekly(ish) look at some of the ups and downs of art and culture Alan Jacobs | Snakes & Ladders (newsletter) - A weekly(ish) look at some of the ups and downs of art and culture
  • Seth Long Techna Verba Scripta combines Greek and Latin words, means absolutely nothing in either language, but symbolizes my tripartite interest in technology, language, and writing. Also: SoCal native, mountaineer, loves synth pop. Seth Long - Techna Verba Scripta combines Greek and Latin words, means absolutely nothing in either language, but symbolizes my tripartite interest in technology, language, and writing. Also: SoCal native, mountaineer, loves synth pop.
  • Educator Innovator Has a goal of creating more powerful and connected learning for youth through bringing together learning and leadership opportunities for teachers, youth workers, mentors, librarians, and museum educators that are open, re-mixable, and typically free or l Educator Innovator - Has a goal of creating more powerful and connected learning for youth through bringing together learning and leadership opportunities for teachers, youth workers, mentors, librarians, and museum educators that are open, re-mixable, and typically free or l


  • The Atlantic The Atlantic
  • Quanta Magazine Magazine coverage of physics, mathematics, biology, and computer science Quanta Magazine - Magazine coverage of physics, mathematics, biology, and computer science
  • The New Yorker The New Yorker
  • Nautilus Nautilus is a different kind of science magazine. We deliver big-picture science by reporting on a single monthly topic from multiple perspectives. Nautilus - Nautilus is a different kind of science magazine. We deliver big-picture science by reporting on a single monthly topic from multiple perspectives.
  • 1843 The Economist’s ideas, culture and lifestyle magazine. 1843 - The Economist’s ideas, culture and lifestyle magazine.
  • POLITICO POLITICO strives to be the dominant source for news on politics and policy in power centers across every continent where access to reliable information, nonpartisan journalism and real-time tools create, inform and engage a global citizenry. POLITICO - POLITICO strives to be the dominant source for news on politics and policy in power centers across every continent where access to reliable information, nonpartisan journalism and real-time tools create, inform and engage a global citizenry.
  • New Statesman Current affairs, world politics, the arts and more from Britain’s award-winning magazine. New Statesman - Current affairs, world politics, the arts and more from Britain’s award-winning magazine.
  • Colossal Colossal is an international platform for contemporary art and visual expression that explores a vast range of creative disciplines. Colossal - Colossal is an international platform for contemporary art and visual expression that explores a vast range of creative disciplines.
  • Less Wrong a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality Less Wrong - a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality
  • Motherboard The future is wonderful, the future is terrifying. Motherboard - The future is wonderful, the future is terrifying.
  • Pacific Standard Pacific Standard grapples with the nation’s biggest issues by illuminating what shapes human behavior. Pacific Standard - Pacific Standard grapples with the nation’s biggest issues by illuminating what shapes human behavior.
  • Farnam Street Farnam Street is devoted to helping you develop an understanding of how the world really works, make better decisions, and live a better life. Farnam Street - Farnam Street is devoted to helping you develop an understanding of how the world really works, make better decisions, and live a better life.
  • Longreads Dedicated to helping people find and share the best storytelling in the world. We feature in-depth investigative reporting, interviews and profiles, podcasts, essays and criticism. (Owned by Automattic) Longreads - Dedicated to helping people find and share the best storytelling in the world. We feature in-depth investigative reporting, interviews and profiles, podcasts, essays and criticism. (Owned by Automattic)
  • To arrive at the edge of the world’s knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves. - To arrive at the edge of the world’s knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves.
  • Mother Jones Smart, fearless journalism: A progressive American magazine that focuses on news, commentary, and investigative reporting on topics including politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Mother Jones - Smart, fearless journalism: A progressive American magazine that focuses on news, commentary, and investigative reporting on topics including politics, the environment, human rights, and culture.
  • Scholarly Kitchen The mission of the Society for Scholarly Publishing is “[t]o advance scholarly publishing and communication, and the professional development of its members through education, collaboration, and networking.” Scholarly Kitchen - The mission of the Society for Scholarly Publishing is “[t]o advance scholarly publishing and communication, and the professional development of its members through education, collaboration, and networking.”
  • Hyperallergic Sensitive to Art & its Discontents Hyperallergic - Sensitive to Art & its Discontents
  • JSTOR Daily Where News Meets Its Scholarly Match JSTOR Daily - Where News Meets Its Scholarly Match
  • Media Redefined Curated media + tech + pop interest remix by  @JasonHirschhorn . Media Redefined - Curated media + tech + pop interest remix by @JasonHirschhorn .
  • High Country News A nonprofit independent magazine of unblinking journalism that shines a light on all of the complexities of the West. High Country News - A nonprofit independent magazine of unblinking journalism that shines a light on all of the complexities of the West.
  • Undark Undark is a non-profit, editorially independent digital magazine exploring the intersection of science and society. It is published with generous funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, through its Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Pro Undark - Undark is a non-profit, editorially independent digital magazine exploring the intersection of science and society. It is published with generous funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, through its Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Pro
  • Pew Research Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. Pew Research - Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research.
  • Marker ( Making you smarter about business. A new publication from Medium. Marker ( - Making you smarter about business. A new publication from Medium.
  • New_ Public A place for thinkers, builders, designers, and technologists like you to meet, share inspiration, and make better digital public spaces. Civic Signals started when co-directors Talia Stroud and Eli Pariser asked themselves what thriving publics need from New_ Public - A place for thinkers, builders, designers, and technologists like you to meet, share inspiration, and make better digital public spaces. Civic Signals started when co-directors Talia Stroud and Eli Pariser asked themselves what thriving publics need from
  • Jacobin Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches 60,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of over 2,000,000 a month. Jacobin - Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches 60,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of over 2,000,000 a month.
  • Women's Wear Daily a fashion-industry trade journal sometimes called “the bible of fashion”. It provides information and intelligence on changing trends and breaking news in the men and women’s fashion, beauty and retail industries. Women's Wear Daily - a fashion-industry trade journal sometimes called “the bible of fashion”. It provides information and intelligence on changing trends and breaking news in the men and women’s fashion, beauty and retail industries.
  • Psyche (Aeon) Psyche is a digital magazine from Aeon that illuminates the human condition through psychological knowhow, philosophical understanding and artistic insight. Psyche (Aeon) - Psyche is a digital magazine from Aeon that illuminates the human condition through psychological knowhow, philosophical understanding and artistic insight.
  • Increment Increment is a print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale. Increment - Increment is a print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale.
  • Granata Granta magazine and Granta Books share a remit to discover and publish the best in new literary fiction, memoir, reportage and poetry from around the world. Granata - Granta magazine and Granta Books share a remit to discover and publish the best in new literary fiction, memoir, reportage and poetry from around the world.
  • Good e-Reader The latest news on Audiobooks, eBooks and eReaders Good e-Reader - The latest news on Audiobooks, eBooks and eReaders
  • Harper's Magazine The oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper’s Index. Harper's Magazine - The oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper’s Index.
  • The Nation Home to tenacious muckraking, provocative commentary, and spirited debate about politics and culture, The Nation empowers readers to fight for justice and equality for all. The Nation - Home to tenacious muckraking, provocative commentary, and spirited debate about politics and culture, The Nation empowers readers to fight for justice and equality for all.
  • The Gradient A digital publication about artificial intelligence and the future. The Gradient - A digital publication about artificial intelligence and the future.
  • Journal of the History of Ideas Blog aims to bring together today’s varied, burgeoning conversations in the field of intellectual history, broadly conceived. Journal of the History of Ideas Blog - aims to bring together today’s varied, burgeoning conversations in the field of intellectual history, broadly conceived.
  • The Public Domain Review Online journal and not-for-profit project dedicated to the exploration of curious and compelling works from the history of art, literature, and ideas. The Public Domain Review - Online journal and not-for-profit project dedicated to the exploration of curious and compelling works from the history of art, literature, and ideas.
  • Crooked Timber Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made Crooked Timber - Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made
  • The Conversationalist Transformative thinking toward a more civil society The Conversationalist - Transformative thinking toward a more civil society
  • The New Atlantis A journal defending science and technology for, not on, human beings The New Atlantis - A journal defending science and technology for, not on, human beings
  • The Bulwark (Substack) The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices. The Bulwark (Substack) - The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices.
  • The Bulwark The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices. The Bulwark - The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices.
  • Caught by the River an arts/nature/culture clash, meeting place for pursuits of a distinctly non-digital variety — walking, fishing, looking, thinking, birdsong and beer, adventure and poetry; life’s small pleasures, in all their many flavours Caught by the River - an arts/nature/culture clash, meeting place for pursuits of a distinctly non-digital variety — walking, fishing, looking, thinking, birdsong and beer, adventure and poetry; life’s small pleasures, in all their many flavours

