One of my favorite new podcasts is WNYC’s 10 Things That Scare Me, a “tiny podcast about our biggest fears.” The premise is simple: someone (the guests, sometimes famous, often anonymous, are unidentified until the end of the show) shares—directly into the mic—ten things that scare them, each with little bit of narrative.
Sometimes funny, sometimes harrowing, mostly brutally honest…there’s just something beautiful in the simplicity of this direct sharing of fears. To get a taste, here’s a random sample of fears from recent episodes:
- climate change
- the marionette in my mom’s bedroom
- my Google search history being made public
- becoming irrelevant
- hospitals
- breathing tubes
- being shot by law enforcement.
Also, the relatively lo-fi (but very much intentionally so) format and editing fit the idea perfectly.
Best listened to without looking at the title of the show which, unfortunately, gives away the guest’s identity.