Death of Nest, Hacking Titan, Hate on YouTube, and more!
- Did Nest Die at Google I/O?
- Own a Pixel? You Could Get $500 in Microphone Lawsuit
- Google's New IoT SDK Module
- Google Assistant for Sonos is Here
- Google's Titan Security Key can be Hacked
- 14-Year-Old Hate-Spewing Female YouTuber
- Hey Facebook: Let Us Export Our Friends
- Tech Companies Sign Christchurch Call to Action to Fight Extremism
- All 100 Things Announced at Google I/O
- New Google Trips Combines all Google Travel Apps
- Coding Jobs Fraud in Appalachia
- Google Cancels Project to Dual-Boot Windows on Chromebooks
- Outlawing Loot Boxes
- Dolby Could Sue You for using old Versions of Photoshop
- Chinese Company Must Sell Grindr
- Netflix Saves Kids from 400 Hours/Year of Ads
- Why We Still Love Tech
Picks of the Week
- Leo's Tool: Picstructions
- Jeff's Number: QSR drive-through study
Tag: This Week in Google
🎧 This Week in Google 505 Laundry Folding as a Service | TWiT.TV
- Facebook Demands Users' Email Passwords, Steals Their Contacts
- Sri Lanka Shuts Down Social Media
- Smoking Cessation and Depression Apps Could be Sharing and Selling and Your Data
- Samsung Galaxy Fold Delayed to June 13th • Mr Dorsey Goes to Washington
- Android Q Will Kill the Back Button
- Google I/O Preview
- Google's Undersea Cable Infrastructure
- Jacquard on TEDtalks
- Jarvis on Our Addiction to Stories
- The EU Wants Your Biometric Data
- The WashPo Columnist that Hates Podcasts (and Whistling)
- Sprint Settles with AT&T Over Fake 5G
- IoT Over 5ghz
- That $16,000 Laundry Folding Goes Bankrupt, but a $3000 Competitor is on the way
- Google Punishes Walkout Organizers
- Most Tweets Made By Young, Female Democrats
- AOC Quits Facebook & Thinks You Should, Too
- Facebook is Ready to be Fined by the FTC
- Tik Tok Unbanned in India
- Exploding Frisbees, Underwater Relay Racing, Pommel Horse Sawing, and More Game Ideas from Artificial Intelligence
Picks of the Week
- Stacey's Thing #1: The Princess and the Fangirl: A Geekerella Fairy Tale (Once Upon A Con)
- Stacey's Thing #2: IoT Inspector
- Jeff's Number #1: How Google saved 6 million lbs in food waste
- Jeff's Number #2: Court denies Boston entrepreneur share of $65 million Facebook settlement
- Leo's Tool: The Land Before Time, "Scottish" edition
🎧 This Week in Google 504 Gelato in Perugia With Craig | TWiT.TV
Facebook Hell, Julian Assange, Notre Dame
- Documents "Confirm" Facebook Used Your Data Against Rivals
- Google I/O Plans: Will Pixel 3a Be There?
- YouTube Falsely Hints Notre Dame Fire was Terrorism
- Defending Assange: Hard but Necessary
- The Open Internet is Under Attack
- YouTube Wants to Reward "Quality Watch Time"
- Congratulations 2019 Pulitzer Winners!
- Facebook's 15 Months of Hell
- Twitter "Prioritizes" Abuse Flags
- Jack Dorsey Floats Controversial Twitter Changes
- Secret Service Mishandle Mar-A-Lago Malware
- Illinois' Anti-Alexa Law Has No Teeth
- Pixel Camera Adds Kiss Detection
- Galaxy Fold Review Units Breaking
- Twitter Deletes Journalists' Tweets about Torrent Story
Picks of the Week
- Jeff's Numbers: Mayor Pete speaks Binary, Get naked to protest social media
- Mathew's Thing: Assassin's Creed Unity will be used to rebuild Notre-Dame cathedral
🎧 This Week in Google 503 Get Off Stacey's Lawn! | TWiT.TV | This Week in Google
Google Cloud Next, Larry & Sergei MIA
This Week's Stories
- Staceysplaining Google Cloud Next
- Australia and the UK vs Free Speech on Social Media
- Google Drone Tests in Australia
- Google Cancels its AI Ethics Board in Record Time
- Larry and Sergei: MIA
- G Suite and Google Home: Better, but Still Disappointing
- More Ads and Suggestions Coming to Google Maps
- Embedded Ads Coming to Android TV
- Pixel 3a: All the Leaks!
- Google Tests Health Wristband
- YouTube TV Price Hike
- YouTube Choose-Your-Own-Adventure
- House Futilely Votes to Save Net Neutrality
Picks of the Week
- Stacey's Thing: Verdant Lady Cocktail
- Jeff's Number: More Pixel Laptops, Tablets on the Way
- Jason's App: AllTrails
🎧 This Week in Google 489 I'm An Engineer, Darn It! | TWiT.TV
- Facebook hopes for a better 2019 after a public image drubbing in 2018.
