There are also many academics and researchers who are in the space which may give you some examples. Some are talking about the space under the moniker of A Domain of One’s Own or the hashtag #DoOO. The project name is a direct reference to Virginia Woolf’s essay A Room of One’s Own (1929) in which she writes:
“A woman must have money, and a room of her own, if she is to write fiction.”
If you want to immerse yourself, we’re having a free online conference this weekend that will help you explore the idea and even begin starting down the road if you like. In fact, the conference is hosted BarCamp-style, so I heartily recommend you attend and suggest your exact question as a session for discussion and brainstorming! If you’d like there are a bunch of volunteers that can help you get something started on the second day.
Personally, I really love infrastructure which I recommend running on Reclaim Hosting (they focus on universities, colleges, and academics) which will get you up and running with a domain name (usually about $10/year depending on what you choose) and hosting for $30/year. They have excellent support and you’ll find some of the smartest and most ethical technologists in academia in their fora. I use my own website as a research notebook cum commonplace book.
I’ve got some time between now and the end of the year if you need some volunteer technical help, I can assist you in getting over some of the technical hurdle to get something up and running and using it if you like.