Aaron Davis’ reply to Greg McVerry and Posting on Twitter

Bookmarked Reply to Greg McVerry and Posting on Twitter by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (collect.readwriterespond.com)
I have been following with interest your questions and queries in the IndieWeb chat, especially in regards to WordPress. I thought it might be useful to document my workflow associated with Read Write Collect for you:
Aaron Davis has created a solid outline for using WordPress to post and syndicate content out, particularly to Twitter.

I have taken to using HTML to add media or multiple paragraphs into the ‘quote’ box.

His comment here reminds me that I’ve seen him doing much the same thing I’m often doing. However I ought to better document the small code snippets I’ve used to change the default of the Post Kinds Plugin to allow me to input arbitrary html and code into the quote part of the meta box to custom define my reply contexts. (The plugin generally strips out most html and scripts for security, but since I check these or make them manually myself (often when making posts via PESOS), I’m not worried about injected code.)

In great part it comes down to changing ‘false’ to ‘true’ in the indieweb-post-kinds.php file:
define( 'POST_KINDS_KSES', false );

Though there are one or two other bits so that I don’t need to redefine it each time the plugin changes.

Altadena, California, United States of America

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

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