- Google's Waymo Under Fire in Arizona - Literally.
- Your cell phone has a huge security flaw, and there is no plan to fix it.
- How much of the internet is made of bots? And how soon will people be the exception, not the rule?
- Copyright expires for all works created in 1923 - the 1st time this has happened in 20 years. Is Mickey Mouse next?
- One Oregon man takes his fight to call himself an engineer all the way to federal court.
- Who owns your tattoo? Not you!
- What will happen if the US tries to ban exports of AI tech?
- A cafe in Tokyo where the staff is all robots controlled remotely by paralyzed workers.
Picks of the Week
- Jeff's Numbers: Google to make $3B on hardware, 16,000 BBC sound effects for free
- Leo's Tool: Listen Notes: the podcast search engine
🎧 This Week in Google 487 You're Filling It Wrong | TWiT.TV
- Google takes Manhattan
- Almost 50% of Google's workers are temps, contractors, or vendors.
- Facebook vs New York Times
- Harassment on Twitter
- Jack Dorsey's beard shavings, Azalia Banks, and ISIS
- A very Google holiday season
- RIP Oath
- Tesla fart app
- Peter Jackson restores WWI footage
Picks of the Week
- Leo's Tool: NexJack DeX Station
- Jeff's Number: Chartbeat's 2018 Most Engaged Stories
🎧 This Week in Google 484 We're All Post-Natal Now | TWiT.TV
- At their re:Invent conference, Amazon makes dozens of announcements about AWS, machine learning, the blockchain, ARM chips, and more.
- Big Mouth Billy Bass is now compatible with Alexa.
- Cyber Monday was Amazon's biggest sales day ever, but it still can't hold a candle to Alibaba and Singles Day.
- Google Duplex is coming to a Pixel near you
- Pixel Slate review
- Google Fi now available on most iPhones and Android phones.
- Disney + Google =?
- Possibly the biggest story of the decade: CRISPR babies!
Picks of the Week
- Stacey's Thing: Starbucks Juniper Latte
- Jeff's Number: Taylor Swift is the most influential Tweeter of 2018, plus: how big is the big cow?
Advent Calendar Picks
- Stacey's Pick: Ginvent Advent Calendar
- Jeff's Pick: Beef! Advent Calendar
- Leo's Pick: Advent of Code Calendar
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🎧 This Week in Google 482 Queso Morphines |
Google NHS Data, Amazon HQ2 & HQ3
- Google ends forced arbitration for sexual harassment claims
- The woman behind Google design
- Waymo will launch driverless car service
- Google AI helps New York Times get a handle on its vast photo archive
- Amazon's HQ 2 and HQ 3: NYC and DC
- Google will double its NYC staff
- New Google LA HQ: Spruce Goose hangar
- Controversy over Google's NHS kidney data
- Night Sight comes to all Pixels
- Squoosh your pictures
- Pandora's new podcast recommendations
- The new kilogram
Picks of the Week
- Stacey's Thing: Notify Me skill on Alexa
- Jeff's Numbers: $1 billion of charitable donations on Facebook, $699 Pixelbook at Best Buy on Black Friday
- Leo's Tool: Mozilla Shop Safe This Holiday Season
🎧 This Week in Google 481 Stoned on Cheese |
Foldable Phone, Online Civility
- The Samsung Developers Conference Keynote features a foldable phone, SmartThings IoT, and Bixby innovations.
- Android will support foldable phones.
- Google employees stage a walkout over sexual harassment
- Tim Berners-Lee's Contract for the Web
- How to encourage civility online
- YouTube Content ID
- Facebook and "White Genocide"
- Young people are deleting Facebook in droves
- Facebook's holiday pop-up store
- Everybody gets free Amazon shipping
- Amazon's new HQ2(s)
- 8 new Chromebook features
- Google Home Hub teams up with Sephora
- Ajit Pai's FCC is hopping mad about robocalls
Picks of the Week
- Jeff's Number: Black Friday home tech deals
- Stacey's Thing: Extinct cables, Alexa Christmas Lights
While most people are forced to rely on Google as their silo of choice for video and specifically live streaming video, he points out a painful single point of failure in their system with regard to copyright rules and Google’s automatic filters that could get a user/content creator permanently banned. Worse, as Leo indicates, this ban could also extend to related Google accounts (YouTube, Gmail, etc.) One is thus open to potential chilling effects of intimidation, censorship, and deplatforming.
Leo discusses the fact that he’s not as beholden to YouTube because he streams and hosts all of his content on his own website and only utilizes silos like YouTube as ancillary distribution. In IndieWeb parlance what he does is known as POSSE or Post to your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere and this prevents his journalism, commentary, and even his business from being ravaged by the whims of corporate entities whose rules he can’t control directly.
The discussion starts at 1:05:11 into the episode and goes for about 10 minutes for those who are interested in this particular sub-topic.
