Best news to end the week: Digg Has Made an RSS Reader Its Top Priority After Google Reader Died
— Chris Aldrich (@ChrisAldrich) March 15, 2013
Now they’ve announced they’re shutting down. It seems to me that from a UI perspective, they only put in a bare minimal amount of effort to build out their reader and ceased iterating it on the day it it opened.
This is the second reader shut down recently, but I’m more excited about the idea of Microsub and what it may mean to the future of feed readers.
Sorry for the sad news Chris, if you want to keep your reading habit going on, please let us know, we’ll be happy to help.
What @feedly said. I transferred over after the demise of Reader and haven’t looked back.
thank you so much John!
I hope you didn’t think I was still using Digg Reader. 😉 I think @feedly is excellent and @inoreader is awesome too, particularly with OPML subscription functionality. But I’m looking for even more:…