It’s now been redubbed the Quidditch chair by the household.

It’s now been redubbed the Quidditch chair by the household.
I also had some pretty spectacular tickets for the game. I had tickets in the Lexus Dugout Club in Section 1DG, Row GG, Seat 8 which ostensibly meant that I was in row 6 immediately behind home plate. I’ve been in rows 2 and 4 in the same section before at Dodger’s games, but they still don’t rate as impressive as the below-field-level tickets I had for a Padre’s game right next to the dugout were if I put my arm straight out, my finger was literally touching the dirt on the field and my yelling as a fan was able to cause a spat between the home plate umpire and the visiting team’s coach!
Welcome to the world Boden Finley Aldrich. Born December 16, 2018 at 5:27 AM. 8 lbs 5 ozs, 21.5 inches, and a triple nuchal chord. You're the cutest little tough guy and loved by many! Leah is recovering nicely from a quasi emergency c-section after many hours of labor during a hopeful home birth.
There were some truly creative little costumes and decorations, but I think my favorite part of the parade today was a bewildered coyote that was coming up the street in the opposite direction of the parade who was shocked to see a mob of people with horses and a firetruck coming down the street. He managed to run off down a side street and escape.