I’ve discovered a spectacular tool for owning my own bookmarks and replacing Pocket and InstaPaper!
- It’s IndieWeb and POSSE friendly
- Does link forwarding in a flexible/responsible manner
- Allows for proper attributions
- Keeps tons of metadata for analyzing reading behavior
- Taggable
- Allows for comments/commenting
- Could be used easily as a linkblog
- Archives the original article
- Is searchable
- Could be used for collaboration and curation
- Has Readability integrated
- Has a pre-configured browser bookmarklet
- Is open source and well documented
Who could want more?! I want to experiment a bit with it, play with multiple configurations, and then document parts before rolling out–particularly as it wasn’t necessarily intended for this use case, but I’ll have some more details shortly.
!tell KevinMarks MozSF venue confirmed for HWC SF in ~2 weeks: https://indieweb.org/events/2016-12-28-homebrew-website-club – Can you create an indie event and FB POSSE copy? Thanks!
Well I’m curious! What’s it called?
It’s called PressForward. I wrote up some more details here: http://boffosocko.com/2016/12/31/pressforward-as-an-indieweb-wordpress-based-rss-feed-reader-pocketinstapaper-replacement/