This is great. I’m curious what book it is that you’re memorizing? Often what we choose to memorize can be as interesting as the methods by which we memorize them.
I would caution giving methods new names like the “John Place method” as they’ve often got much older and more common terminology. “John Place” boils down to rote memorization or recitation with repetition. This is something almost everyone could use and is often the least efficient especially for long term retention for large amounts of data. Ancient Greek/Roman authors would have classified this method as recitatio while they thought of memoria verborum and memoria res as more powerful.
From what I can see, it looks like you’ve layered on a bit of spaced repetition and the mnemonic major system (images for numbers) along with some association principles. I suspect that you could add in some additional linking/peg methods along with the method of loci for easier memorization and better long term lifetime retention.
Most of the value of mnemotechniques is in decreasing the amount of upfront work while simultaneously increasing the time of retention.