This idea also impinges on Cal Newport’s recent article Is YouTube Fundamental or Trivial? which I read the other day.
🎧 This Week in Google 471 Twitch Slap | TWiT.TV
Trump vs Google, Au Revoir G+Picks of the Week
- Trump says Google is unfair, warns that tech companies "better be careful"
- FCC can legally redefine competitive broadband markets to include services you can't actually get
- Google France Surrenders its Google+ Page
- Want to Buy a Black Market Ukranian Pixel 3 XL?
- Fortnite Creator Angry that Google Blabbed About Security Flaw
- IGTV Struggles to Grow
- CHANGELOG: Doodle 4 Google winner, helping vets find jobs, Google Go can read text out loud, Mini stickers for Gboard
- Stacey's Thing: Smart Olive Bottle
- Leo's Tool: Dumb Squeeze Bottles
- Jeff's Number: LTE for Pixelbook 2
🎧 This Week in Google 470 Sparkle Vamps | TWiT.TV
Social Media Bad, Hot Chips GoodPicks of the Week:
- Data and Society's Joan Donovan tells us how to stop online hate.
- Leo explains why Google's location history tracking policy is a big deal.
- Google is working on its own Amazon Show competitor.
- NYU is giving Facebook 10,000 anonymized MRI scans to help train its AI systems.
- At the Hot Chips conference, Google's Pixel Visual Core and AMD's chip roadmap are all the rage.
- Facebook wants to rate how trustworthy you are to fight fake news
- Changelog: new Google Fit and some good news
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the Pixel 3 XL - in Russian!
- Google's Shortwave could change podcasting forever.
- Joan's Stuff: Antisocial Media by Siva Vaidhanathan and Custodians of the Internet by Tarleton Gillespie
- Stacey's Thing: Capitalism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy by Jonathan Haskel
- Leo's Pick: Apple History on Triangulation
🎧 This Week in Google 469 The Brooklyn Hello | TWiT.TV
Twitter v InfoWars, Vote Hacks, 5GPicks of the Week:
- Twitter gives Alex Jones a Time Out.
- Keeping Google from tracking your location is more complicated than you'd think.
- The return of the Google Changelog!
- Samsung's Galaxy Home smart speaker is also a Weber grill SmartThings hub
- is 8.
- Fortnite is on Android, but not on the Play Store: how not to download malware.
- Facebook lays out the new media reality.
- Black Hat and DEF CON show just how easy it is to hack voting machines.
- Verizon will debut 5G home internet in 4 cities while thumbing their nose at Net Neutrality.
- Windows 10 may be coming to Chromebooks.
- Stacey's Thing: The Feather Thief
- Jeff's Numbers: FB raised $300m for 750k charities with birthday fundraising, and $999 for Rotimatic
- Leo's new TWiG theme: Tiger Rag by Lous Armstrong and The Mills Brothers
🎧 This Week in Google 468 Extra Stolen Privacy | TWiT.TV
Android Pie, Pixel 3, Google China
- Android Pie hits Pixels and Essential Phone.
- New Pixel 3 images and video leak.
- Google's China dilemma.
- Should Leo buy the Magic Leap?
- Does Facebook want your bank info?
- Silicon Valley's war on Alex Jones.
- Is Ajit Pai still evil?
- Stacey's Things: June Oven and Anki Vector.
- Jeff's Number: Your baby's first words could be "OK Google."
🎧 This Week in Google 467 Techno Tragicomedy | TWiT.TV
Lenovo Smart Display, Pixel Rumors.Picks of the Week
- Jeff unboxes his new Lenovo Smart Display. Our live Duo demo goes about as well as you'd expect.
- Facebook finds more political shenanigans.
- Google's Censored Search in China.
- Stacey has all the news from Google Cloud Next.
- Amazon's facial recognition software outs 28 US lawmakers as crooks.
- All the Pixel 3, Pixelbook, Pixel Watch, and Pixel Stand rumors we know.
- You want a notch on your phone? Fine. Two notches? Sure, why not? Three notches? HOLD UP THERE, BUDDY!
- Jeff's Number: 5 years of Chromecast
- Stacey's Thing: OSRAM SMART+ Outdoor Flex RGBW
- Jason's Tool: Fighting Spam Calls with Android
🎧 This Week in Google 466 Ich Bin Nicht Einverstanden! | TWiT.TV
News from Google Cloud Next 2018Picks of the Week:
- AI takes to the cloud at Google Cloud Next 2018
- Despite Facebook's inability to deal with controversy, Facebook stock is fine. Oh wait, no - they just reported disappointing earnings and now it's down 20 percent.
- Google earnings: doing peachy, despite that pesky $5 billion fine.
- Google employees are unphishable, and now you can be, too. But cover your webcam just in case.
- Orrin Hatch still isn't dead; Abe Vigoda still is.
- Jeff's Pick: GDPR at a German Bakery
- Kevin's Picks:, Kill Sticky, and Contrast Widget