A green colored metal index card file from Acrimet that serves as a small zettelkasten

A Zettelkasten, Commonplace Books, and Note Taking Collection

Below I’ve aggregated a list of some of the longer articles and material I’ve written about these topics. The completist can find and search my site for even more specific material with these tags: zettelkasten, commonplace books, and note taking. I’ve also contributed a fair amount to the Wikipedia pages for zettelkasten and commonplace books





Miscellaneous Topics

Practical Examples



Boxes I personally own and use

Wooden table with a Shaw-Walker card index on it surrounded by a copy of Norbert Wiener's Cybernetics book, a pile of index cards, a black fountain pen, and some chrysanthemums in a vase.


Index card supplies on the floor in front of two metal card index drawers. Supplies include a 500 pack of Oxford 4x6" cards, 300 colored cards, 2 packs of tabbed cards, and a package of highlight flags

Other formats

Portions of this collection can be downloaded and read in the following formats:

.epub (last updated 2022-12-27)

14 thoughts on “A Zettelkasten, Commonplace Books, and Note Taking Collection”

  1. On a quick front-of-the-index card calculation, I realize that with the recent Steelcase cabinet acquisition, I now have 8 boxes comprising 61 drawers and 103.25 feet of storage space for approximately 172,296 index cards. Having spent a total of $786.52 on them over the past year this comes out at about $12.89 per drawer, which is fantastically under the $14-25 ubiquitous 11″ cardboard boxes for such a massive step up in quality and longevity.

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