Johns Hopkins

ITBio News, Conferences, and Workshops

Information Theory

  • Information Theory Society Our Vision is to be the pre-eminent community developing the mathematical underpinnings of information technology for the benefit of humanity. Information Theory Society - Our Vision is to be the pre-eminent community developing the mathematical underpinnings of information technology for the benefit of humanity.
  • An Ergodic Walk Anand Sarwate, Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Rutgers & occasionally Alex Dimakis (UT Austin) An Ergodic Walk - Anand Sarwate, Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Rutgers & occasionally Alex Dimakis (UT Austin)
  • Andrew Eckford A Random Process: Information theory, math, computing, etc. via associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in the Lassonde School of Engineering, at York University Andrew Eckford - A Random Process: Information theory, math, computing, etc. via associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in the Lassonde School of Engineering, at York University
  • Princeton-Stanford Information Theory b-log All researchers working on information theory are invited to participate by posting items to the blog. Both original material and pointers to the web are welcome. Princeton-Stanford Information Theory b-log - All researchers working on information theory are invited to participate by posting items to the blog. Both original material and pointers to the web are welcome.
  • Peter Cameron an Australian mathematician who works in group theory, combinatorics, coding theory, and model theory. He is currently half-time Professor of Mathematics at the University of St Andrews, and Emeritus Professor at Queen Mary University of London. Peter Cameron - an Australian mathematician who works in group theory, combinatorics, coding theory, and model theory. He is currently half-time Professor of Mathematics at the University of St Andrews, and Emeritus Professor at Queen Mary University of London.
  • Center for Science of Information (NSF) advance science and technology through a new quantitative understanding of the representation, the communication, and processing of information in biological, physical, social, and engineered systems. Center for Science of Information (NSF) - advance science and technology through a new quantitative understanding of the representation, the communication, and processing of information in biological, physical, social, and engineered systems.
  • Scopus: information theory - Information theory feed from Scopus, an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
  • Michael Nielsen I’m a writer, scientist, and programmer. Interests in artificial neural networks and deep learning and quantum information. Michael Nielsen - I’m a writer, scientist, and programmer. Interests in artificial neural networks and deep learning and quantum information.
  • math.IT math.IT updates on math.IT - math.IT updates on
  • Scott Aaronson | Shtetl-Optimized Research interests center around the capabilities and limits of quantum computers, and computational complexity theory more generally. Scott Aaronson | Shtetl-Optimized - Research interests center around the capabilities and limits of quantum computers, and computational complexity theory more generally.
  • Veronika Cheplygina My research focuses on machine learning in medical image analysis. In particular I focus on scenarios where not enough annotated data is available, such as multiple instance learning, transfer learning and crowdsourcing. Veronika Cheplygina - My research focuses on machine learning in medical image analysis. In particular I focus on scenarios where not enough annotated data is available, such as multiple instance learning, transfer learning and crowdsourcing.
  • r/informationtheory Information Theory channel on Reddit r/informationtheory - Information Theory channel on Reddit
  • R/QuantumInformaton Quantum Information on Reddit R/QuantumInformaton - Quantum Information on Reddit
  • Michael Lachmann My main interest in biology is studying the process of evolution. It is arguable whether the process of evolution existed before there was life on earth. What is less arguable is that it was different from the process which exists today. This is one examp Michael Lachmann - My main interest in biology is studying the process of evolution. It is arguable whether the process of evolution existed before there was life on earth. What is less arguable is that it was different from the process which exists today. This is one examp
  • cse6222yorku Information Theory course | Andrew Eckford (YouTube) This is a complete graduate-level course on coding and information theory, given at York University in Toronto, Canada. cse6222yorku Information Theory course | Andrew Eckford (YouTube) - This is a complete graduate-level course on coding and information theory, given at York University in Toronto, Canada.
  • classxteam: Information Theory course (YouTube) Stanford Information Theory course from classxteam: Information Theory course (YouTube) - Stanford Information Theory course from
  • Andrew Eckford (YouTube) This is the official YouTube channel of Prof. Andrew Eckford at York University. Videos of my classes are given under different channels — see under “Subscriptions”. Andrew Eckford (YouTube) - This is the official YouTube channel of Prof. Andrew Eckford at York University. Videos of my classes are given under different channels — see under “Subscriptions”.
  • John Preskill (YouTube) CalTech Physicist John Preskill (YouTube) - CalTech Physicist
  • An Introduction to Information Theory Course from NPTEL (Indian Institute of Technology) An Introduction to Information Theory - Course from NPTEL (Indian Institute of Technology)
  • Electrical Engineering (NPTEL) (YouTube) This channel contains technical lectures on “Electrical Engineering” from seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Electrical Engineering (NPTEL) (YouTube) - This channel contains technical lectures on “Electrical Engineering” from seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
  • Institute for Quantum Computing (YouTube) The core areas of research at IQC include quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum materials and quantum sensing. Institute for Quantum Computing (YouTube) - The core areas of research at IQC include quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum materials and quantum sensing.
  • Information Theory pre-prints Preprint server articles from Information Theory pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • Information Theory pre-prints Preprint server articles from Information Theory pre-prints - Preprint server articles from
  • José A. Pozas - I have spent many hours studying physics in all its branches, as I think it is an exciting knowledge. This, together with my background on information theory, has led me to ask about the fundaments of reality.

