Apr 21, 8:15 AM 30 minDOM21
Speakers:Robin DeRosa, Martha Burtis and Dave Cormier
Chair: Dave Cormier
In this session Dave Cormier (University of Windsor) talks with Robin De Rosa and Martha Burtis about of Plymouth State University to discuss the development and rationale behind the ACE Framework (https://colab.plymouthcreate.net/ace/), a mission-aligned instructional framework centered around Adaptability, Connection, and Equity (ACE). While the ACE Framework was initially developed in response to the “great pivot” of Spring 2020 as a result of the global pandemic, the goal was to abstract these recommendations and lessons from any singular event (or technology) in order ground the framework in a broader re-thinking of practice as a means to effect a more humane approach to teaching and learning.This session not only provides insight into the thinking behind and development of the framework during COVID-19, but also demonstrates specific examples of how and why the framework can and has been used.