While I was updating Indieweb/site-deaths, I was reminded to download my TwitPic archive. It sold to Twitter almost two years ago this week and has been largely inactive since.
It includes some of the earliest photos I ever took and posted online via mobile phone. Looking at the quality, it’s interesting to see how far we’ve come. It’s also obvious why photo filters became so popular.

02/07/2009 UCLA is spanking Notre Dame on an early rainy morning basketball game.

05/07/2009 Beverly Hills Hotel


05/17/2009 A gray sunset in Laguna Beach

01/20/2010 Breakfast with a Hopkins Student at One World Cafe

12/16/2009 Veggie Cafe with Rama Kunapuli

12/12/2009 A visit out to Jason Calacanis’ office

11/26/2009 Visit to In-N-Out Glendale

05/22/2009 Excellent breakfast at Athenaeum & tour of interesting microscopy lab at Caltech; only photo I got was this??

07/19/2008 Back down to the first floor @WholeFoods

07/17/2008 Dinner at Hugo’s

07/19/2008 Meat! (at Whole Foods Market Pasadena)

07/19/2008 The 2nd floor of @WholeFoods in Pasadena is bigger than most average grocery stores. Is that a restaurant over there?

05/16/2009 Hello Laguna Beach…

06/26/2009 Massive media zoo at UCLA for passing of Michael Jackson! 32 SAT trucks. LAPD army camped out.

11/13/2009 (The house on Dartmouth Drive that I bought.)

09/20/2008 UCLA vs Arizona at the Rose Bowl

09/13/2008 Steven Chan session at #drupalcampla

05/15/2009 (Art gallery in downtown LA)


05/30/2009 Jason’s pre-wedding jitters finally tamed with a project: Papier Mache!

05/30/2009 Breakfast with @viperwriter on the day of his wedding.

11/10/2010 (Mike Miller’s UCLA math class)

03/13/2010 (A Johns Hopkins University Event in Los Angeles)

07/09/2009 In keeping with the zeitgeist, I’m enjoying birthday cupcakes for dessert!

06/28/2009 Nice chat with Bradley Whitford. Gave me autograph for Sonia:”Santos 2012?! – BW” Such a good guy.

06/26/2009 Michael Jackson media circus dying down. Only 9 satellite trucks at 12:42am PST outside UCLA Med

06/26/2009 Hanging out with Nobel Prizewinner Martin Chalfe in front of my poster on GFP.

06/26/2009 Massive media zoo at UCLA for passing of Michael Jackson! 32 SAT trucks. LAPD army camped out.

06/06/2009 Afternoon snack with John Astin

06/06/2009 Breakfast at One World Cafe

06/05/2009 Having lunch with PM Forni at Gertrudes.

08/03/2008 Out for an evening constitutional in the cooling San Marino Breeze

05/31/2009 The first sunrise on the beginning of Jason & Molly’s marriage. Good luck kids!

05/31/2009 Rosy-fingered dawn touches the sky over Delaware at 5:30am.

05/01/2009 Can you tell how I know this BMW is driven by an IT professional? Taken on 110 S into downtown Los Angeles this morning.

10/06/2010 (A peek into the social media class at UCLA)

04/02/2009 Absorbing genius from Dr. Sol Golomb (as he teaches combinatorics)

02/27/2009 Hanging out with Communications Gods Andrew Viterbi, Sol Golomb, and Robert Gray