- Facebook hopes for a better 2019 after a public image drubbing in 2018.
- Google's Waymo Under Fire in Arizona - Literally.
- Your cell phone has a huge security flaw, and there is no plan to fix it.
- How much of the internet is made of bots? And how soon will people be the exception, not the rule?
- Copyright expires for all works created in 1923 - the 1st time this has happened in 20 years. Is Mickey Mouse next?
- One Oregon man takes his fight to call himself an engineer all the way to federal court.
- Who owns your tattoo? Not you!
- What will happen if the US tries to ban exports of AI tech?
- A cafe in Tokyo where the staff is all robots controlled remotely by paralyzed workers.
Picks of the Week
- Jeff's Numbers: Google to make $3B on hardware, 16,000 BBC sound effects for free
- Leo's Tool: Listen Notes: the podcast search engine