The electrifying follow-up to the Dagger Award-winning Raven Black. In this second thriller of the highly acclaimed Shetland Island series featuring Inspector Jimmy Perez, the launch of an exhibition at The Herring House art gallery is disturbed by a stranger who bursts into tears, then claims not to remember who he is or where he comes from. The next day he's found dead. Set in midsummer, the book captures the unsettling nature of a landscape where the sun never quite sets and where people are not as they first seem.
Brief Review
rating: 4 of 5 stars
Well tied up after l after laying things out so beautifully. Bigger on character than actual plot though, so it moved pretty slowly until about 60% of the way through.
I think I actually liked this better than the first one, though it does help to have some more background on the characters for having read both now. Definitely very carefully and well structured little mystery.