Hypothesis Feeds

Web Design and Development

  • Rachel Andrew Developer, designer, CMS Perch Rachel Andrew - Developer, designer, CMS Perch
  • Baldur Bjarnason …is a writer, lapsed academic, and web developer writing about web dev, interactive media, digital publishing, and product development. Baldur Bjarnason - …is a writer, lapsed academic, and web developer writing about web dev, interactive media, digital publishing, and product development.
  • Andy Bell an independent designer and front-end developer who’s trying to make everyone’s experience on the web better with a focus on progressive enhancement and accessibility. Andy Bell - an independent designer and front-end developer who’s trying to make everyone’s experience on the web better with a focus on progressive enhancement and accessibility.
  • Jeffrey Zeldman  Web & Interaction Design Jeffrey Zeldman - Web & Interaction Design
  • A List Apart A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. A List Apart - A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.
  • Scott Jenson User interface design and strategic planning for over 25 years. Scott Jenson - User interface design and strategic planning for over 25 years.
  • Heydon Pickering I am a technical writer and designer for the web. I specialize in helping organizations develop and document inclusive language, interfaces, and processes. I do not work with surveillance capitalists or religious organizations engaged in proselytization. Heydon Pickering - I am a technical writer and designer for the web. I specialize in helping organizations develop and document inclusive language, interfaces, and processes. I do not work with surveillance capitalists or religious organizations engaged in proselytization.
  • Smashing Magazine For Web Designers And Developers Smashing Magazine - For Web Designers And Developers
  • CSS-Tricks It used to be, believe it or not, primarily about CSS! Over the years, CSS-Tricks has come to become a site about all things web design and development. CSS-Tricks - It used to be, believe it or not, primarily about CSS! Over the years, CSS-Tricks has come to become a site about all things web design and development.
  • 1stWebDesigner Helping you build a better web. 1stWebDesigner - Helping you build a better web.
  • Robin Rendle A designer, writer and typographer living in San Francisco. Robin Rendle - A designer, writer and typographer living in San Francisco.
  • Jen Simmons A Designer Advocate at Mozilla, where she advocates for web standards and researches the coming revolution in graphic design on the web. Jen Simmons - A Designer Advocate at Mozilla, where she advocates for web standards and researches the coming revolution in graphic design on the web.
  • Sara Soueidan Award-winning freelance front-end UI/UX developer, trainer, author and speaker based in Lebanon, working with companies across the globe. Sara Soueidan - Award-winning freelance front-end UI/UX developer, trainer, author and speaker based in Lebanon, working with companies across the globe.
  • Tania Rascia Full-stack software developer, technical writer, and former chef from Chicago. I currently work as a front end engineer for DAIS, and I’ve also written for DigitalOcean, SitePoint, Envato Tuts+, and more. Tania Rascia - Full-stack software developer, technical writer, and former chef from Chicago. I currently work as a front end engineer for DAIS, and I’ve also written for DigitalOcean, SitePoint, Envato Tuts+, and more.
  • WordPress TV Presentations at WordCamps around the world WordPress TV - Presentations at WordCamps around the world
  • Lynn Fisher Infrequent writing on design, development, conferences, and other things tangentially related. Lynn Fisher - Infrequent writing on design, development, conferences, and other things tangentially related.
  • Lynn Fisher (inspiration blog) an artist and designer out of Phoenix, Arizona.  I make art for the web. Lynn Fisher (inspiration blog) - an artist and designer out of Phoenix, Arizona. I make art for the web.
  • Sia Karamalegos Sia is a freelance developer and web performance engineer, speaker, teacher, community organizer, and Google Developers Expert in Web Technologies. Sia Karamalegos - Sia is a freelance developer and web performance engineer, speaker, teacher, community organizer, and Google Developers Expert in Web Technologies.
  • Tatiana Mac Tatiana Mac is an independent American designer.  Currently she works directly with organisations to build products and design systems with accessibility and inclusion in mind. She believes that design heavily influences our social landscape. When ethical Tatiana Mac - Tatiana Mac is an independent American designer. Currently she works directly with organisations to build products and design systems with accessibility and inclusion in mind. She believes that design heavily influences our social landscape. When ethical
  • Andy Bell (microblog) an independent designer and front-end developer who’s trying to make everyone’s experience on the web better with a focus on progressive enhancement and accessibility. Andy Bell (microblog) - an independent designer and front-end developer who’s trying to make everyone’s experience on the web better with a focus on progressive enhancement and accessibility.
  • Simon Collison I’m a designer (graphic, digital, product), writer, conference speaker, and event director. Simon Collison - I’m a designer (graphic, digital, product), writer, conference speaker, and event director.
  • Jason Santa Maria a multidisciplinary design and product leader living in sunny Philadelphia, PA. Jason Santa Maria - a multidisciplinary design and product leader living in sunny Philadelphia, PA.

Local News

  • Daily news and events magazine for Pasadena and Greater Pasadena area. - Daily news and events magazine for Pasadena and Greater Pasadena area.
  • Pasadena Now Where else can you get this much daily news and information about Pasadena? Pasadena Now - Where else can you get this much daily news and information about Pasadena?
  • The Outlook Local news for Pasadena, La Canada/Flintridge, and San Marino areas The Outlook - Local news for Pasadena, La Canada/Flintridge, and San Marino areas
  • Pasadena Independent Relevant Pasadena news to engage the community Pasadena Independent - Relevant Pasadena news to engage the community
  • Pasadena Weekly Greater Pasadena’s Free News and Entertainment Weekly Pasadena Weekly - Greater Pasadena’s Free News and Entertainment Weekly
  • Pasadena Star News Local news source for Pasadena and the surrounding area providing breaking news, sports, business, entertainment, things to do, opinion, photos, videos and more from the west San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Star News - Local news source for Pasadena and the surrounding area providing breaking news, sports, business, entertainment, things to do, opinion, photos, videos and more from the west San Gabriel Valley
  • Pasadena Magazine Pasadena is the bi-monthly magazine of Pasadena and its surrounding areas – the diverse, historically rich and culturally vibrant region. Pasadena Magazine - Pasadena is the bi-monthly magazine of Pasadena and its surrounding areas – the diverse, historically rich and culturally vibrant region.
  • Altadena Chamber of Commerce News and information from the Altadena, CA Chamber of Commerce Altadena Chamber of Commerce - News and information from the Altadena, CA Chamber of Commerce
  • The Pasadena / San Gabriel Valley Journal Serving the Pasadena / San Gabriel Valley | A locally owned and operated independent African American newspaper The Pasadena / San Gabriel Valley Journal - Serving the Pasadena / San Gabriel Valley | A locally owned and operated independent African American newspaper
  • Altadena Town Council Proudly Serving Our Community Altadena Town Council - Proudly Serving Our Community
  • Altadena Now Local news for Altadena, CA Altadena Now - Local news for Altadena, CA
  • Altadena Patch Local news and events from Altadena, CA Patch. Altadena Patch - Local news and events from Altadena, CA Patch.
  • Altadena Heritage Altadena Heritage Advocacy and Preservation Altadena Heritage - Altadena Heritage Advocacy and Preservation
  • Altadena Filming A resource for filming in Altadena. Altadena Filming - A resource for filming in Altadena.
  • Altadena Historical Society AHS, a non-profit organization, was founded to gather, preserve, and make available information about the people, places and events that have shaped our community in the past. Altadena Historical Society - AHS, a non-profit organization, was founded to gather, preserve, and make available information about the people, places and events that have shaped our community in the past.
  • Caltech News Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering research and education institution, where extraordinary faculty and students translate big ideas into big discoveries. Caltech News - Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering research and education institution, where extraordinary faculty and students translate big ideas into big discoveries.
  • Eater Los Angeles  Food news and dining guides for Los Angeles. Eater Los Angeles - Food news and dining guides for Los Angeles.
  • California Sun Mike McPhate, a former California correspondent for the New York Times surveys more than 80 news and social media sites daily, then sends you a tightly crafted email with only the most informative and delightful bits. California Sun - Mike McPhate, a former California correspondent for the New York Times surveys more than 80 news and social media sites daily, then sends you a tightly crafted email with only the most informative and delightful bits.
  • South Pasadenan News & Lifestyle Publication Covering South Pasadena/Pasadena Metro & Surrounding Areas. South Pasadenan - News & Lifestyle Publication Covering South Pasadena/Pasadena Metro & Surrounding Areas.
  • This is Altadena a podcast hosted by the Altadena Libraries, celebrating people’s life experiences and stories, and the hidden histories of Altadena, California. This is Altadena - a podcast hosted by the Altadena Libraries, celebrating people’s life experiences and stories, and the hidden histories of Altadena, California.
  • Altadena Libraries Bringing PEOPLE + IDEAS Together Altadena Libraries - Bringing PEOPLE + IDEAS Together
  • The Huntington (Verso) - The Blog of the Huntington Library and Gardens

