Innovate Pasadena Friday Coffee Meetup featuring Winston Perez talking about Concept Modeling Your Disruptive Idea to Perfect It.
Watched Winston Perez: Concept Modeling Your Disruptive Idea to Perfect It from YouTube
I saw this talk live a few weeks back. There’s something interesting to the general concept of what he’s trying to communicate here, but it doesn’t feel as gelled or as concrete as it could be. He needs to start with some iron clad definitions of “idea” and “concept” and go from there. I looked up his book, which appears to be self-published and incredibly overpriced. I’d pick up a copy if it was reasonably priced, though I suspect that it may not shed much more clarity on his ideas, which are almost a full concept.
The real value of a lot of this is in some of his examples. There are also some interesting thoughts for applying this to linguistics and early languages with smaller vocabularies compared to more developed modern languages with much larger vocabularies.
Concept modeling
Ideas are infinite and free. Concepts are not. How can you get to the end of an idea?
Cup conceptually is a container.
Example of pictures of an airplane on the ground versus in the air. The picture of the airplane in the air is better because it contains the concept of what an airplane is.
Sir George Cayley cousin of mathematician Arthur Cayley
Negacept is a concept that defines its nature by the negation of another concept.
Example: Superman and krpytonite
Example: brakes on an automobile
Innovation is literally “into” and “new”
The softball is not based on a baseball, but is originally based on a boxing glove.
Concept is not obvious. It is not a structure or bigger idea, it’s not a strategy. Concept is abstract essence. It is nature, structure, activity and philosophy of abstract essence.
An idea is simply a possibility.
Revenge movie versus retaliation movie. Revenge takes time. Don’t take revenge. You can’t relate to movies unless there is a concept, and that is typically hope.
Words were originally based on concepts.
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