🔖 Group Theory Lectures by Steven Roman

Bookmarked Playlist of Group Theory Lectures by Steven Roman by Steven Roman (youtube.com)
Retired UCI math professor Steven Roman has just started making a series of Group Theory lectures on YouTube.
Retired UCI math professor Steven Roman has just started making a series of Group Theory lectures on YouTube. No prior experience in group theory is necessary. He’s the author of the recent Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach. [1]

He hopes to eventually also offer lectures on ring theory, fields, vector spaces, and module theory in the near future.

Fundamentals of Group Theory by Steven Roman


S. Roman, Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach, 2012th ed. Birkhäuser, 2011.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

11 thoughts on “🔖 Group Theory Lectures by Steven Roman”

  1. Retired UCI math professor Steven Roman has just started making a series of Group Theory lectures on YouTube. No prior experience in group theory is necessary. He’s the author of the recent Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach. [1]
    He hopes to eventually also offer lectures on ring theory, fields, vector spaces, and module theory in the near future.
    Fundamentals of Group Theory by Steven Roman


    S. Roman, Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach, 2012th ed. Birkhäuser, 2011.

    Syndicated copies:

  2. Retired UCI math professor Steven Roman has just started making a series of Group Theory lectures on YouTube. No prior experience in group theory is necessary. He’s the author of the recent Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach. [1]
    He hopes to eventually also offer lectures on ring theory, fields, vector spaces, and module theory in the near future.
    Fundamentals of Group Theory by Steven Roman


    S. Roman, Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach, 2012th ed. Birkhäuser, 2011.

    Syndicated copies:

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