Digital Gardens

  • Maggie Appleton At the intersection of design, anthropology, and programming. These three are at the core of everything I make. Maggie Appleton - At the intersection of design, anthropology, and programming. These three are at the core of everything I make.
  • Devon Zuegel I’m a writer (of code and words). The thing that matters most to me is unlocking human potential, so I think a lot about incentive design, tools for thought, and cities. Devon Zuegel - I’m a writer (of code and words). The thing that matters most to me is unlocking human potential, so I think a lot about incentive design, tools for thought, and cities.
  • Dan MacKinlay My current methods of interest are point process inference, compressive sensing, design grammars, sequential Monte Carlo methods, concatenative synthesis, differentiable learning, branching processes, Hilbert-space methods in high dimensional inference, s Dan MacKinlay - My current methods of interest are point process inference, compressive sensing, design grammars, sequential Monte Carlo methods, concatenative synthesis, differentiable learning, branching processes, Hilbert-space methods in high dimensional inference, s
  • r/DigitalGardens Personal wikis, digital spaces of notes & thoughts. Discussing tools to maintain digital gardens & new tools for thought. r/DigitalGardens - Personal wikis, digital spaces of notes & thoughts. Discussing tools to maintain digital gardens & new tools for thought.
  • r/RoamResearch/ Reddit stream for Roam Research r/RoamResearch/ - Reddit stream for Roam Research
  • Stian Håklev (侯爽) [Networked Thought and Learning] Stian Håklev (侯爽) [Networked Thought and Learning] -
  • Flancia SRE by day; utopian by night. Chaotic good rogue. Have I ever told you that in Flancia ( there is an Agora ( Flancia - SRE by day; utopian by night. Chaotic good rogue. Have I ever told you that in Flancia ( there is an Agora (
  • Rob Haisfield Behavioral product strategist and gamification designer. Many pages are incomplete. These are ideas in motion, and I’m iterating as I go. These notes are patterns I’ve noticed and hypotheses to bet on. Rob Haisfield - Behavioral product strategist and gamification designer. Many pages are incomplete. These are ideas in motion, and I’m iterating as I go. These notes are patterns I’ve noticed and hypotheses to bet on.
  • Max Krieger I’m a student at Carnegie Mellon studying Cognitive Science and graduating in 2021. Max Krieger - I’m a student at Carnegie Mellon studying Cognitive Science and graduating in 2021.
  • Dan Allosso History, digital gardens, etc. Dan Allosso - History, digital gardens, etc.
  • Piper Haywood I’m an independent web developer with a lot of interests. This website is a notebook. The notes are mostly to do with where I was from, where I am now, and assorted things related to my work or day-to-day. Piper Haywood - I’m an independent web developer with a lot of interests. This website is a notebook. The notes are mostly to do with where I was from, where I am now, and assorted things related to my work or day-to-day.
  • Wouter Groeneveld a level 35 Brain Baker living in Belgium. I currently find myself teaching, writing, programming, researching, and of course baking bread! Brain Baking is my way to inspire myself and others to ponder and learn. Wouter Groeneveld - a level 35 Brain Baker living in Belgium. I currently find myself teaching, writing, programming, researching, and of course baking bread! Brain Baking is my way to inspire myself and others to ponder and learn.
  • Journal of the History of Ideas Blog aims to bring together today’s varied, burgeoning conversations in the field of intellectual history, broadly conceived. Journal of the History of Ideas Blog - aims to bring together today’s varied, burgeoning conversations in the field of intellectual history, broadly conceived.
  • Stian Håklev Building innovative platforms for individual and collaborative thought. Engineer @roamresearch . Stian Håklev - Building innovative platforms for individual and collaborative thought. Engineer @roamresearch .
  • Alan Jacobs (blog) Distinguished Professor of Humanities in the Honors Program of Baylor University, and before that taught for many years at Wheaton College in Illinois. I’ve written a bunch of stuff. I am a native of Alabama. Alan Jacobs (blog) - Distinguished Professor of Humanities in the Honors Program of Baylor University, and before that taught for many years at Wheaton College in Illinois. I’ve written a bunch of stuff. I am a native of Alabama.
  • Steve Brady (microblog) English Teacher • Job Search Coach • New Englander Steve Brady (microblog) - English Teacher • Job Search Coach • New Englander
  • - A site dedicated to the use and discussion of the Zettelkasten
  • Brandon Toner A pharmacist, manager, student, community volunteer, curler, hiker, tinkerer and whatever else. Brandon Toner - A pharmacist, manager, student, community volunteer, curler, hiker, tinkerer and whatever else.
  • Matthias Melcher Born 1953; studied maths in Heidelberg and Glasgow; from 1981 to 2016 in the Computer Center of the University. Initially in network infrastructure. Since the early gopher days, I have drifted more and more towards content. Matthias Melcher - Born 1953; studied maths in Heidelberg and Glasgow; from 1981 to 2016 in the Computer Center of the University. Initially in network infrastructure. Since the early gopher days, I have drifted more and more towards content.
  • Obsidian Roundup A weekly roundup of tips, news & resources via Eleanor Konik. Obsidian Roundup - A weekly roundup of tips, news & resources via Eleanor Konik.
  • r/commonplacebook A subreddit for owners, appreciators, and curators of commonplace books. r/commonplacebook - A subreddit for owners, appreciators, and curators of commonplace books.
  • r/Zettelkasten Sub-reddit about Zettelkasten: Take better notes and manage your knowledge for a life-time with the Zettelkasten method. r/Zettelkasten - Sub-reddit about Zettelkasten: Take better notes and manage your knowledge for a life-time with the Zettelkasten method.


