I’ve had this bottle floating in the back of the liquor cabinet for more than a decade. I acquired it from a grandparent who got it as a gift sometime in the 1980s. I think it’s finally time to break the seal…
Short break for some Welsh cakes (with nutmeg and currants).
AteWelsh cake; Coke Zero
Welsh Cakes
Slowly but surely perfecting the recipe.
AteWelsh Cakes
A small test batch before the main batch tomorrow.
Atespaghetti with bacon and parsley; coffee
AteWelsh cakes
Atehandmade flour tortillas with brown beans, pulled pork, cheddar cheese and avocado
Atecranberry coffee cake
Atepizza with spinach, bacon, tomatoes, onions, feta, and olive oil
AteRoma Deli Italian sandwich; Coke Zero
The second orange from the orange tree we planted in the back yard in Spring 2019.
AteWelsh Cakes
Ateapple pie
AteSanta Barbara char burger, French fries; Diet Coke