Hello everyone! My name is Chris Aldrich. I’m an independent researcher in a variety of areas including the overlap the internet and education. You can find more about me on my website
Today I’ll be talking about Webmentions for open pedagogy.
@c I hope you’ll collect all of these notes into one longer post. This is great stuff!
This is a fancy test post. In reply to to his post at
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Hooray! It worked. Now you just need to do a small modification to your theme (or add it as invisible code in your page(s)) to add appropriate h-card ( mark up so that your replies will show up with your name and avatar on them.
WordPress IndieWeb Online Meetup on Thursday, April 2nd. Maybe we can help you get the rest of your set up humming along?
, if you’re free for it, you should join us for the@kimberlyhirsh I did roll them all up in the end and they’re posted here:…
@c Wonderful! Thank you!