  • On the Media WNYC’s weekly investigation into how the media shapes our worldview with Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield On the Media - WNYC’s weekly investigation into how the media shapes our worldview with Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield
  • ProPublica Articles and Investigations from ProPublica, an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. ProPublica - Articles and Investigations from ProPublica, an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.
  • Foreign Affairs Analysis of world events published by the Council on Foreign Relations Foreign Affairs - Analysis of world events published by the Council on Foreign Relations
  • FiveThirtyEight Using statistical analysis to tell stories about Politics, Sports, Science & Health, Economics & Culture FiveThirtyEight - Using statistical analysis to tell stories about Politics, Sports, Science & Health, Economics & Culture
  • Ars Technica Technology, Business, Science, Policy, Cars, Gaming, and Culture (Condé Nast) Ars Technica - Technology, Business, Science, Policy, Cars, Gaming, and Culture (Condé Nast)
  • The Economist (latest posts) Offering authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science, technology and the connections between them. The Economist (latest posts) - Offering authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science, technology and the connections between them.
  • STAT News Reporting from the frontiers of health and medicine. STAT delivers fast, deep, and tough-minded journalism about life sciences and the fast-moving business of making medicines. STAT News - Reporting from the frontiers of health and medicine. STAT delivers fast, deep, and tough-minded journalism about life sciences and the fast-moving business of making medicines.
  • Aeon Ideas can change the world Aeon - Ideas can change the world
  • Axios New media company delivering vital, trustworthy news and analysis. smartly narrated coverage of media trends, tech, business and politics with expertise, voice AND smart brevity — on a new and innovative mobile platform. Axios - New media company delivering vital, trustworthy news and analysis. smartly narrated coverage of media trends, tech, business and politics with expertise, voice AND smart brevity — on a new and innovative mobile platform.
  • Open Culture Great source of cultural and educational media on the web Open Culture - Great source of cultural and educational media on the web
  • What The Fuck Just Happened Today? Today’s essential guide to the daily shock and awe in national politics. Read in moderation. What The Fuck Just Happened Today? - Today’s essential guide to the daily shock and awe in national politics. Read in moderation.
  • PBS NewsHour Full Show Podcast Listen to the PBS NewsHour program in its entirety, including updates, in-depth reports, interviews and analysis, all featuring our senior correspondents. PBS NewsHour Full Show Podcast - Listen to the PBS NewsHour program in its entirety, including updates, in-depth reports, interviews and analysis, all featuring our senior correspondents.
  • PBS NewsHour Full Show Video YouTube video feed from the Full Episode playlist from PBS NewsHour PBS NewsHour Full Show Video - YouTube video feed from the Full Episode playlist from PBS NewsHour
  • Foreign Affairs (YouTube) Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been the leading forum for serious discussion of America’s role in the world. The magazine covers a broad range of topics related to U.S. foreign policy and international relations with a mix of non-partisan Foreign Affairs (YouTube) - Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been the leading forum for serious discussion of America’s role in the world. The magazine covers a broad range of topics related to U.S. foreign policy and international relations with a mix of non-partisan
  • Council on Foreign Relations (YouTube) The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and rel Council on Foreign Relations (YouTube) - The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and rel
  • The Markup a nonprofit newsroom that investigates how powerful institutions are using technology to change our society. A new kind of media organization, staffed with quantitative journalists who pursue meaningful, data-driven investgations. The Markup - a nonprofit newsroom that investigates how powerful institutions are using technology to change our society. A new kind of media organization, staffed with quantitative journalists who pursue meaningful, data-driven investgations.


  • Eat This Podcast Jeremy Cherfas talking about anything around food. Eat This Podcast - Jeremy Cherfas talking about anything around food.
  • Fornacalia Jeremy Cherfas’ bread blog Fornacalia - Jeremy Cherfas’ bread blog
  • Modernist BreadCrumbs Special series taking a new look at one of the oldest staples of the human diet: bread. Each episode explores bread from a different angle; from its surprising and often complicated past, to the grains, tools, and microbes we use to make it, and the sci Modernist BreadCrumbs - Special series taking a new look at one of the oldest staples of the human diet: bread. Each episode explores bread from a different angle; from its surprising and often complicated past, to the grains, tools, and microbes we use to make it, and the sci
  • Eater Los Angeles  Food news and dining guides for Los Angeles. Eater Los Angeles - Food news and dining guides for Los Angeles.
  • Adam's Apples An amateur explores the pomaceous fruit Adam's Apples - An amateur explores the pomaceous fruit
  • David Liebovitz Professional chef and author, David Lebovitz, is a household name in the culinary world. He now lives in Paris, and takes every photo, tests every recipe, and writes every blog post himself! David Liebovitz - Professional chef and author, David Lebovitz, is a household name in the culinary world. He now lives in Paris, and takes every photo, tests every recipe, and writes every blog post himself!
  • Emma Frisch (YouTube) Cofounder  @firelightcamps  – Author #FeastByFirelight cookbook with  @tenspeedpress Emma Frisch (YouTube) - Cofounder @firelightcamps – Author #FeastByFirelight cookbook with @tenspeedpress
  • Alton Brown Chef, mad scientist, Thyme Lord Alton Brown - Chef, mad scientist, Thyme Lord
  • MyHarto My Drunk Kitchen MyHarto - My Drunk Kitchen
  • America's Test Kitchen (YouTube) America’s Test Kitchen is a real place: a no-nonsense, fully equipped 15,000 square foot test kitchen located in the Innovation and Design Building in Boston’s Seaport district, where a team of highly qualified test cooks and editors perform thousands of America's Test Kitchen (YouTube) - America’s Test Kitchen is a real place: a no-nonsense, fully equipped 15,000 square foot test kitchen located in the Innovation and Design Building in Boston’s Seaport district, where a team of highly qualified test cooks and editors perform thousands of
  • James Hoffmann (YouTube) I mostly make videos about anything and everything to do with coffee, occasionally food and sometimes business/entrepreneurship. (But it really is mostly coffee) James Hoffmann (YouTube) - I mostly make videos about anything and everything to do with coffee, occasionally food and sometimes business/entrepreneurship. (But it really is mostly coffee)
  • Tammie Teclemariam freelance food and drinks writer and wine and spirits professional Tammie Teclemariam - freelance food and drinks writer and wine and spirits professional
  • Prof. Marissa Nicosia an Assistant Professor of Renaissance Literature at Penn State Abington where I teach, research, and write about early modern English literature, food studies, book history, and political theory. Prof. Marissa Nicosia - an Assistant Professor of Renaissance Literature at Penn State Abington where I teach, research, and write about early modern English literature, food studies, book history, and political theory.
  • Cooking in the Archives Updating Early Modern Recipes (1600-1800) in a Modern Kitchen Cooking in the Archives - Updating Early Modern Recipes (1600-1800) in a Modern Kitchen

