This is a website that I made about cocktails. I'm not a huge cocktail nerd (drinking is bad, probably), but think that they're cool. And the world's pretty bad right now and making this has been calming.
It gave me a chance to both tinker with technology I usually don't use (Elm), and explore some of the cool properties of cocktails: notably that they're pretty similar and have standardized ingredients, so they can be described in relationship to each other.
So some of it might seem funky. By default, the list is sorted by 'feasibility': as you add ingredients that you have, it'll put recipes that you can make (or barely make) closer to the top. Also, click on 'Grid' for a wacky adjacency grid of cocktails and their ingredients.
Also, for vim fans, there’s j & k support.
hat tip:
compulsively made a thing because my anxiety level is ‘pinned to the fucking roof’, here it is, it’s a cocktail recipe browser built in elm that can do things like show similar recipes and stuff https://t.co/RDjJ0V3aEH pic.twitter.com/GiRIx4huiK
— Tom MacWright (@tmcw) March 16, 2020
@c Nice find!