Watched Social Media is OVER: You NEED a Website and Email List by Roberto BlakeRoberto Blake from YouTube

You Need a Website and Email List, you can't rely on social media algorithms or policies can change. So you need to build a website or blog and start email marketing and growing an email list to keep access to your audience. Don't rely on social media. Rely on yourself. Email Marketing and Website Building are not something most social media influences and content creators want to do, because social media is free and comes with traffic. But you never know when you will lose access to your audience and that is why you need your own website and email list to keep that access to the audience you built long term.

He’s focusing on using the internet for business, but Roberto Blake has a great overview of why one should be thinking about and practicing IndieWeb principles. His advice is absolutely necessary if you’re running a business, but it applies equally well for your personal web presence as well.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

2 thoughts on “”

    1. Email is only an asset in so far as people actually open and read those emails. I tend to stay away fro subscribing to things via email as I view it more as a work tool. I find I rarely read newsletters via email. I’d much rather read short tidbits in email and reply to them if necessary.

      It’s a different experience opening my feed reader (or as I prefer, my social readers like Indigenous for Android, Monocle, or Together) where my intention is to then read and potentially interact with things in a dramatically different fashion. There I’m not visiting most of my subscriptions with a “work” mindset the way I approach my email. I even have different folders of feeds which I think about, read, and interact with in dramatically different ways.

      Some of it comes down to what permissions you as a user and consumer want to get out of those tools. Some of it comes down to what expectations you as a producer also have in how people are going to interact with and consume your content.

      In Roberto Blake’s framing, the content he’s creating is for his work/business, so perhaps email delivery is the most effective venue?

      At the end of the day, the specific design of the tools and the ways users choose to use them will create very different outcomes for everyone.

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