Domain Camp

  • Alan Levine CogDogBlog: Alan Levine barks about and plays with stuff here Alan Levine - CogDogBlog: Alan Levine barks about and plays with stuff here
  • Tim Clarke instructional designer. librarian. #DoOO tub-thumper. #OER #OEP #Pressbooks. #digped lab 2016 & 2017 & 2018. #WMUH listener. #DitchLibraryFines he/him Tim Clarke - instructional designer. librarian. #DoOO tub-thumper. #OER #OEP #Pressbooks. #digped lab 2016 & 2017 & 2018. #WMUH listener. #DitchLibraryFines he/him
  • Terry Green Program Manager  @eCampusOntario  learning+technology+openness+humans=something good?  Host of the Gettin’ Air Podcast on Open Pedagogy on  @voicedcanada Terry Green - Program Manager @eCampusOntario learning+technology+openness+humans=something good? Host of the Gettin’ Air Podcast on Open Pedagogy on @voicedcanada
  • Christina Hendricks Philosophy prof at U of British Columbia, Canada. Open education, digital storytelling, edtech, public education & childcare. Christina Hendricks - Philosophy prof at U of British Columbia, Canada. Open education, digital storytelling, edtech, public education & childcare.
  • Chris Aldrich Chris Aldrich’s feed for Domain Camp Chris Aldrich - Chris Aldrich’s feed for Domain Camp
  • Xinli Wang Math professor at University of Toronto Mississauga and Seneca College since 2016 when my family moved to Canada from Singapore. I taught full-time at Singapore Polytechnic as a math lecturer from 2012 to 2016. This is the space where I explo Xinli Wang - Math professor at University of Toronto Mississauga and Seneca College since 2016 when my family moved to Canada from Singapore. I taught full-time at Singapore Polytechnic as a math lecturer from 2012 to 2016. This is the space where I explo
  • Kim Carter Professor at Conestoga College who enjoys learning, teaching, travelling and tea. Kim Carter - Professor at Conestoga College who enjoys learning, teaching, travelling and tea.
  • Jess Wilkinson Ed. Tech Officer  @ConestogaC  | Teacher | Assistive Tech. Trainer |  @MicrosoftEDU  Cert Educator | onetime  @Google  Trainer | #TechForTeaching afficionado. Jess Wilkinson - Ed. Tech Officer @ConestogaC | Teacher | Assistive Tech. Trainer | @MicrosoftEDU Cert Educator | onetime @Google Trainer | #TechForTeaching afficionado.
  • Tracey Mollins An adult educator learning stuff // squirrel life  @traceyyyz  // worklife (link: // working with  @alphapluscentre  –  @collegesontario  –  @cclcstesl Tracey Mollins - An adult educator learning stuff // squirrel life @traceyyyz // worklife (link: // working with @alphapluscentre – @collegesontario – @cclcstesl
  • Ontario Extend Join us as we extend our skills and knowledge by curating, creating, collaborating and experimenting to enrich technology-enabled learning experiences. Ontario Extend - Join us as we extend our skills and knowledge by curating, creating, collaborating and experimenting to enrich technology-enabled learning experiences.
  • Lisa Koster Professor and Program Coordinator in the School of Business at Conestoga College ITAL, Mother, Skier, Photography buff and all round Technology Geek. Lisa Koster - Professor and Program Coordinator in the School of Business at Conestoga College ITAL, Mother, Skier, Photography buff and all round Technology Geek.
  • Laura Killam RN, MScN. Mother of 4. Innovator. Researcher. Video Creator. #Gamification Simulation #OEP Advocate. Inaugural #OEFellow. Laura Killam - RN, MScN. Mother of 4. Innovator. Researcher. Video Creator. #Gamification Simulation #OEP Advocate. Inaugural #OEFellow.



  • Jay Rosen PRESSTHINK, a project of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University, is written by Jay Rosen. Jay Rosen - PRESSTHINK, a project of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University, is written by Jay Rosen.
  • Nieman Lab Pushing to the Future of Journalism Nieman Lab - Pushing to the Future of Journalism
  • Jeff Jarvis The media pundit’s pundit. BuzzMachine covers news, media, journalism, and politics. Jeff Jarvis - The media pundit’s pundit. BuzzMachine covers news, media, journalism, and politics.
  • Michael Balter A blog about politics, science, archaeology, human evolution, jazz, culture, and the meaning of life by Michael Balter, a journalist and journalism professor based in Paris and New York Michael Balter - A blog about politics, science, archaeology, human evolution, jazz, culture, and the meaning of life by Michael Balter, a journalist and journalism professor based in Paris and New York
  • Dan Gillmor Professor and journalist at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication at Arizona State University, where I work mostly on digital media literacy and entrepreneurship. Dan Gillmor - Professor and journalist at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication at Arizona State University, where I work mostly on digital media literacy and entrepreneurship.
  • Bill Bennett  Bill Bennett’s technology news, opinion and analysis site. It looks at the subject from a New Zealand perspective and about half the stories are local in scope. Bill Bennett - Bill Bennett’s technology news, opinion and analysis site. It looks at the subject from a New Zealand perspective and about half the stories are local in scope.
  • Jeff Jarvis (Medium) Blogger & prof at CUNY’s Newmark J-school; author of Geeks Bearing Gifts, Public Parts, What Would Google Do?, Gutenberg the Geek Jeff Jarvis (Medium) - Blogger & prof at CUNY’s Newmark J-school; author of Geeks Bearing Gifts, Public Parts, What Would Google Do?, Gutenberg the Geek
  • News Co/Lab The News Co/Lab helps people better understand news and information.  We collaborate with journalists, educators, librarians, technologists and civic leaders. News Co/Lab - The News Co/Lab helps people better understand news and information. We collaborate with journalists, educators, librarians, technologists and civic leaders.
  • Aram Zucker-Scharff Aram Zucker-Scharff is out to find a better narrative for the world. Over the past few years he has built himself an understanding of new media, marketing and advertising from the ground up. By starting in the midst of the radical alteration of how we con Aram Zucker-Scharff - Aram Zucker-Scharff is out to find a better narrative for the world. Over the past few years he has built himself an understanding of new media, marketing and advertising from the ground up. By starting in the midst of the radical alteration of how we con
  • Knight First Amendment Institute Defends the freedoms of speech and the press in the digital age through strategic litigation, research, and public education. Our aim is to promote a system of free expression that is open and inclusive, that broadens Knight First Amendment Institute - Defends the freedoms of speech and the press in the digital age through strategic litigation, research, and public education. Our aim is to promote a system of free expression that is open and inclusive, that broadens
  • Knight First Amendment Institute (YouTube) Defends the freedoms of speech and the press through litigation, research, and education. Join us on YouTube for videos of our events, staff speeches, and more. Knight First Amendment Institute (YouTube) - Defends the freedoms of speech and the press through litigation, research, and education. Join us on YouTube for videos of our events, staff speeches, and more.

