Bookmarked Sheet-posting (
Turn a Google Sheets spreadsheet into a blog page and RSS feed
This reminds me of the sort of thing that @JohnStewartPhD or someone from the space might do: Turn a Google Sheet into a website.

Kevin Marks in #indieweb 2021-09-06 ()


Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

One thought on “”

  1. Sort of an edublogs for Sheet Posting. Nice.

    Google changed their API a couple weeks ago, necessitating quick updates to all of our projects that used Sheets like this. Main downside of relying on 3rd-party APIs.

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