Fired up my WinEdt editor today and branched a new
project off of my primary book template. The nice part is that the book will actually look like a book as I’m writing it to make for easier editing/reading drafts.
Started into a comprehensive outline for the book.
Today: 558 words
Total: 558 words
I’m curious how you’re dev’ing your book. I published a gitbook last week and am curious about book publishing work flows esp offline books
Any chance next IndieWeb meetup we might do a chat to work at same time difft place?
And link to my first gitbook…
@scott_gruber I’ve spent 20+ years in entertainment. I have lots of options for publishing because it’s what I do.
Syndicated copies:
We should definitely set up a virtual one some time in the next few weeks. Let me see what I can pull off.
I was always a fan of how @adactio set up his online book. Makes me wonder if there’s a print version?