Complexity Theory

  • Amit Patel I explain algorithms and math with interactive web pages (incl. pathfinding, hexagons, procgen maps, voronoi). Wrote Solar Realms Elite; helped w/ @rotmg_news Amit Patel - I explain algorithms and math with interactive web pages (incl. pathfinding, hexagons, procgen maps, voronoi). Wrote Solar Realms Elite; helped w/ @rotmg_news
  • HumanCurrent We are exploring complexity in all fields of study in the hopes that our discoveries will help us learn more about the human mind, human organizations, and human relationships. HumanCurrent - We are exploring complexity in all fields of study in the hopes that our discoveries will help us learn more about the human mind, human organizations, and human relationships.
  • Hector Zenil Anima Ex Machina Hector Zenil - Anima Ex Machina
  • Carlos Gershenson Complexes: a blog… scattered ideas, random notes, and a bit of science… Interests, including self-organizing systems, artificial life, evolution, complexity, cognition, artificial societies, and philosophy. Carlos Gershenson - Complexes: a blog… scattered ideas, random notes, and a bit of science… Interests, including self-organizing systems, artificial life, evolution, complexity, cognition, artificial societies, and philosophy.
  • Computational Complexity - Computational Complexity and other fun stuff in math and computer science from Lance Fortnow and Bill Gasarch
  • Andrew Drucker Assistant professor at University of Chicago studying theoretical computer science Andrew Drucker - Assistant professor at University of Chicago studying theoretical computer science
  • Dr. Lana Sinapayen Living in Japan and posting some AI research thoughts. A recent PhD graduate specializing in Artificial Intelligence (Perception, Predictive Coding) and Artificial Life (Open Endedness, Evolutionary dynamics) Dr. Lana Sinapayen - Living in Japan and posting some AI research thoughts. A recent PhD graduate specializing in Artificial Intelligence (Perception, Predictive Coding) and Artificial Life (Open Endedness, Evolutionary dynamics)
  • r/ComplexSystems Complex Systems on Reddit r/ComplexSystems - Complex Systems on Reddit
  • Complexity Digest Networking the complexity community since 1999. Official news channel of the Complex Systems Society. Edited by C Gershen. Complexity Digest - Networking the complexity community since 1999. Official news channel of the Complex Systems Society. Edited by C Gershen.
  • Complexity Podcast (Santa Fe Institute) Far-reaching conversations with a worldwide network of scientists and mathematicians, philosophers and artists developing new frameworks to explain our universe’s deepest mysteries. Join host Michael Garfield at SFI each week to learn about your world and Complexity Podcast (Santa Fe Institute) - Far-reaching conversations with a worldwide network of scientists and mathematicians, philosophers and artists developing new frameworks to explain our universe’s deepest mysteries. Join host Michael Garfield at SFI each week to learn about your world and

Entertainment Industry

  • Deadline Hollywood Online trade journal covering the entertainment business Deadline Hollywood - Online trade journal covering the entertainment business
  • Variety Entertainment industry trade journal Variety - Entertainment industry trade journal
  • The Hollywood Reporter Entertainment industry trade journal The Hollywood Reporter - Entertainment industry trade journal
  • Bob Lefsetz American music industry analyst and critic and author of Lefsetz Letter Bob Lefsetz - American music industry analyst and critic and author of Lefsetz Letter
  • Vulture Vulture provides continuous entertainment news, covering TV, movies, music, art, books, theater, celebrities and the entertainment industry. Vulture - Vulture provides continuous entertainment news, covering TV, movies, music, art, books, theater, celebrities and the entertainment industry.
  • Every Frame a Painting Every Frame a Painting
  • Media Redefined Curated media + tech + pop interest remix by  @JasonHirschhorn . Media Redefined - Curated media + tech + pop interest remix by @JasonHirschhorn .
  • Film Threat Your Independent Movie Guide Film Threat - Your Independent Movie Guide
  • Every Frame a Painting (YouTube) Every Frame a Painting was a series of video essays about film form, made from April 2014 to September 2016, by Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou. Every Frame a Painting (YouTube) - Every Frame a Painting was a series of video essays about film form, made from April 2014 to September 2016, by Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou.
  • Lessons from the Screenplay I believe that a more informed audience raises the bar for storytelling. That examining the techniques used to tell great stories makes your own writing better and your appreciation for the stories deeper. Lessons from the Screenplay - I believe that a more informed audience raises the bar for storytelling. That examining the techniques used to tell great stories makes your own writing better and your appreciation for the stories deeper.


Digital humanities

  • Miriam Posner assistant professor in the Information Studies department at UCLA. As a digital humanist, I consider myself a generalist, and my interests range widely, from mapping to network analysis. But I have a particular interest in thinking about and working with Miriam Posner - assistant professor in the Information Studies department at UCLA. As a digital humanist, I consider myself a generalist, and my interests range widely, from mapping to network analysis. But I have a particular interest in thinking about and working with
  • Shawn Graham I’m an associate prof in the Department of History at Carleton University. I teach in the public history and digital humanities programmes (I’m also cross-appointed to Greek and Roman Studies). Shawn Graham - I’m an associate prof in the Department of History at Carleton University. I teach in the public history and digital humanities programmes (I’m also cross-appointed to Greek and Roman Studies).
  • Matthew Lincoln art historian, developer, data scientist, Ph.D, Victoria’s Secret Model and Part-Time Parachute, really gay Matthew Lincoln - art historian, developer, data scientist, Ph.D, Victoria’s Secret Model and Part-Time Parachute, really gay
  • Latex Ninja Latex Ninja’ing and the Digital Humanities Latex Ninja - Latex Ninja’ing and the Digital Humanities
  • Zotero / Indigenous Knowledge Organization Group A group and collective library for folks working and interested in Indigenous knowledge organization. Zotero / Indigenous Knowledge Organization Group - A group and collective library for folks working and interested in Indigenous knowledge organization.
  • Zotero / Opening Knowledge Practices A group collection of resources related to opening practices, institutions, and technologies engaged in acquiring, generating and spreading knowledge. Zotero / Opening Knowledge Practices - A group collection of resources related to opening practices, institutions, and technologies engaged in acquiring, generating and spreading knowledge.
  • Amanda Licastro (Digitocentrism) My research focuses on the relationship between technology and writing, which leads me to apply digital humanities methods to the questions raised by composition and rhetoric theory. Interests also include textual studies, new media, and post-humanism. Amanda Licastro (Digitocentrism) - My research focuses on the relationship between technology and writing, which leads me to apply digital humanities methods to the questions raised by composition and rhetoric theory. Interests also include textual studies, new media, and post-humanism.

