Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Cathie LeBlanc, Robin DeRosa, Amy Collier, Audrey Watters, Amy Guy, Kimberly Hirsh, Catherine Cronin, Martha Burtis, Autumn Caines, Christina Hendricks, Maha Bali, Lee Skallerup Bessette, Meredith Broussard, Helen DeWaard, Devon Zuegel, Kate Bowles, Irene Stewart, Rachel Cherry, Jess Reingold, Laura Pasquini, Laura Gibbs, Lora Taub-Pervizpour, Hilary Mason, Miriam Posner, Kay Oddone, Rayna Harris, Amber Case, Teodora Petkova, Anelise H. Shrout, Jean MacDonald, Natalie Lafferty, Lauren Brumfield, Meredith Fierro
And don’t just follow them on Twitter, fill your brain up by following their longer thoughts in the feeds from their own domains, which I’ve linked. This way you won’t miss anything truly important in the overwhelming flow of Twitter and other social media.
Thanks Chris
Thank you!!
Wow Chris what a great list. You should get around to adding them to our #femedtech superstar trading card set: glitch.com/~opendefenderf… I will add to this ongoign list. There are so many amazing women playing in the edtech space. (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1MEEmo)
Thanks so much!
Thank you, Chris! Honoured to be in this group of amazing women!