Replied to a post by Jeannie McGeehanJeannie McGeehan (

In my effort to become more involved in the IndieWed community I created and  A lot of the information out there is either out-of-date or is written so far above the head of the complete novice.  A lot of it is geared towards developers and webmasters.  I wanted to create a place and space where a person with only a cursory knowledge could come and get simple, easy instructions and places to go for further guidance. I wanted to create a simple “get started” site with some simple up-to-date links and instructions on for people looking to get started with WordPress and the IndieWeb.  I also created the open Mastodon instance at for anyone who would like to join an instance focused on supporters and participants of the IndieWeb movement.  I would really like it if some of the more experienced veterans would be willing to critique the site and maybe contribute or syndicate some content that would help new seekers.  Also, if anyone would be willing to be an admin on then we can get listed on

Welcome to the gang!

If it helps to have some company, I seem to recall Christophe Duchamp running a Mastodon instance for French-speaking IndieWeb users which he’s been documenting.

I know there are a handful of us interested in better documenting some IndieWeb pathways for those who are less technical. For a while I’ve been hacking away at some pieces particularly for WordPress at I’m sure you’ll run into many of the others as well.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

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