Higher Education

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. The Chronicle of Higher Education - News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.
  • NPR: Education We’ve been to school. We know how education works. Right? In fact, many aspects of learning — in homes, at schools, at work and elsewhere — are evolving rapidly, along with our understanding of learning. Join us as we explore how learning happens. NPR: Education - We’ve been to school. We know how education works. Right? In fact, many aspects of learning — in homes, at schools, at work and elsewhere — are evolving rapidly, along with our understanding of learning. Join us as we explore how learning happens.
  • Lloyd Armstrong – Changing Higher Education Major changes occurring in the world are redefining the metrics of excellence for higher education. Lloyd Armstrong – Changing Higher Education - Major changes occurring in the world are redefining the metrics of excellence for higher education.
  • Inside Higher Ed  Free Higher Education News, Jobs, Career Advice and Events for college and university faculty, adjuncts, staff, graduate students, and students Inside Higher Ed - Free Higher Education News, Jobs, Career Advice and Events for college and university faculty, adjuncts, staff, graduate students, and students
  • Andy Shaindlin – Alumni Futures To explore ideas, trends and new directions in education, communication, community engagement and online interaction (especially alumni relations and advancement) Andy Shaindlin – Alumni Futures - To explore ideas, trends and new directions in education, communication, community engagement and online interaction (especially alumni relations and advancement)
  • Matt Reed Vice President for Learning at Brookdale Community College. Author of Confessions of a Community College Dean at IHE. Matt Reed - Vice President for Learning at Brookdale Community College. Author of Confessions of a Community College Dean at IHE.
  • Harry Lewis (Bits and Pieces) Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science in Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, where I have taught since 1974. For eight years, from 1995-2003, I served as Dean of Harvard College. Harry Lewis (Bits and Pieces) - Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science in Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, where I have taught since 1974. For eight years, from 1995-2003, I served as Dean of Harvard College.


  • alfabetter shorthand writing, constructed scripts, foreign alphabets, writing tools &c. alfabetter - shorthand writing, constructed scripts, foreign alphabets, writing tools &c.
  • Gretchen McCulloch I’m an internet linguist: I explore the language of the internet, for the people of the internet. Gretchen McCulloch - I’m an internet linguist: I explore the language of the internet, for the people of the internet.
  • Lingthusiasm A podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Make your boring commute or chores feel like a lively, nerdy, language-y conversation with real linguists! Lingthusiasm - A podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Make your boring commute or chores feel like a lively, nerdy, language-y conversation with real linguists!
  • Superlinguo A blog about language and linguistics by Lauren Gawne. Superlinguo - A blog about language and linguistics by Lauren Gawne.
  • All Things Linguistic A daily blog about all things linguistic by Gretchen McCulloch.  I also cohost a linguistics podcast, Lingthusiasm. All Things Linguistic - A daily blog about all things linguistic by Gretchen McCulloch. I also cohost a linguistics podcast, Lingthusiasm.
  • Language Log Language Log is a group blog on language and linguistics started in the summer of 2003 by Mark Liberman and Geoffrey Pullum. Language Log - Language Log is a group blog on language and linguistics started in the summer of 2003 by Mark Liberman and Geoffrey Pullum.


  • WP Tavern WordPress Tavern is a site focused on all things WordPress. We also cover BuddyPress, bbPress, and any project under the Automattic umbrella. WP Tavern - WordPress Tavern is a site focused on all things WordPress. We also cover BuddyPress, bbPress, and any project under the Automattic umbrella.
  • WordCamps Upcoming WordCamps WordCamps - Upcoming WordCamps
  • Andy Fragen A trauma/acute care surgeon, husband, and father and I try my best to juggle all while keeping perspective on what’s important. BTW, importance is listed in reverse order. Andy Fragen - A trauma/acute care surgeon, husband, and father and I try my best to juggle all while keeping perspective on what’s important. BTW, importance is listed in reverse order.
  • WordPress TV Presentations at WordCamps around the world WordPress TV - Presentations at WordCamps around the world
  • Cemal Tashan (YouTube) WordCamp Orange County Events Cemal Tashan (YouTube) - WordCamp Orange County Events
  • Theme Shaper a WordPress-powered blog and home to the Automattic Theme Division. We shape beautiful and customizable themes that make the world a better place. Theme Shaper - a WordPress-powered blog and home to the Automattic Theme Division. We shape beautiful and customizable themes that make the world a better place.

Science Writer

Big History

  • John Hawks Researcher: paleoanthropology, genetics, and evolution John Hawks - Researcher: paleoanthropology, genetics, and evolution
  • Big History Project Big History Project
  • Big History Institute Big History Institute
  • Big History (YouTube) BIG HISTORY puts a sci-fi spin on history, linking iconic events to our daily lives. For example, we carry the legacy of the Titanic every day — in our own pockets: every time we make a cell phone call, we use radio wave lanes assigned after Titanic tele Big History (YouTube) - BIG HISTORY puts a sci-fi spin on history, linking iconic events to our daily lives. For example, we carry the legacy of the Titanic every day — in our own pockets: every time we make a cell phone call, we use radio wave lanes assigned after Titanic tele
  • Centennia Historical Atlas (YouTube) The “Centennia Historical Atlas” is an animated, dynamic map, an evolving, shape-shifting atlas, displaying the history of Europe and the Middle East from the year 1000AD through the present. Centennia Historical Atlas (YouTube) - The “Centennia Historical Atlas” is an animated, dynamic map, an evolving, shape-shifting atlas, displaying the history of Europe and the Middle East from the year 1000AD through the present.


Media Studies

  • Siva Vaidhyanathan Robertson Professor of Media Studies, Director of the Center for Media and Citizenship at the University of Virginia. Publishes VQR. Author of four books. Writing a book about Facebook. Siva Vaidhyanathan - Robertson Professor of Media Studies, Director of the Center for Media and Citizenship at the University of Virginia. Publishes VQR. Author of four books. Writing a book about Facebook.
  • Zeynep Tufekci Associate Professor, UNC School of Information and Library Science with interests in social impacts of technology, privacy and surveillance, inequality, research methods and complex systems. Zeynep Tufekci - Associate Professor, UNC School of Information and Library Science with interests in social impacts of technology, privacy and surveillance, inequality, research methods and complex systems.


  • Seth Long Techna Verba Scripta combines Greek and Latin words, means absolutely nothing in either language, but symbolizes my tripartite interest in technology, language, and writing. Also: SoCal native, mountaineer, loves synth pop. Seth Long - Techna Verba Scripta combines Greek and Latin words, means absolutely nothing in either language, but symbolizes my tripartite interest in technology, language, and writing. Also: SoCal native, mountaineer, loves synth pop.
  • Lynne Kelly Science writer and memory researcher. My field of research is the memory methods used by those who depended on their memories for everything they knew: oral cultures including Australian Aboriginal, Native American, Pacific and African cultures. Lynne Kelly - Science writer and memory researcher. My field of research is the memory methods used by those who depended on their memories for everything they knew: oral cultures including Australian Aboriginal, Native American, Pacific and African cultures.

93 thoughts on “Following”

  1. Pingback: Chris Aldrich
  2. Pingback: Chris Aldrich
  3. follow is a common feature (and often UI button) in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower’s stream (“… followed …” or “… is following …”) thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed (“… followed you”).

  4. Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web.