But I suppose since I tweak something or other once every week or two anyway in small increments, it shouldn’t have to be too hard.
2017 Commitment
Since it’s been an itch for a while and because I’ve been slowly owning more and more of my web-centric activity here to the point that my longer article-length content is being swamped by smaller status updates and other smaller “digital exhaust” I would commit to:
- Fix my site’s subscription/mail functionality so that I can better control what current subscribers get and allow for more options for future subscribers.
I’d like to allow long time subscribers to keep receiving the longer form thought out content they’ve been getting without overwhelming them with the other material (status updates, photos, reading updates, etc.) which is potentially more interesting to only me or a much smaller subsection of my readers. I’ve been doing some of this manually for a while, but it’s time to fix it. For example, I’d like to allow people to subscribe only to longer-form articles or to status updates/notes, or to all of the above.
Stretch Goal
As a stretch goal, I’d started setting up a monthly email newsletter for even less frequent updates back in the summer, and it’s long overdue to not only finish it off, but to turn it on and ship one. Why? Because we all know that people love end of the year recap stories…
- Finish my monthly email newsletter
2017-01-01-commitments are implementation and launch commitments publicly made by the IndieWeb community to ship on their personal sites by 2017-01-01 00:00 local time.